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Alquilamos Baños Portátiles en Todo el País

Ya sea que esté destrozando la casa para un trabajo de renovación, administrando obras de construcción, planeando un evento al aire libre o lidiando con una emergencia en su propiedad, recurra a ZTERS para sus necesidades de alquiler de baños portátiles. Cuando se encuentre en una situación en la que necesite baños portátiles, una llamada a ZTERS le dará acceso a todo tipo de alquiler de baños portátiles. Hemos ayudado a 63,861 clientes hasta ahora y hemos desarrollado relaciones con cientos de vendedores de baños portátiles en todo el país para asegurarnos de que usted obtenga un precio justo y un servicio fiable. Programe la entrega, la recogida y el traslado con una simple llamada telefónica a su gerente de cuenta.

Llámenos para averiguar cómo podemos agilizar el flujo de trabajo de su alquiler de baños portátiles.

Alquiler de Baños Portátiles


Llámenos para una consulta o para obtener un presupuesto gratuito.

Los baños portátiles ZTERS están disponibles para una variedad de lugares:

  • Obras de construcción
  • Proyectos de demolición
  • Destination weddings
  • Eventos en vivo
  • Fiestas al aire libre
  • Rodeos
  • Venta de propiedades
  • Carnavales/festivales y carreras por diversión

Alquiler de Baños Portátiles

Llame al 346-258-5547

para una consulta o para obtener una cotización gratuita.

BBB Accredited Business


INC 5000

INC 5000



para obras de construcción

Alquileres de Baños Portátiles para Construcción

Ya sea que maneje un sitio de trabajo o varios a nivel nacional, obtenga una amplia variedad de alquiler de baños portátiles para la construcción a través de tu gerente de cuenta ZTERS dedicado. Hemos investigado a miles de proveedores en todo el país, y hemos desarrollado un sistema de abastecimiento propio para asegurarnos de que usted obtenga un servicio justo y fiable con precios transparentes.

Como contratista o director de proyecto de construcción, sabe que OSHA requiere que los sitios de construcción tengan acceso a baños. También hay que tener en cuenta las mejores prácticas de la industria al programar su bano portatil de contruccion Podemos ayudarle a determinar el número y el tipo de baños portátiles adecuados para cumplir con los requisitos de OSHA para cada uno de sus lugares de trabajo.

Desde pequeños proyectos de construcción independientes hasta grandes proyectos de renovación a nivel nacional, hemos ayudado a miles de empresas constructoras a agrupar sus servicios temporales, incluyendo baños portátiles..


Baños Portátiles para Cualquier Evento

Desde el día de la carrera hasta el día de la boda, ZTERS tiene los baños portátiles para eventos que necesita. El alquiler de baños portátiles viene en una gama de estilos y opciones adecuadas para cualquier evento especial. Elija remolques de baño para una experiencia más tradicional de baño interior o seleccione baños portátiles estándar o que cumplan con la ADA para espacios más pequeños.

Cualquiera sea el evento al aire libre que esté organizando, desde carreras por diversión hasta festivales, llame a ZTERS para conseguir el baño portátil adecuado para el evento y al precio adecuado para su presupuesto. ¿Necesita una cerca u otros servicios de residuos? También tenemos ese aspecto cubierto. Cuando llame a ZTERS obtendrá un gerente de cuentas, facturación simplificada y precios por adelantado.

Alquiler de Baños Portátiles

Llame al 346-258-5547

para una consulta o para obtener una cotización gratuita.

3 Consejos Para Alquilar un Baño Portátil

  • 1

    Seleccionar el Tipo Correcto

    Cuando averigüe qué tipo de baño portátil se adapta a sus necesidades, piense en el tráfico que espera tener en su sitio, en cuántas personas necesitarán instalaciones y en qué servicios le gustaría proporcionar. Estos parámetros le ayudarán a determinar el modelo que mejor se adapte a su presupuesto y proyecto. ¿Aún no está seguro de qué baño portátil sería el adecuado para su sitio? Llámenos, podemos ayudarle.

  • 2

    Minimizar el Olor en la Unidad

    Eliminar completamente el olor de estas unidades autónomas es difícil, pero los siguientes consejos le ayudarán a reducir el olor. Realice chequeos de rutina para asegurarse de que el baño portátil esté limpio y llame para programar visitas de servicio adicionales si cree que será necesario. Hay tarifas adicionales para visitas adicionales, pero puede valer la pena. Siéntase libre de añadir pequeños ambientadores para mantener el área con olor fresco. También debe mantener el baño portátil en un lugar seguro, o utilizar un candado de combinación en la unidad y darle la combinación al conductor del servicio, para evitar que personas no deseadas usen el baño cuando no haya nadie en el lugar. El uso no autorizado y los daños son un problema común cuando los baños portátiles no están asegurados.

  • 3

    Elegir una Buena Ubicación

    Elija un lugar que tenga amplio espacio para la unidad de baño en sí, pero que también tenga espacio para que la gente espere en la fila si es un evento al aire libre donde eso será necesario. El camión de reparto debería tener suficiente espacio para dejar y recoger la unidad alquilada con facilidad. Algunas áreas requieren una bandeja de contención debajo de la unidad, así que averigüe si su municipalidad requiere eso, y podemos programarlo para usted. Por razones de seguridad, la zona debe estar bien iluminada y colocada detrás de una puerta segura o cerrada con llave para evitar que las personas utilicen o dañen la unidad durante la noche. Si está alquilando durante el invierno, cuando se espera nieve o tormentas, trate de colocar el baño portátil cerca de un edificio o algún tipo de estructura para evitar que se vuele o se congele. Esto también añadirá un pequeño nivel de protección contra el frío del viento.

Alquiler de Baños Portátiles

Llame al 346-258-5547

para una consulta o para obtener una cotización gratuita.

Preguntas Frecuentes

Hemos compilado una lista de las preguntas más frecuentes sobre los baños portátiles.

Hay muchos tipos de alquiler de baños portátiles para elegir. La mayoría de la gente piensa en baños portátiles estándar de obra de construcción cuando piensan en baños portátiles. Con un precio económico, un baño portátil básico como este cumple con los requisitos básicos de OSHA para los lugares de trabajo. Pueden venir con estaciones de lavado de manos o lavabos, dependiendo del modelo y de los servicios disponibles en la instalación. También hay modelos de gama alta y modelos que cumplen con ADA que funcionan bien para eventos como fiestas, ferias, bodas al aire libre y más.

También puede alquilar remolques de lujo para baños portátiles si quiere tener más espacio y servicios, como puestos, lavabos y secadores de manos. Son ideales para bodas y otros eventos especiales, pero también son útiles para otras situaciones.

Tener un baño portátil con descarga de agua podría ser justo lo que necesita para su próximo evento. Vienen en diferentes tamaños y son adecuados para fiestas de alto nivel y eventos exclusivos. Este tipo ofrece más características que un remolque de baño estándar, incluyendo cosas como bombas de descarga de pie y espejos.

Los alquileres que cumplen con la ADA están disponibles para que puedan acceder sillas de ruedas, y estas unidades ofrecen espacio extra para las personas que cuidan de los niños, personas mayores que pueden necesitar más espacio, ¡y novias con vestidos de novia!

Para eventos especiales, los remolques de baños son la elección perfecta ya que ofrecen mucho espacio, comodidad y conveniencia para sus invitados. Son extremadamente duraderos y pueden servir a un gran número de personas. Si hay tuberias disponibles, los remolques de baños pueden estar equipados con lavabos de agua corriente e inodoros con descarga, lo que proporciona una experiencia similar a la de un baño construido

Sí, el alquiler de baños portátiles ZTERS viene en una gama de estilos y opciones adecuadas para cualquier evento. Elija remolques de baño para una experiencia más tradicional de baño interior o seleccione baños portátiles estándar o que cumplan con la ADA para espacios más pequeños. Las unidades básicas de baño portátil pueden disponerse en filas para conciertos y días de carreras, mientras que las unidades individuales más grandes pueden ser apropiadas para eventos más pequeños y formales. Estamos aquí para ayudar a que su evento sea un éxito.

¡Absolutamente! En el trabajo, no querrás que los empleados pierdan su valioso tiempo yendo a un baño fuera de la empresa o que arrastren la suciedad de la construcción hasta una instalación permanente cercana. Por eso necesita baños portátiles para satisfacer las necesidades de baño de sus empleados. Dependiendo de su lugar de trabajo, también puede tener pautas de OSHA que seguir. Los baños portátiles ahorran a los contratistas tiempo y dinero. Estas unidades autónomas mantienen a los trabajadores en la obra y ayudan a que la construcción funcione sin problemas. Lo más importante es que proporcionan a los trabajadores y a los contratistas un lugar limpio e higiénico donde ocuparse de sus asuntos mientras trabajan.

A nadie le gusta pensar en situaciones de emergencia, pero cuando ocurre un desastre, hay que encontrar alquileres de baños portátiles de emergencia eficientes y fiables para iniciar el proceso de reconstrucción. Conocemos la industria del alquiler de baños portátiles de pies a cabeza, y hemos ayudado a individuos y empresas en situaciones de crisis a encontrar y programar baños portátiles y otros servicios temporales para reconstruir. Nuestra sede está en Houston, así que hemos lidiado con nuestra propia parte de las inundaciones y los desastres naturales a lo largo de los años, y sabemos lo que se necesita para ponerse en el camino de la recuperación.

Usted puede esperar la misma calidad de servicio cuando surjan problemas en su casa o lugar de trabajo. Si está lidiando con problemas de fosas sépticas o reemplazos de líneas de alcantarillado, necesitará una solución mientras tanto - y rápido. ZTERS entrega rápidamente baños portátiles estándar, ahorrándole la molestia de tener que mudarse mientras se hacen las reparaciones. Las emergencias de fontanería pueden interrumpir su rutina, pero afortunadamente, ZTERS le ayuda a asegurar una solución.

Tenga en cuenta cuándo necesitará un baño portátil que cumpla con la ADA. Las normas de la Ley de Estadounidenses con Discapacidades (ADA) se crearon para permitir que las personas que utilizan sillas de ruedas u otros dispositivos de asistencia accedan fácilmente a los baños. Para los contratistas o directores de proyectos de construcción, OSHA también tiene requisitos específicos para las obras de construcción. Los reglamentos dependen del tamaño del lugar de trabajo y del número de miembros del equipo. También hay que tener en cuenta las mejores prácticas de la industria cuando se programan baños portátiles para grandes eventos con multitudes. Ya sea que usted administre un solo lugar de trabajo o varios a nivel nacional,podemos ayudarle a determinar el número y el tipo de baños portátiles adecuados para cumplir con los requisitos de OSHA para cada uno de sus lugares de trabajo.

Como puede imaginar, los baños portátiles necesitan ser limpiados y vaciados regularmente. Su gerente de cuenta ZTERS le ayudará a asegurar que sus unidades reciban mantenimiento regularmente de acuerdo al número de personas en su lugar de trabajo, la cantidad de tiempo que esté en el lugar, y otros factores dependiendo de su situación. La mayoría de las unidades de larga duración se vacían semanalmente, a menos que se hayan programado limpiezas más frecuentes.

En algunos lugares se pueden entregar los baños portátiles tan pronto como al día siguiente, pero la demanda y el número de unidades disponibles en la zona tendrán un gran impacto en el momento en que se entregue el baño portátil. Para los eventos al aire libre, asegúrese de llamar y reservar con anticipación porque muchas personas programan bodas, festivales y carreras al aire libre desde finales de la primavera hasta el otoño. Los baños portátiles, especialmente los remolques que cumplen con la ADA y de baños, pueden reservarse con meses de anticipación. Las obras de construcción tienen un poco más de flexibilidad y pueden solicitar el alquiler de baños portátiles con menos antelación. En caso de duda, contacte con tu gerente de cuenta ZTERS en cuanto sepa que necesitará un baño y le ayudaremos a determinar el mejor momento para alquilarlo.

Alquiler de Baños Portátiles

Llame al 346-258-5547

para una consulta o para obtener una cotización gratuita.

NUESTRA MAS POPULAR Alquiler de Baños Portátiles

Llame al 346-258-5547 para precio exacto

Dimensions: W:3'7" H:7'3" D:4'

Standard construction portable toilets are typically 4-foot by 4-foot by 8-foot tall. The exact size...

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Dimensions: W:3'7" H:7'3" D:4'

These standard-sized construction portable toilets have a foot pump mechanism to enable flushing in...

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Dimensions: W:3'7" H:7'3" D:4'

Portable construction toilets with flush capabilities and a sink have internal tanks for fresh water...

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Dimensions: W:3'7" H:7'3" D:4'

Construction toilets with a sink provide space for handwashing inside the unit. Construction porta p...

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Dimensions: W:3'7" H:7'3" D:4'

Portable toilet trailers are ideal for large worksites that span several acres or miles, including h...

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Dimensions: W:3'7" H:7'3" D:4'

Event standard portable toilets tend to be newer than construction standard toilets and may have upg...

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Dimensions: W:5'6" H:7'5" D:7'2"

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)-compliant portable toilets provide additional space to accommo...

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Dimensions: W:3'7" H:7'3" D:4'

These standard-sized flushable event toilets have a flush toilet and hidden waste tank to make the e...

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Dimensions: W:3'7" H:7'3" D:4'

Event flushable portable toilets with sinks are single-stall units with a flush mechanism and sink w...

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Dimensions: W:3'7" H:7'3" D:4'

These standard-sized event portable toilets have a corner sink with a foot pump to activate running...

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Dimensions: W:1'7" H:5' D:1'7"

Improve health and safety with event hand sanitizer stations. These portable, freestanding stations...

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Dimensions: Varies

Keep your event or jobsite germ-free with a portable handwashing station. Place a handwashing statio...

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Dimensions: Varies

Create a traditional interior restroom experience with an event restroom trailer. These luxury porta...

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OTRO Alquiler de Baños Portátiles PRODUCTOS

Dimensions: Varies

Keep your event or jobsite germ-free with an on-site portable sink. Place a portable hand washing st...

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Alquiler de Baños Portátiles

Llame al 346-258-5547

para una consulta o para obtener una cotización gratuita.

Lo Que Dicen Nuestros Clientes

  • Ryan L. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 43154


    Everything is good with zters except the price. Yours is twice or more than i see from others.

  • James R. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 53511


    I will use this service again when the time comes.

  • Laura C. VERIFIED

    Construction ADA Toilet;Construction Standard Toilet 52402


    Very clean and nice each week we were out at the park. thank you!

  • Wendy K. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 90402


    Thanks for being so great. A company i can count on!


    Construction Wastewater Holding Tank;Event Wastewater Holding Tank 22968


    Deena has been able to get our portalet serviced where no other company has. Thanks deena!


    Event ADA Toilet;Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 27510


    Will be providing more supplies. Thanks mi


    Construction Standard Toilet 33956


    Maggie finch was wonderful during the entire process

  • Lesley C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet w/Flush&Sink 91761


    Kayla was the person who took my call and was very nice and helpful. She was amazing!

  • Karen P. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 97133


    Kira is a saint!

  • Wendy D. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 80135


    Thank you for a worry free experience!

  • Karen P. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 97133


    Kira went so far above and beyond, she is a true asset to your company.

  • Fred L. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 72087



  • Patricia L. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 55124


    Michael was fantastic and knew his business

  • Alisa T. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 30909


    Everything was great and the drop off and pick up was very professional. I definitely will be using you in the future. Thank you

  • Barbara F. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 85283


    Very efficient and smooth service, follow up and communication very good.

  • Crystal R. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 99326


    Zters has always been professional and has provided the needed services on a timely basis.

  • Lois R. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 33924


    From our very 1st phone call, zters has been wonderful!

  • Theresa B. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet;Event Trailer 56570


    Very clean!!! Delivery and pick up gentlemen were super nice! Thank you!

  • Kathy O. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 75093


    I emailed a request to our account manager, shelby b, and the transactions was complete and off my to do list within a few minutes! Thank you, shelby!

  • Rachel S. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 90022


    Excellent customer service from ms.williams..

  • James N. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 28027


    Your entire team did a great job servicing our account.

  • Alisa W. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 62526


    Dylan morrow is always so helpful! He is the best!

  • Jeff H. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 23433


    The customer service is always excellent. Your senior account manager aliyah burrows is on top of everything to meet our companies requirements.

  • Daniel B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 77066


    Thanks for getting them out to us so fast while we had a septic bind!

  • Andy G. VERIFIED

    Construction Wastewater Holding Tank 07848


    First time from duck duck go search. That was great! Quick easy and a+++ service. We will most definitely call again!!

  • Sandra J. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 31906


    Liz, the representative i spoke with on the telephone was awesome. She went above and beyond to get us taken care of super quickly. I will definitely would recommend y'all.

  • Leon C. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet 91732


    Not a this time

  • Melissa G. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 48637


    I needed a lady minute porta potty for an event. They were available and a pleasure to work with!

  • Rick M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 80030


    Price was higher than expected, but all of the services were very good.

  • Robin S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 85743


    Chris marsh stayed in touch with us regularly to get the toilet set in a remote area. He was great!

  • Sandra H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 37356


    Y'all done a great job for us!!! Will definitely recommend your company.

  • Mary B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 21651


    We needed a potty for a family special occasion. 60th wedding anniversary. We were very impressed with the quality and percision of the service. We are very happy with your company and will use your services again if ever needed.

  • Edward H. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 80515


    My address is 1429 spruce mtn. Dr. Drake co 80515 as you originally had it, as i originally gave to you. Ed

  • Brian B. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 92677


    Marcel and parker 5 stars. Delivery guys of jon and dumpster five stars!

  • Mike D. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 29651


    We would have appreciated a heads-up as to the delivery time.

  • Mark A. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 66619


    Clean units and prompt service. They were onsite less than 2 hrs after the call was made.

  • David E. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 77339


    Thank you so much for the excellent service. We have your number and will call you again in the future for our jobsite needs.

  • Laura G. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 30519


    Extremely helpful and timely. Great service.

  • Dave P. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 30633


    Excellent company! Michael schmidt was so pleasant to work with. He was genuinely concerned that my needs were taken care of.

  • Glen S. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 79007


    Great service - did their best with no notice given. Made my emergency theirs. Very appreciative of the help and support in making it happen.

  • Lucinda R. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 85121


    Driver very courteous and friendly, went to wrong location, not his fault, we met up, everything was great. We will definitely use zters in the next year, this is an annual event.

  • Kris R. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 14081


    Both alyssa from zters and the girls from the local company have been amazing! This party is very important and they all have made this part of the party planning process stress free.


    Event Standard Toilet 21053


    Excellent service!

  • Delicia S. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 46808


    Process was easy and stress free. Worker male was super friendly when units were dropped off.


    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 85013


    Great service, outstanding.

  • Brian S. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 28540


    Very happy with the whole process from start to finish. The only thing was that the porta jon company did not have soap for the hand washing station. But it was an easy fix on our end. Other than that, we were very pleased.

  • David M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 37643


    You did a great job! Thank you

  • Mike M. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 65020


    Are units have not been picked up yet

  • Mika K. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 66607


    Very prompt and courteous. Thanks you all.

  • Juan P. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 91763


    We are happy on the services it was clean thanks

  • Gale A. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Hand Wash Station 92544


    Every thing went well

  • Gale A. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Hand Wash Station 92544


    Every thing went well

  • Lisa H. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 48473


    Everyone was polite. Good customer service when ordering and when they dropped it off.


    Event ADA Toilet;Event Hand Wash Station 98597



  • Juan A. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 77084


    Driver was very helpful. Thank you.


    Event Standard Toilet 03222


    I was undecided as to where i wanted the portable toilet set. No one was home when it was delivered as it arrived a day early. Whomever delivered couldn't have picked a more perfect spot. I was thrilled where it was set. Pickup was the same. They just picked it up and left. Will definitely use your services again. Thank u for one less thing to stress about

  • Paul K. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 99022


    Thank you for the incredible job you guys did!

  • Linda H. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 02126


    The set-up was exceptional. The pick-up occurred without me even knowing it. Thank you for your exceptional service.

  • Robert L. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 98823


    Kira was amazing handling any issue that arose and resolving problems with viable solutions and tenacity. Great customer service and professional.

  • Marvin S. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 23509


    The gentleman who delivered the porta potties was very courteous and made sure they were placed in the ideal location.

  • Nury R. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 33037


    I appreciate all the assistance, the only thing i need to let you know if that company like us we need the services from one day to the next and i know that is not possible all the time. That is the reason why i don't use your company all time. but i am very happy with the services provided.

  • Misty F. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 35610


    Alex was very helpful and always attentive to my calls and questions. Great customer service!!

  • Betty L. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 33523


    The gentleman who delivered the unit was professional and cordial. Love his sense of humor. Thank you so much.

  • Jeanette B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 06042


    Pleasant and professional

  • April B. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 27591


    Leah was wonderful on the phone. Service and advice was perfect. Sergio was friendly and helpful when he delivered. Thank you

  • Chris B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 61571


    Very polite and nice lady when i scheduled our porta pot. It was delivered saturday which is nice for when our guy's arrived on site on monday morning. Great job!!

  • Sean R. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 02140


    Very clean unit

  • Darrell F. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 48021


    Everything looks good

  • Neil B. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 49090


    The experience was top notch.

  • Sharon S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 50130


    First time we have rented a port-a-potty for our family gathering and we were very pleased with everything. And we will do it again next summer! Thank you.

  • Teresa L. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 30906


    The gentleman was very knowledgeable on instructing me about the dos and don's of this equipment and he was on time with the delivery. Thanks

  • Robert R. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 48180


    The porta potty was clean and the delivery crew was amazing!

  • James B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 23437


    Thank you for your professionalism. Everything went well with the delivery and location setup.

  • Hollistine E. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 27839



  • Reyes A. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 93422


    Prompt fast delivery.

  • Chris K. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 02132


    Delivery person was very nice

  • Michael H. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 66617


    Great service and service

  • Tonya D. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 19120


    Excellent service, would recommend

  • Anna H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 35645


    I had horrible experiences trying to rent from other companies so to find this one was a blessing! They were efficient and professional and i trusted that they could get the job done.

  • Mark N. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 82213


    Very nice

  • Chris O. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 84101


    Christian stahlman is so incredibly helpful and friendly. He put the order together for us and answered all my questions. The regional manager, bert, who delivered the toilets was also wonderful and just a pleasure to work with. Both of these individuals are worth their weight in gold and are the reason why i keep coming back to your company. The large events i help with are a nightmare to plan but it is such a relief to have people like these to help. A+!

  • Robin R. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet 27962


    Thank you! Transaction was easy, customer service was excellent. We will be using your services again!


    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 95693


    Delivered as order , even with seat covers. Much appreciated


    Construction Standard Toilet 21787



  • Frederick C. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 60632


    Great service. Very polite and timely.

  • Raul M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 85757


    Will definitely be using this company again and will recommend them as well.

  • Barbara P. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet 13502


    The entire experience was easy. I was able to ask questions, get a quote, and then place our order. Delivery went smoothly. Perfect!

  • Tricia C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 28031


    We were very pleased with zters. Hands down the best most professional company we have ever worked with. Clinton odums was our point of contact and he was amazing. Always there to answer any questions we had and because of him we will continue to use this company for future bookings. The porta pottys were set up exactly where we wanted them and they were very clean and smelled great all weekend. Huge thank you to zters for showing up and exceeding our expectations this past weekend!! Definitely never using any other company again!!


    Multi Project 35043


    Rhonda our point of contact to a great job processing the order and setting up our account.

  • Stacy T. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Hand Wash Station;Event Trailer 75418


    Tara thomas 5 star rating was excellent at making sure all the details for delivery and placement of the units were communicated and written on the order. The other representative did not return calls or get the order correct. Dave pruitt 5 star rating addressed all our concerns and absolutely rectified our contract. The issues were: dirty units, pickup on the wrong day the truck to pickup the units arrived right before the wedding began, then the units were left at the site for 1 week until i notified them. These issues were likely 3rd party vendor issues. I presume zters takes the order then contracts to local suppliers. Zters does stand behind their service to make sure customers are satisfied.

  • Steven B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 44647


    Very clean

  • Duane J. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 45344


    Service was excellent


    Event Standard Toilet 12203


    The delivery was on time and the 2 guys that did the delivery were excellent. Courteous and easy to work with thank you

  • Andy M. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 18330


    All the people i dealt with at customer service are friendly and willing to help i will rate my experience as a 5 oveall thank you

  • Jane M. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 28159


    I dont have a toliet or sink delivered. Where is it?????!!!!! I've already had to pay in full for it. This is a huge problem. I am cleaning out my fathers house that has no electricity or running water. I called yesterday evening 5/26/23 and spoke to â“parkerâ” who assured me the delivery was on track. We arrived at the home at 7:30pm last night and it wasn't there. I'm at the home now 5/27/23 at 8:50am and it's still not here.

  • Alexandria C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 29532


    Driver was very nice and friendly

  • Charletta S. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 30314


    Great service ! From each employee throughout the entire process, the order i received was brand new and that made the service even better. I would highly recommend their services..

  • Gary B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 47374


    I had spoken with verna and she was wonderful. Easy to understand and communicated well about the procedure. Thanks for quick delivery.

  • Jeff C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 38463


    Great service & products! Delivery and setup were on time and satisfactory!! And the porta-potties were much appreciated!

  • Kurt B. VERIFIED

    Construction ADA Toilet;Construction Standard Toilet 86303


    We didn't get our delivery as scheduled today so not sure where we are with things. I'm looking into it now. Hopefully, it wasn't delivered to the wrong address. Otherwise, service and response has been great. Both franky and crystal have been very helpful. Just need our unit installed now. Thanks...

  • Kenneth D. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 16827


    Fast service, responsive customer service that made sure order was a priority

  • Gerry C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 77045


    Delivery guy was professional and friendly.

  • Roxanne T. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 95388


    Happy with the service!

  • Bill A. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 19713


    From the initial call i couldn't be more pleased. Everything from a to z was a beautiful thing. Wa

  • Ronni C. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 31705


    It was raining and everything got soaked inside and theres one spot of writing inside of it thats not very pleasant to read but luckily no children are using it.

  • Cheryl A. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 19607


    Thank you

  • Lisa L. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 47331


    I was impressed with the cleanliness of both items

  • John L. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 97123


    I liked the process and attention to detail your team provided. Thank you zters

  • Diane K. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 06040


    Delivery was great.

  • John B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 53505


    Delivered on time with a courteous driver. Thank you.

  • Rochelle W. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 83629


    Thank you

  • Cathy L. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 08854


    Quick service on short notice. Alex is much appreciated..

  • Chuck E. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 79521


    Perfect service.

  • Sharon R. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet w/Flush&Sink;Event Standard Toilet w/Sink 21090


    Thank you for making this part of our event so seamless.

  • Mark S. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 34117


    Jackie turner was very helpful!

  • Damien M. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 29910


    Zters is a great company. Every time i called the phone was answered and within less than 24 hrs i would have a new dumpster changed out and porta potty cleaned. I will absolutely use again. Thanks!

  • Ally B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 76525


    Great customer service. Nihko was great to work with and always replied to any request right away. Hope to use you all in the future.

  • Gerald W. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 83858


    Great communication with staff and very pleasant to talk with, the best price around. Driver was very nice and asked questions about what we expected from him, all around great experience with your company and staff.

  • Edward L. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 90292


    Got off to a bad start but ended well. Thanks for your services.

  • Phyllis M. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 03307


    The only encumbrance that i experienced was the wait time on the phone, but, i understand that you may have to confer with another person to schedule the delivery. I just wasn't used to that from other companies, but, the service was great!

  • Nora B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 36040


    My toilet was delivered to me very nasty. I wast pleased with it at all. I paid too much money for a nasty portable.

  • Becky F. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 43452


    The product should have been pick up for removal 5/15,but is still on site. Please insure we are not charged additional for your delay. Thank you.

  • Kory B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 48306


    Kierra and sierra have been such a delight! Not only did they deliver exceptional customer service, they also showed fantastic team work. I cant say enough good things about these ladies and the service from zters!

  • Alvin H. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 30281


    Outstanding services

  • Julie F. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 80108


    We were unable to use our toilets due to a septic tank pump issue and we had a scheduled party for saturday. I called zters on friday morning and they had two portable toilets delivered by early afternoon on friday! Thank you!!!

  • Derrick S. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 38965


    The entire experience was great!!!!

  • Jeremy G. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 33702


    You all treated us very well thank you for the time.

  • Debra K. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 48631


    We were very happy with the service and the maintaining while we had the equipment. Thank you. We will recommend you to others! Debra knochel

  • Miguel P. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 93940


    Thank you for assisting us making langauge day a successful event at presidio of monterey california.

  • Antonia A. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Standard Toilet;Event Trailer 29201


    Loved the port-a-potties. Wish they came with hand sanitizer or a handwashing station in them.

  • George A. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 85601


    Thank you for your excellent phone service! Everyone was so excellent!

  • Savannah F. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 19526


    Fantastic delivery and pick up on time. Great quality and communications.

  • Matt S. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 28023


    Very professional. I had a late notice for the needed items. I reached out to zters w/ less than a 48hr notice prior to the event and they pulled through for us! Easy to work with. Thanks.

  • Mike L. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 30214


    Everything was perfect, no glitches. Reunion was for a group of retires in their 70s and 80s. Great job..... again. Mike

  • Ivonne A. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 33173


    Will deffenitly use again

  • Carlos F. VERIFIED

    Construction Wastewater Holding Tank 33470


    I forgot his name, but he did a great job

  • Barbara L. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 80516


    The port a pot was delivered on time but was very dusty/dirty. I think it hadn't been used this season or in a long while. I had to wipe the inside down top to bottom. The pick up went well when they came on the 8th.

  • Sharman W. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 92084


    Very nice and professional delivery driver

  • Bruce S. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 23030



  • Savanna W. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 47034


    Frankie @ ext 198 was very helpful and friendly!


    Event ADA Toilet;Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet w/Sink 95301


    These guys were great, on time sat pottys where i needed them. i will use this service often. thanks

  • Laura G. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 30519


    Delivered exactly as promised.

  • John H. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 85022


    So far so great. its not over yet. see you mon morn.

  • Michael F. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 75080


    Pretty happy with you guys

  • Laurie H. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 02043


    Thank you! Great service

  • Charles S. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 21769


    Did a great job delivering and contacted me before delivery to make sure they were delivering to the right address. Highly recommend.

  • Mike K. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 37066


    Appreciate the great service. Thanks

  • Virginia F. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 38067


    Zters earned a perfect score from me bcause everything went flawlessly! The porta potty arrived on time, in perfect shape, and was even stocked with new toilet paper and hand sanitizer. I would honestly vote zters into office if i could.

  • Billy a. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 77375


    Thank you for great service!

  • Gail V. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet w/Flush&Sink 95132


    Excellent unit. Clean, good condition and well stocked. Thank you so much.

  • Andrea N. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 98584


    They delivered it several days before scheduled, but it wasn't a big deal. Costumer service was excellent.

  • Ivori C. VERIFIED

    Construction ADA Toilet;Construction Standard Toilet 18330


    We as a family are in a horrible way with loosing our house due to a fire and your service has made it a little bit easier for us. Thank you so much for your great work!

  • William T. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 28304


    Te zters team was a life savers. When i needed them in a pinch they came through.

  • Joe p. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 65065


    Showed up the day of order. Quick phone calls and easy to talk to representative. Franky was great!

  • Darrell L. VERIFIED

    Construction Wastewater Holding Tank 71118


    I enjoyed working with your guys they did everything i asked and was very polite to me the whole way.

  • Rosa T. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 06790


    Who the person who delivers the actual portable tiolet is awesome

  • Pamela H. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 28112


    We will be using your services at all our future events. Thank you so much.

  • David N. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 71851


    Super friendly, on time, very clean on arrival, and the field tech cleaned it again anyway. Prompt response to my request and follow through on their commitments.

  • Suzanne E. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 76082


    I will get another potty soon. Thank you

  • Rebecca M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet w/Sink 92259


    Setup and removal were great. Delivery people were friendly and professional

  • Catherine C. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Hand Wash Station 93955


    We appreciate zters' reliable service and quality equipment. Because of your competent staff, this is one worry we are able to avoid each year when planning our earth day event. Thank you so much!

  • Cathy L. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 08854


    Alex b made it happen on short notice. Thanks again!!!!

  • Robin B. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet w/Flush&Sink 92592


    Thank you!

  • Stephen W. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 33597


    The booth was clean and well stocked. It was placed in the general area described in communication with delivery personel.

  • Gail W. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 60103


    Very happy we used zters. Great customer service!

  • Tracy J. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 86334


    The driver was very friendly and helpful

  • Carla G. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station 92557


    My customer service rep that i initially placed the order for the hand washing station with was absolutely amazing. He helped me out to the fullest of his ability and really helped me out when we were pretty out of options 2 days before my grand opening.

  • Rebecca M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet w/Sink 92259


    Driver was very accommodating and friendly

  • Gary N. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 60501


    Thanks for prompt delivery, service, and removal. Resp. Gary nothnagel director of buildings & grounds argo community high school dist. 217

  • Mary C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 29571


    The 1st unit was broken took 4 units before we found a good 1, then the driver told me the office people don't know shit.

  • Roxanne T. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 95301


    I called on a friday evening needing a toilet delivered to a job site the following week. had the contract done that day and toilet was delivered tuesday morning. Driver called prior as requested so we could meet him at the site. This is our second time renting from this company. We are very pleased with the service!

  • Dianne h. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 11710


    The service ordering and delivery were terrific! The unit itself was the same. Very clean and sanitized. Ada compliant was excellent as well. This is my first time using this company. I will definitely use zters again and recommend to others!

  • Joel M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 36108


    I talked with the delivery men and we agreed on the best location and they placed them with no problems. One of the guys went over the pickup and cleaning schedule. Well done. Thanks

  • Glen C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 29526


    Thank you for filling the need we had on our camping trip.

  • Sharon S. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 07422


    Everyone i spoke with were friendly, helpful and understanding. I enjoyed working with each of them

  • Chris C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 31411


    Great experience overall. Site service and maintenance was particularly good.

  • Chino H. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 32937


    Zters is the go to company, thank you for letting me shine in my company, until next project, keep up the good work. respectfully, chino.

  • Nina D. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 92064


    Great customer care.

  • Sean G. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 53147


    No complaints from the crew. Will continue to use zters for projects outside our service area. The customer service rating on this survey is directly tied to tina may, she deserves recognition.

  • Otto U. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 19047


    All on time

  • Linda C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet w/Sink 92037


    Your company was amazing to do business right from the beginning. Liz answered all of my questions. This process was seamless from start to finish. So much so, that the event coordinator was giving out your contact information based on our experience. Thank you for everything!

  • Barbara F. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 85283


    The delivery driver as delightful and very personable, the delivery truck was impeccably clean, and the porta potty was impeccably clean. I was impressed.

  • Annastacia O. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet;Event Trailer 85142


    The team was easy to work with all around. The day of the event, there was a snafu with delivery times and the driver was kind enough to alter his schedule to ensure that all items were delivered while the client was out of the house. Truly could not be happier with the service or delivery and removal.

  • Reggie H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 13838


    Thank you for the service provided. We will definitely use your service again when were in the area again.

  • Jennie L. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 19809


    Everything was kept clean. Thanks.

  • Dave P. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 30633


    Mike s made it simple and quick. He was very friendly and professional.

  • Steven F. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 92804


    Michael schmidt took the order, and was very helpful. Zavier called ahead to inform me of his arrival time, and placed the very nice porta potty where we requested. So far i am very pleased.

  • Tinika P. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 29153


    I really appreciate receiving a new unit to use for my event. It was definitely needed, i received compliments on it, and stacy did an amazing job on delivery, explaining use the unit, making sure that it was in a great location, and setting up the unit to make sure it was fresh and ready to use before guests arrived. I definitely will be doing business with you all again as well as recommend your company to others. Thank you!

  • Sandra H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 37356


    Your driver done a great job in delivering the portable toilet for us. Thank you for getting it there in a timely manner.

  • Mike G. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 64086


    Thanks for being quick and on time! Mike gross owner!

  • Cynthia A. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 77051


    Thanks for the availability

  • Scott G. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 85053


    Wonderful company to do business with. Excellent customer service from time placed order to having the portables picked up

  • Margaret G. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 21788


    Quick response time and easy to schedule.

  • Debra D. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 38401


    Monthly price is a little steep.

  • Debra D. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 38401


    Monthly price is a little steep.

  • Debra D. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 38401


    Monthly price is a little steep.

  • Fred W. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 93552


    Yes the porta potty service was excellent. Had a few problems with the homeowners not moving their cars but nothing to do with you guys. Good job! Have another project coming up and i'll be calling you.

  • Robert B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet w/Sink 94551


    Superb customer service by kierra. Can we hire her?

  • Sam . VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet w/Flush&Sink 32148


    Great and clean love the services

  • Rita R. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 32668


    Great customer service.

  • Rodney C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 77447


    Great job. Really appreciate the phone call when they were delivered

  • Rodney C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 77447


    Was impressed that i got a phone call when they were delivered

  • Gary S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 20132


    Thanks for the assistance with this request. Really appreciated the awesome service!

  • Jessica B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 76051


    Tyler is very accommodating! Fabulous customer service!

  • Loretta G. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 45356


    Very pleased with the service we received. Thank you.


    Event Standard Toilet 76639


    It's always a pleasure doing business with zters. Your services are definitely appreciated by everyone at our events.

  • Luis V. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 85704


    It was a little confusing at first, when i thought i called a local company, and my call was answered by zters. Tia was excellent in answering all our questions, and the entire process was smooth, including delivery and pick-up.

  • Briana M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 43551


    Fast easy they really worked with me on days and times and it was very affordable. Will use them again.

  • John S. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 29461


    Very satisfied with initial set up of account and delivery.

  • Gabriel R. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 95020


    Very good work

  • Cathy L. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 08854


    Quick and efficient service

  • Gary K. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 68037


    Elizabeth was great and tried so hard to do her job. The guys in the field who are supposed to service the unit are not ever servicing units!!! They flat lie that they have serviced units. Not once in 2 months did they service a unit. They were supposed to be serviced weekly and apparently documented that they did. They did not. Eventually after complaining to elizabeth who was always a perfect representative, show empathy and remorse that her team was lying, would get a empty replacement unit brought in. Heck, the drivers were too lazy to take the old full one away the first time so i had two where we had no space. Shit was almost up to the toilet seat twice...Within inches!!!! How freaking disgusting!!! Elizabeth did credit us back $100 without me asking for it...good call!

  • Nadine M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 33023


    Excellent customer service, knowledgeable of the product, explain everything, including the additional fees

  • Louann M. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 29707


    Best service ever! The porta potty was cleaned and maintained every week!!

  • Michael K. VERIFIED

    Construction ADA Toilet;Construction Standard Toilet 49097


    It came just in time. I used it as your driver left.

  • Julie U. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 64086


    Enjoyed working with everyone at zters

  • David E. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 77339


    Thank you so much for quick service!

  • Kathy O. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 76273


    The rental was delivered on-time and we had no issues at all. The office that i scheduled with was very helpful and answered all my questions.

  • Judy E. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station 85351


    We have always received exceptional service from you and your delivery crew starting with the call i received when he was there to droping it off, to him putting it exactly where i wanted it, to setting it up for immediate use,to picking it up after.

  • Judy E. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station 85351


    We are giving you all 5s. We have always received exceptional service from you and your delivery crew starting with me ordering the unit, to the call i received when he was there to droping it off, to him putting it exactly where i wanted it, to setting it up for immediate use,to picking it up after. Thank you very much.


    Event Standard Toilet 90740


    Delivery went smooth. Delivery driver dropped off unit and placed it exactly where it needed to be. Great service.

  • Eric V. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 98501


    Saved my bacon. I'm appreciative. Good follow up and execution from the young man helping me over the phone.

  • Jennifer . VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 23603


    They were fantastic for our construction project! We will definitely use them again.

  • Michelle B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 27893


    Nothing bad to say. I am just gladbi picked yall for my services. Will be back if we do anything else like this again

  • Margaret M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 28394


    Thanks for the fast delivery.

  • Hans H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 47170


    Glad we called.

  • Lauryn . VERIFIED

    Multi Project 78801


    Process was easy & communication was great. Would use again. Thank-you!!


    Construction Standard Toilet 99320


    Great customer service!!!

  • Dalynn L. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 73045


    Everything went as planned. Thank you.

  • Margaret B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 48642


    Great customer service, i will use them again in the future.

  • David C. VERIFIED

    Construction Trailer 85301


    Matt universal waste service was amazing for service and always contacted us prior to arrival to ensure that the unit was serviceable & at the correct location. I would be extremely happy to have an employee like him!

  • Melissa R. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 46164


    Very helpful with answering all my questions and getting the services we needed to take care of our employees.

  • Mary P. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 76554


    Derek is great!

  • Gracie G. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 75229


    Very easy to schedule great customer service.

  • Sandra S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 95824


    Thank you! Great customer service. Would highly recommend to anyone needing their services.

  • Sandra S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 95824


    Smooth transaction. Great customer service. Thank you!

  • Dori L. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 34291


    I appreciate the great customer service, thank you.

  • James N. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 28170


    Brooklyn is doing a great job with our account.

  • Carla F. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet w/Sink 77306


    Enjoyed very much working with jaimie m, senior acct. Mgr. as her level of professionalism is of the highest. The overall service from the drivers were also very consistent as they did a great job. I will certainly have you in mind for the future if a need arises. Thank you, carla

  • Dorota D. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 85296


    Conrado was amazing and made everything run very smooth. I was very pleased with your service. Thank you

  • Stephen M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 70006


    The customer service was great. The delivery was on time and the person delivery was nice.

  • Eric N. VERIFIED

    Construction Wastewater Holding Tank;Event Wastewater Holding Tank 77355


    My call was last minute and you were all able to get me in next day! Greatly appreciate it. Thanks

  • Emma "". VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 78861


    Everything went well. You are much appreciated. We may be moving to a different location for our rally next year. We will definitely keep you in mind! Alyssa is sales was great to work with.

  • Mindy W. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 71291


    Very prompt delivery!

  • Alex M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 77845


    I'll call again, everything went smooth, thanks

  • Dawn T. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 06107


    Only complaint is that ken was supposed to get a call 30 min before delivery. It would have been helpful because he is on and off premisses daily.

  • Mark O. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 23502


    Delivery was prompt as well as the pickup. Thanks for meeting our business needs!

  • Chava W. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 37214


    Looks great, appreciate the timeliness.

  • Margaret B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 48642


    The unit was apparently brought here directly from another site where it was being used. The floor was dirty and the inside of the toilet was soiled with remnants of feces.

  • Tisha H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 33477


    Excellent customer service by rashod campbel and delivery time as quickly as next day!

  • Eric H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 33948


    Great experience

  • Robert B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet w/Sink 94551


    Absolutely professional and expediate. Super job superb job by account manager kierra! Thank you!!!!

  • Angela H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 24504


    Very prompt and efficient

  • Trek B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 96052


    The porta potty was actually delivered way earlier than i thought your crew would be able to get it here on the property with me calling tuesday the 7th of february and it was delivered wednesday the 8th of february early in the morning and clarisa was great the woman i talked to on the phone to confirm everything and your delivery guys or gals put it in a perfect location cause i didn't hear them knocking at the front door and jessie gave them a heads up where i wanted it or the best location for it and it's absolutely spotless hence it looks brand new. All and all y'all did a great job. Thank you very much. Trek bingham

  • Trek B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 96052


    The porta potty was delivered earlier than i would have expected it because i called tuesday afternoon and talk to clarisa who explained the rental agreement and cost and length of time and everything i'd need to know about renting the porta potty hence she was very professional and efficient and wednesday morning it was delivered, in other words less than 24 hrs and i was very impressed on how fast your company and crew got it out to the property and the perfect location in which they staged it because i didn't hear the delivery guys knocking on my door but jessie who's up at the big house went out front and spoke to your crew and gave them a heads up on where i wanted it and i really appreciate the speedy delivery and hard work to get ur done, especially clarisa and her handling the communication part of it. Y'all did a great job and the porta potty looks brand spanking new. Once again thank you for the great service and your time. Trek bingham

  • Heather K. VERIFIED

    Construction ADA Toilet;Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 97203


    Corey was amazing to work with and very helpful with all our odd and last minute requests.


    Multi Project 79720


    Friendly and fast

  • Scott G. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 44028


    Prompt service, and helpful srvice rep.


    Construction Standard Toilet 01863


    Very impressed! Dana lemay was great to work with, and she even called me back to tell me that she could get me the porta potty the same day! I called on friday and i was supposed to get it on monday. Great prices too, i think i'll be using you guys for my dumpster needs from now on as well as outdoor toilets! Thank you!!

  • Sebastian Z. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet;Construction Standard Toilet w/Sink 92692


    Top notch all around. Thank you

  • Cisi V. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 78621


    The only complaint is that we can not set up 30 day billing with your firm.

  • James N. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 28170


    Good job, thank you.


    Event Standard Toilet 33455


    Thank you so much it's overall is a 10

  • John S. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 38917


    Delivery one day early, but coordinated delivery and made it easy on company and met our needs.

  • Gerry R. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 92627


    Waiting for my refund.

  • David M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 02186


    Very good

  • Cesar J. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 92114


    Supper clean and very professional delivery.


    Construction Standard Toilet 76244


    Verna was my rep and was great from the start and pleasant to talk to as well. The unit was dropped in the wrong area and she got that fixed and charges fixed as well.

  • Randy B. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 77358


    Great service thanks!

  • Randy B. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 77358


    Great service thanks!

  • Vicky O. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 92274


    My delivery has not been made. I expected it yesterday as you originally said. Also company came to service it as he was told it had been delivered. When i called you told me it is now coming monday 16th. I had a lot of guests here this weekend, and they expected it to be here too.

  • Dominic M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 25239


    Unit was not delivered as scheduled.

  • Brenda R. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 22831


    Everyone i spoke with was very kind and helpful your team passes the test for customer service i would use your services again and let others know what a great team you have keep up the good work may each of you be blessed in the new year brenda rodriguez....

  • Brenda R. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 22831


    Everyone i spoke with was very kind and helpful your team passes the test for customer service i would use your services again and let others know what a great team you have keep up the good work may each of you be blessed in the new year brenda rodriguez....

  • Brenda R. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 22831


    Everyone i spoke with was very kind and helpful your team passes the test for customer service i would use your services again and let others know what a great team you have keep up the good work may each of you be blessed in the new year brenda rodriguez....

  • John B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 46205


    Did a great job.

  • Emily C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 80524


    Jake was great to work with! I appreciate how communicative he was.

  • Warren M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 14608


    Thank you for your service. We look forward to working with you in the future

  • Rich M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 22201


    Smooth and easy to rent and the units were clean and ready to go and picked up promptly after the event. Pretty perfect

  • Yalonda P. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 36105


    Customer service with zters is fantastic! The only thing i didn't like was that whomever they contract with, doesn't always come and clean when they should and drivers were driving in places they shouldn't have been on our property.

  • Wess J. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Hand Wash Station 95658


    Nice and clean on time with short notice driver was very responsive and friendly. Thank you again

  • Debbie D. VERIFIED

    Event Wastewater Holding Tank 94521


    Even being a little late, the service was great. Jose was very helpful and did everything possible to successfully solve our problem. Thank you!


    Construction Standard Toilet 30297


    Said the product was delivered yesterday but not on site, not sure where it was delivered to

  • Andrea D. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 77578


    My representative was a blessing! She was just amazing

  • Rebecca H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 17602


    Delivery guy was polite and on time. Answered all questions. Condition of toilet was pristine and smelled great.

  • John C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 90815


    You always send surveys asking how you performed when you did not perform. My delivery did not come the day it was supposed to and nobody called me and you still sent a survey asking how the delivery was before it was delivered. Now you are asking how my pick up was when it still has not been picked, and as usual nobody called me yesterday to tell me you were not coming. Your customer service people do a great job on the phone. But your delivery and pick up sucks and nobody ever calls to say they are not coming.

  • Becky L. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 30677


    Wonderful experience in every way!!Stephanie is super great to work with-diligent, efficient, prof

  • Becky L. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 30677


    Wonderful experience in every way!! Stephanie is super great to work with-diligent, efficient, professional, and friendly!!

  • George S. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 77546


    Great job! Our customer service rep dave is super helpful, friendly and professional.

  • Charles N. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 80104


    Very happy. Your my new service provider.


    Construction Standard Toilet 90505


    Appreciated the excellent service for the temporary usage.


    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 28269


    Thank you for the phonecall for set up.

  • Taunya G. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Event ADA Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 98019


    On time and good quality. You made it all easy.

  • James N. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 28170


    Great service, will come to use zters.


    Construction Standard Toilet 37101


    Maggie was a fantastic rep for your company - the unit was serviced on time and we will use your company again when needed and recommend you to anyone asking.

  • Rafael T. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 98901


    I wasn't there on the service days, but my wife that works from home says the service people were there on time every time.

  • Aimee M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 23430


    We will be setting up for next year for our christmas tree farm and any other future events. Thank you so much. Price and customer service were fantastic!! Brandon was the best!!!

  • Catherine H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 33707


    Everything great.

  • Steve H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 80640


    They did what they said they would do the first time.

  • Daniel H. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet w/Flush 33810


    Good service all around.

  • Francis A. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 70520


    Excellent service. The driver was very knowledgeable and professional. I will definitely recommend this company.

  • Zetta J. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 75071


    As stated in other survey, you guys were awesome start to finish. we will definitely use you again and recommend. Thank you for making the whole process effortless.

  • Christine L. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 89005


    From setting up service to calling off service we had a great experience.


    Construction Standard Toilet 90505


    Derek was courteous and answered all questions prior to order as well as following up w/ dispatch day of delivery. Benjamin placed porta potty at designated location. Unit was clean and presentable.

  • Burt M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 94526


    Great job. Will use for next event.

  • Diane B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 95688


    Everyone from the customer service rep to the drivers were exceptionally prompt and professional, thank you!

  • Jennifer P. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet w/Sink 31024


    Very clean nice unit. I would refer your service to others. Thank you.

  • Marty G. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 44657


    Great service

  • Zetta J. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 75071


    You guys made this transaction very easy and i would definitely use you again and recommend you.

  • Richard C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 92646


    Staff working the office was very polite, helpful and efficient every time i called.

  • Carol W. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 23883


    We ordered the portable toilets for an event. They were delivered promptly in good condition. We are very satisfied with the service.

  • Luis E. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 33143


    Excelente servicio

  • Kelli W. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 12524


    Tabitha is my go to person, she does a great job!

  • Brad S. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet 97003


    Zters was able to get a wheel chair accessible porta potty out to us the same day. Other companies could not.

  • Thomas T. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 80452


    These days, it's nice when someone can actually answer the phone when you call versus having to leave a voicemail. We requested service late on friday for monday morning and they were able to deliver. The delivery was early and faster than expected. We will continue to use zters in the future and would recommend them to you and everyone else as well. Tom custom exteriors

  • Dennis H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 94062


    I would definitely use zters again.

  • Michael M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 28215


    Great working with zters they care about their clients

  • Jordan C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 28212


    Customer service was great, but we had issues with delivery.

  • Sandy W. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 29455


    When i ordered the potty i gave very explicit instructions for its delivery. The order was made under my home address but the delivery was for the neighborhood park. I explained in detail the extremely easy directions to the park. The customer service rep that took my order read these instructions back to me. However, the driver delivered it to the home address. Luckily my husband was here to intervene and directed him to the proper location. It seems that the driver did not read the instructions at all. All turned out well, again because my husband was home. But if he had not been at home it would've been a real pain to try to move the portal it down the road to the park!

  • Lisa P. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 93015


    Very nice and helpful driver.

  • Lois B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 24553


    We were not able to use potty and ask for some help on refund the day after delivery...due to medical issue...was told no...the potty was never serviced ...if u want people to use ur service ..you have to be a little help when unexpected medial issues happen ....jennifer was a pleasure to deal with but her boss didn't offer an help...thanks the brogans


    Event Standard Toilet 76449


    Very clean, professional and will definately use you again

  • Hayes B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 38127


    I am pleased from vann, to shay to steve i don't think that his name, whom delivered and removed the portable toilets down to the advice he gave me. 100%

  • Martin P. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 85383


    Parker attended to my request rapidly and efficiently. Always a great experience working with parker. Our delivery guy, brian was amazing as well. He called and kept us in the loop of his eta. I've never had a bad experience. Love zters!

  • Osvaldo O. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Construction Trailer 93436


    Good costumer service and fast responce

  • Kelli W. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 12524


    Tabitha walker is great to work with. She is now my go to for projects i have all across the eastern us

  • Carl L. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 32211


    Very pleased! Will use again.

  • Brenda M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 77444


    I will use again if needed.

  • Bertha B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 83686


    Customer service is excellent, and on-site/field service is excellent as well. Thank you for making it easy!!

  • George S. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 78244


    Dave and will have been very helpful and their customer service approach is excellent.thank you !

  • Donald H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 39452


    The item was not delivered. I had to call when it was not delivered and stated it would be tomorrow. Customer service agent, tamira, was very courteous and helpful.

  • Christopher W. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Event ADA Toilet;Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 91732


    Employees were very nice & courteous

  • Katie S. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station 91942


    No complaints here. Everything went smoothly from drop off to pick up! Nice folks to work with!

  • Chris P. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 94024


    A bit pricey

  • Mika D. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 43068


    Very pleased with the quality and responsiveness! Thank you for making it smooth

  • Dawn M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 23093


    Happy with the delivery. Hopefully pick up is as smooth.

  • Yolianda G. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 92025


    Thank you for your help!

  • Stacy V. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 92672


    Quick and easy and was able to put the unit exactly where i wanted.

  • Kevin R. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 36535


    Professional and kind.

  • Adam G. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 93023


    Thanks for the on time and wonderful service

  • Valerie S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 11746


    Shelby was so nice to work with on the phone - warm and personable. I hoped for a straightforward professional experience, but got that plus someone who worked with me like she was taking care of a neighbor. The pricing was good, the equipment, the emails, delivery and pickup were flawless. One suggestion is to have a light inside the potty available for rent with the unit.

  • Kathleen H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 32694


    Employee commented ""cleanest toilet ever

  • Malcolm J. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 76311


    Prompt delivery and retrieval, well stocked and clean. Great job

  • Amanda A. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 32615


    First time customer and will definitely be a repeat!

  • Dave S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 39117


    Thank you for all of your help with our event. It was a success

  • Mona M. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 65681


    Thank you so much was a great event


    Construction Standard Toilet 72901


    Customer service was amazing. Fast and thorough. Every time i had any concerns, they handle it swiftly, however, the cleaning side of the business was less than subpar. It only got cleaned twice the entire time i had it because i called both times we never had enough toilet paper and it was always filthy. One time i was sitting in my car and watched the service guy pull up, open the door look at it and leave and never come back. If i was to use y'all again, it would be because of your customer service people.

  • Robin R. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Event ADA Toilet 85715


    Great experience from beginning to end. Great customer service.

  • Carol L. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 06340


    We had a get experience and service was prompt.

  • Kristi B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet w/Sink;Event Standard Toilet w/Sink 92878


    Thanks for the fast service!

  • Jerome S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 91010


    Great job , thumbs up

  • Amber K. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 29407


    Great customer service! Everyone i spoke to on the phone was friendly and knowledgeable. Price was reasonable. Service was fast! A lifesaver in a really bad situation.

  • Jeff B. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 33905


    Thank you again. It was a great help when we needed it.

  • Matt S. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 75034


    Went great!

  • Gordon M. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 92356


    Professional and courteous. Everyone was very responsive to our needs. Would highly recommend

  • Jackie B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 01527


    Sierra and whitney where extremely helpful with getting a port a potty delivered same day. We appreciate the help!


    Construction Standard Toilet 07204


    Products showed up very quickly and exceeded our expectations in delivery time!

  • Kelly A. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 48178


    Delivery person did not look at notes for placement, did not bother to knock on the door to ask either the workers or the homeowner and did not bother to call the contact number listed. Instead he put the unit out by the road and just took off. The homeowner is an elderly woman who needs to use the facility several times during the night and walking all the way out to the road several times a night was not an option for her. She called me in tears immediately after the unit was placed. Our workers had to manually move the unit up the driveway and over to the house near the front door because the driver was not able to return until the next day even though we contacted you immediately after the unit was placed...driver couldn't have been more than a few miles away.

  • George S. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 77546


    My team is telling me that the unit was not delivered to our job site can you contact memo we can figure this out thank you

  • Kristi B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet w/Sink;Event Standard Toilet w/Sink 92878


    Thanks for the quick service.

  • Diana . VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 92845


    Great customer service throughout the process. Placing the order was easy. Friendly staff at delivery and pick up.

  • David O. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 98620


    Everything is awesome

  • Megan W. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 99102


    Steven was wonderful to work with. The weekly service was great.

  • Linda S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 19015


    Everything was handled quickly and professionally...from my first phone call inquiring about rental all the way to drop off and pick up! I was/am very pleased with the service we received! Thank you!

  • Linda S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 19015


    Everything was handled well, kindly and with professionalism! Thank you!!

  • Terry C. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet 27611



  • Devin O. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 27884


    Delivery and pick up with out a single issue!! Thank you so much. Great service at a great price.

  • Carolyn M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 28112


    Thanks for the prompt service.

  • Collin W. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 31036


    Will use service again

  • John C. VERIFIED

    Construction ADA Toilet;Construction Standard Toilet;Event ADA Toilet 81639



  • Jeralee H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 93021


    Delivery personnel were very accommodating and took care to call me and drive slowly as instructed due to our location being on farm with animals.

  • Janie C. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 34947


    Overall my experience was great with zters. Will totally use you all again. Because of the quality customer service, affordability and timeliness i was surprised that the wash station was pretty dirty. But overall i would recommend this company to anyone.

  • Dave G. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 38060


    It's still here!

  • Terry B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 28025


    The gentleman that delivered our unit is a great asset to your company. He was professional, personable, charming and very friendly.

  • Collin W. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 31036


    Every was just reight

  • Amber K. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 29407


    Hyle was very helpful! We got the delivery the next day and were pleasantly surprised with the price!

  • John L. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 30345


    Patrick very responsive and nice. Also called to give me a deliver window which i appreciated. Delivery driver darren also was courteous.

  • Kelly C. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 28216


    Loved working with you guys. Your delivery person was very personable and cheerful, and great to work with.

  • Daragh G. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 80249


    We had a gated facility and it was very difficult to schedule pickup and drop off

  • Patricia E. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 95452


    Very happy with services. Plan to rent again in spring. Thank you!

  • Donna E. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 97403


    I emailed and it was complete within 24 hours. Fast efficient and professiona

  • Miguel R. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 85635


    Than you for taking your time to get the portable toilet on a sunday.

  • Gerry A. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 11598


    Excellent service. Thank you.

  • Robert L. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 75851


    The units were very clean. If fact, they were the cleanest i have ever seen. They were delivered and collected as requested. I will definitely keep in mind to use again if the need arises.

  • Dale C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 76549


    Great service. Know who to go to next time.

  • Bruce C. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet 85028


    I asked for the port-a-potty to be placed on the street next to the curb. There are no sidewalks in this neighborhood. The delivery team placed the port-a-potty in the front yard of the delivery address. When initially scheduling the port--a-potty, i specified that it needed to be placed on the street next to curb. The customer service rep verified this with the delivery team, yet the product was placed in the yard.

  • Gerry A. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 11598


    Excellent service from customer service to delivery.. Thank you


    Event Standard Toilet 34432


    Porta potties were delivered and placed in proper place. One of the units was dented in at the top leaving a gap between the door and front of the unit.

  • Anthony S. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 32935


    We have yet to receive our port a potty. Its not delivered and we have inspections that are coming up that we will fail if you dont deliver.


    Event Standard Toilet 72762


    Thanks again

  • Donna S. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet w/Flush&Sink 60123


    I was expecting it to be nicer. It was gray and looked like it could go in construction sight. It was clean though so that was good

  • Claudio L. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 30666


    Very happy with my experience. Would definitely use your company again in the future.

  • Bret B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 33031


    The delivery and service was fantastic! The only thing that made me nervous was not have on site contact info before the delivery. Being that it was for a half marathon and the units needing to go to different locations its nice to be able to speak to someone well in advance. That being said the delivery went very smooth and the crew did a great job!!!


    Construction Standard Toilet 74467


    Great sales and service thank you

  • John H. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 02184


    Driver arrived 41/2 hours early at the wrong place and despite my telling him 3 times on the phone not to drop the toilet at that place, was about to leave it at the dav parking lot rather than the braintree club. He could not speak english enough to understand my directions to the correct place 200 yards away. Fortunately, someone happened by and stopped him and led him to the proper place.

  • Michelle B. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 85286


    Thank you! Other than the prices going up everything was perfect! The delivery guy was so nice and acomodating to all my requests!

  • Mike P. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 07930


    Excellent!!! Affordable!! Dependable!

  • Eileen Hanrahan . VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet 22079


    Cindy mcdonald was superb. She was so pleasant, understood and addressed all my questions and issues, was so prompt, and was so inspiring of confidence, even from as far away as texas! I'm really pleased. And chanda, the delivery man from potters potties in virginia, was on time, so polite, and very conscientious in doing extra sanitizing in the potty. He lanced it exactly where we had asked. We decided to extend our contract with zters.

  • Linda J. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 22473


    Great delivery guy, and set up guy!!!!!

  • Margo L. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 64110


    Faye was incredibly patient and accommodating in finalizing our order and payment for a fundraising walk. Bill was exceptional n his customer service for the unit drop off. He called me to get proper location in the public park i was a work and couldn't be at the site, and he added a combination door lock to keep the unit unused until our event, taking time to call me back and provide instructions abut opening the lock he even sent me a text pic to show me the lock style and code. Bravo!

  • Tammy M. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 46507


    Brandon hartnett was very professional and a pleasure to work with

  • Casey K. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 49330


    The unit was very nice. I will definitely be using this service again for future events. Thank you.

  • Tammy L. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 92101


    Corey was very helpful in coordinating our need for same date delivery and pick up. The event was a charity health fair for the unhoused in san diego. The provision of a toilet and hand washing station was acknowledged and appreciated by many. Sincere appreciation for corey's efforts and coordination with the delivery team...thank you!

  • Cheri D. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 96150


    Nice clean unit

  • April D. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet w/Sink 32726


    Everything was perfect! I never rented a porta potty before, but next time i do i will be sure to call xters!

  • Aaron C. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 98022


    Product condition was not that great. Also the dumpster was located in the wrong place.

  • Andrea H. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 22903


    Tabitha was amazing and did everything perfectly. She went above & beyond. See you next year. I'll definitely be back.

  • Jessica S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 24984


    Pros: i was highly impressed with customer service. I appreciate your customer service representative accommodating our needs on a short notice. Cons: there was no hand sanitizer and the porta potty wasn't super clean i saw some poo on the wall. But overall, i would hire you again! Thank you!

  • Joanne G. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 34234


    The potty was delivered with a broken hand sanitizer inside. Another one was brought to replace it but the hand sanitizer was empty. Otherwise we were happy with the service.

  • Scott W. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 38852


    Thanks for some great service.


    Event Standard Toilet 46542


    This is kind of an ""act of god"" situation, but when i arrived at the site in the morning the porta john had blown over in the wind during the previous night! Luckily, it had tipped the right direction, and it was a simple task to right it. Otherwise, all that could be controlled by humans went very smoothly.


    Event Standard Toilet 48933


    I would say 100% satisfied

  • Charles M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet w/Sink 90503


    My first experience with renting a portable. It was dropped off before i was able to move the temp fence, but they went above and beyond to deliver. Thank you!

  • Belinda S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 90813


    I was truly pleased with the service and both young ladies that helped me with my order as well as the both young men who brought and picked up restroom was so nice and very helpful. Everything was so clean. I give this service a billion stars . Thank you so very much. I had a blessed birthday gathering thanks to you guys .

  • David W. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 93263


    Sierra was 10/10 excellent to work with. Very polite and professional. Will use again in the future

  • Georgia F. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 95658


    The outside door of the port-a-potty was dirty, maybe stained? That would be our only minor complaint. Everything else was excellent.

  • Carolyn C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 38732


    Delivery and service very professional. Driver very friendly and polite.

  • Malcolm J. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 76311


    Dan provided top service


    Construction Standard Toilet 77655


    Fast service with a smile!


    Construction Standard Toilet 23022


    Both interactions with personal were exceptionally good. Initial contact was informative, helpful, and courteous. The product arrived on time. The unit was placed in desired location quickly and professionally.

  • Gale D. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 60423


    Thanks for the quick delivery.

  • Martin M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 83639


    I was impressed at the quickly the unit was unloaded and ready.

  • Wanda N. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 31569


    Yall was great!! Thank you

  • Marti C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 18705


    You folks really came through! We called -- at the last minute -- on friday as our originally requested service all came down with covid. You didn't know us from adam, yet, alex kept us on the phone until she found a yard close by that could deliver saturday am. Saturday am, your crew was on site, put the john in place and was gone by 08:30!! You exceeded all expectations!! In the future, if we need your services, we will not shop around. You are the people to call!! Thank you so much for your excellent service!! We will also recommend you to anyone we know needing your services.

  • Missy F. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 37048


    We appreciate you taking care of this on such a short notice!

  • Peggy P. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 38068


    Glad to have found you all. Will utilize again, and recommend you to others

  • suzanne c. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 53214


    Guy who played it was accommodating and had personality. Party goers were happy to see it.

  • Kathy L. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 34224


    Great customer service. Thanks for helping us get a potty in these trying times.. Shout out to donald thomas.. Thanks for amazing customer service.. Delivered as promised.. Kudos

  • Chris P. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 94024


    As planned. Well done.

  • Linda M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet w/Flush&Sink 07849


    The door lock was broken, no big deal, we just put a sign on it to knock first.

  • Dennis B. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 60621


    Just need to stay with the arranged scheduled pickup -- of the next business

  • William W. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 30002


    Everything went perfectly. Conrado was very helpful and polite. Will definitely call again for the next event.

  • Saleem M. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet;Construction Trailer;Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 43081


    The service was excellent.

  • Kristan E. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 01851


    Excellent customer service from rep shay monee! She went above and beyond to get an emergency same day delivery for my company. I would highly recommend and will definitely be utilizing this company for all my portable bathroom needs!

  • Andrew G. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 02364


    Great customer service person, very informative, helpful and most of all a pleasure to talk to. wonderful person. thank you

  • Larry C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 19971


    Ahead of scheduled delivered clean on time pleasant staff and speedy pick up

  • Anil A. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 02464


    Excellent stress free experience with the delivery. Lynn was very helpful in processing my order too.

  • Thomas D. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 37188


    Called for delivery instructions as promised. Friendly assistant

  • John P. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 89031


    Fast service

  • John K. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 55358


    Great. Everythng klooks great

  • Reggie . VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 02895


    Quick quote and easy to book. Clean product

  • Brenda D. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 46140


    Thanks so much!

  • Mary S. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 60187


    Great job thanks for your help.


    Event Standard Toilet 02649


    Chrystal was a pleasure to work with.

  • Josanne F. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 19144


    Great service, will definitely use your service at a next event.

  • Earl B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 22835


    So happy to see a company that follows through with what they say. You said delivery within three hours and actual delivery was in less than two hours. Absolutely great service and product. Thanks.

  • Cody F. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 38544


    I worked with teresa on this order and had multiple calls with her. She was extremely helpful and provided wonderful service!

  • Randy S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 53572


    Delivered in a timely fashion with no need to be there when it was delivered

  • Julie M. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 60517


    Very happy with your service if needed again will use your company. Reasonably priced and quick delivery and pick up

  • Marshall B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 76135


    Yall were grate thank you

  • Susan K. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 80220


    We had very good service. The only issue was that we asked to have the portable toilets placed in the southeast corner of a parking lot, but they were placed in the northwest corner. We discussed this by phone, so i will say that i was not there in person to direct the placement. In all, everything worked out fine. We will call you again next year!

  • Karen M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 80433


    Never had to worry on our hectic day.

  • Tommy V. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 81133


    Everyone from ordering to delivery was very friendly and professional!~ would recommend to others and would use again. Thank you..!!!

  • Michelle B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 86005


    Kierra was awesome! Had a great experience with your company -- she took great care of us the whole way through -- was so responsive and just lovely to work with. Thanks for making our event a big success!

  • Debbi P. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 95693


    Nice driver and polite

  • Melissa G. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 19539


    Great experiance

  • Angelina P. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 95354


    It didn't come with seat covers or deodorants

  • Tony M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 49128


    Right on target for the exact spot, time, cleanliness. Outstanding, you are the best and will definitely use you again next year. Thank you so much for a great delivery and five star service for the three oaks bicycle ride. Tony morris destin, fl

  • Rachel P. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 01960


    Friendly, professional, kind, respectful and very nice

  • Marshall B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 76135


    The driver was a great help to me i want to thank him

  • Crystal B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 74344


    Fast service!

  • John P. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 80260


    You are a great company, i and us at pinnacle are very satisfied with the cleanliness of your equipment.

  • Kailean H. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 01060


    I run a small nonprofit that was hosting a big fundraiser on september 11. 5 days before the fundraiser i learned that the portapotties i thought i had arranged from another company weren't going to be present for our event. I called your company and spoke with fatima and then faye, who both quickly took down the information needed it was a challenge 3-site event, without street addresses for 2 of the sites, gave me a quote on the spot, and arranged for delivery in time for the event. I was incredibly grateful and impressed and will use your company for future events. Thank you!

  • Latanya M. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 22306


    Amazing, amazing, amazing! Thank you for helping to make our free dental clinic a huge success! Hector, we really appreciate you supporting our event. Thank you!

  • Carla M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 48219


    Everything is fantastic and i look forward to working with your company again.


    Construction ADA Toilet;Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet;Event Sanitizer Station;Event Standard Toilet 02889


    Great delivery exactly where we wanted them. Perfect!

  • Sandy M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 21403


    Everything was perfect!! Porta-potty was beautiful clean, bright, well-stocked, etc. Driver was very helpful.

  • Josh S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 24018


    Excellent and friendly!

  • William C. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 29204


    Brooklyn in customer service was really on top of things, responding immediately and communicating concerning our needs. As requested, the delivery guy contacted me so i could meet him at the site and he was very nice. Unfortunately our event was cancelled due to weather but we ordered for another time

  • Joseph R. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 48208


    Incredible service!

  • Kevin W. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 80904


    I appreciate their call of placement and helping move things around for the event.

  • Donna M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 23701


    Thank you

  • Helayne S. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 33950


    Very happy with everything!!


    Event Standard Toilet 37066


    Great customer service from start to finish. Intake easy and listened to my needs, professional. Setting up tax exempt easy easy. Delivery on spot and called knowledgeable about my directions.

  • Mike O. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 80301


    Thank you.

  • Celia M. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 95032


    Your delivery driver was so nice and professional. The potties and wash station were exactly what we wanted. It was alll done on time.


    Construction Standard Toilet 02766


    Thanks for the quick delivery

  • William C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 32640


    Everything was perfect, thank you.

  • Debbie W. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet w/Sink 85710


    Lynn theesfeld is a pleasure to work with! Very helpful. Excellent customer service.

  • Kailean H. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 01060


    Your customer service was absolutely outstanding, and it made a tremendous difference to our event. We will call on you next time. Thank you thank you thank you!

  • Crystal D. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 60644


    Thanks so much. The price was right. Delivery and setup were flawless.

  • Jamie G. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 02126


    Excellent experience

  • Colleen Q. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 03031


    Very efficient and polite delivery and p/u.

  • Sandy M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 21403


    Everything was outstanding we were able to communicate with the delivery guy, who was dropping off the porta-potty on friday for our sunday event. We also had a lock and key, and he emailed me where the key would be for it. Beautiful porta-potty, with all the amenities! Will use you again and will recommend you to others!! Thank you!!

  • Richard Y. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 03862


    The driver was friendly and helpful...thank you. When a customer does this so infrequently as i do, any suggestions were helpful.

  • Daryl D. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 28075


    Delivered on time, a nice clean porta potty. Customer service was great. Appreciate all individuals i spoke with, as they did a great job corresponding with my rental.

  • Jeff I. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 97128


    On time service, pick up and delivery. Great to work with steven at potty central. Jeff


    Event Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet w/Sink 02180


    Delivered exactly what i was expecting. Very courteous driver. Put the porta potty where i wanted it. Highly recommend.

  • Robert D. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 11550


    It was put exactly where i marked. Also done efficiently and courteously.

  • Jennifer P. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 23322


    Excellent service, friendly and helpful staff, decent pricing. Everything was clean and well stocked. Very happy with the service i received and will use this company again next time

  • Terri R. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 43110


    What a great experience! From the oriignal phone call to being delivered - everyone was so professional and so very nice. Thank you for taking care of this one thing for the party that i didn't have to worry about!

  • Denise A. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 61281


    Chris marsh was great to work with for our event. Your prices are lower than your competitors, which is much appreciated! I am referring your company to our family and friends. Thanks for the great service! Regards, denise algren

  • Barbara M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 77871


    My first time ordering a potty for an event. The potty was clean and refreshing on arrival. The time to make the delivery was on time with the text. Thanks

  • Henry B. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 36117


    Excellent job

  • Rachel W. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 92561


    Really great experience, thanks.

  • Eric M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 32615


    Our account manager was professional and courteous. He went above and beyond getting service same day. The same can be said about delivery service.

  • Vince G. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 93535


    Monique was extremely helpful in setting up my delivery for a cash customer. i would like to thank her.

  • Suzanne O. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 01864


    Quickly my order was fulfilled after only one porta potty was delivered.

  • Mike B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 24201


    Delivered and picked up as aggreged.

  • Bill S. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet 45317


    My customer service representative was outstanding in his knowledge and concern for my needs. He made me feel at ease that our family reunion would be a success. Two thumbs up. Thanks again. The snively family.


    Event Standard Toilet 65649


    I need a receipt. It can be emailed to me or to my home address: ray mcmahon 12319 n.e. Sherman rd. Kansas city mo. 64166

  • Rebecca M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 80223


    Customer service was excellent. Potty's and handwashing stations were excellent. Representative destini was a pleasure to work with.

  • William P. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 06259



  • Brock M. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 31831


    Very friendly service! Thank you.


    Event Standard Toilet 60408


    Everything was great, i was expecting you on friday. It was delivered thursday. My daughter was there to open the gate for delivery. All good thanks again

  • Virgil R. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 91790


    Great service

  • Steven K. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 11725


    Delivered day of event rather than day before as i had been instructed but delivered on time day of event and all went well. Just waiting for pickup whenever you are ready.

  • Steven K. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 11725


    Never showed up. I called customer service yesterday late afternoon and was told they would get to my house today before the event starts at 6pm.

  • Debbie L. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 60025


    The delivery was easy peasy! Thanks.

  • Jean W. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 01970


    Very clean unit. But very little sanitizer. We ran out with only 35 people using it over a 4.5hr period. Customer service is wonderful

  • Gerry D. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet w/Sink 06029


    Very happy with the cleanliness of the unit when it was dropped off, everything functioned properly. Delivery and pick-up went as scheduled. Good job.


    Construction Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 48118


    Clean, dependable, nice driver. Everything went well. Thank you so much.

  • Crystal B. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 53206


    I will be using you guys again next year for my block party reunion. Great service

  • Dana D. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 55803


    Seat was dirty but cleaned easily. It's tuesday night and it is still here

  • Cheri P. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 60453


    Awesome .. thank you i will definitely recommend your company!

  • Sherry E. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 77356


    Very professional and delivered in a timely manner

  • Molly M. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet w/Flush&Sink 91737


    I have used you over the years for personal events at my home and will continue to use you. Your commitment to good service is appreciated.

  • Tony F. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 93013


    Excellent service

  • Danielle I. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 98665


    The customer service was amazing! Delivered on time and was clean. Very happy with your services

  • Sharon G. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 02121


    The porta potty wa very clean. Delivery person made sure everything was right before he left.

  • William C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 11701


    Would absolutely use the service again. Excellent value for the price.

  • Beverly C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 19143


    The delivery were excellent and the man that delivered them was excellent very professional and nice

  • Brian L. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 21702


    Easy and straightforward!

  • Aundra E. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 38863


    I will be using your equipment again. I was pleased with delivery, customer service and the delivery person. Everything that was discussed on the phone is what i got! ***** 5 stars

  • Douglas Z. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 46783


    Delivered early!

  • Shannon W. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 66603


    The customer service was great!! The delivery was horrible! The 1st time they delivered it to the wrong location, so i called them and they read my notes on the delivery location. Just to make sure. Then the second time they dropped them off in the wrong parking lot! So i had to call a third time and get them moved to the correct location 2 hours before the event started. Thank goodness the customer service was on this, or we never would have received them.

  • Donald &. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 72921


    They called me to ask where i wanted it and placed it accordantly. so i guess everything went well. I haven't gone to look at the product myself but no one on the crew has said anything about it being in bad conditions so i am assuming it is in good condition.

  • David S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 92084


    You never picked the out house back up its smells really bad

  • Jessica P. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 97756


    Your customer service was amazing, cedric was very kind, efficient and helpful. Thank you!

  • Jesse S. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 32963


    Great job again

  • Tracey M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 48240


    The delivery guy was very efficient, kind, and accommodating. I really appreciate him giving that extra attention.

  • Eddie I. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 07066


    Great job

  • Brandon S. VERIFIED

    Event Trailer 75070


    Couldn't be happier with this company. Will use every time

  • Elizabeth P. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 02118


    Thank you! Your customer service rhonda on the phone & delivery - apologies i forgot his name was really great and appreciated.

  • Laura L. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 46229


    Excellent product service and support.

  • Jose S. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 60202


    No problems. Thank you.

  • Nicole P. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 91911


    Very helpful, very quick and great communication!

  • Wendy M. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 98360


    Everything was great and easy.

  • Diane W. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 14622




    Event Standard Toilet 19130


    I requested several times for the delivery to call me before they arrive so i can meet them at the location and make sure the location is where i want the portapotty placed and i can lock the porta potty. I called your office several times that day to make sure they call me and they said the driver would. He did not. Because of that, the porta potty was placed in the wrong location and people at the park used the porta potty. By the time i found out that it was already delivered, the porta potty was already dirty and used by the people at the park.

  • Jerry G. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 24101


    The product is ready for pu

  • Ronnie B. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 34601


    Delivery and pick up was excellent. Personal was very friendly and courteous.

  • Hilda C. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 48223


    Delivery and pickup were great. The porta potty was very clean and smelled fresh. In the future i will use your service again. Thank you.

  • Verda S. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 49037



  • Denise L. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 49055


    We were told they would contact for placement and that didn't happen and it was delivered to a neighbor's driveway. We found it two days later.

  • Angelina R. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 53511


    Thank you! We will be using your services in the future.

  • Eleanor K. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 63561


    Thank you so much for setting us up for a last minute request.

  • Sarita W. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 77031


    Picked up tuesday instead of monday

  • Jenette O. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 89704


    Everyone i dealt with connected with my order was helpful, courteous and cheerful. Everything was carried out efficiently!

  • Richard A. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 19131


    The communication with you was very good and informative your product fit the needs that was needed and i will look forward to using your services in the future and will recommend your services to others

  • Shane S. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 30633



  • Micky S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 13057


    I was disappointed after it was dropped off. The urinal had brown stuff all in it. On the inside of the toilet part was disgusting. I ended up cleaning the whole portapotty before our guests arrive.

  • Rosemary M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 16353


    Great service thank you

  • Wayne L. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 43230


    Very prompt and friendly service.

  • Jason W. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 48071


    Perfect, fast delivery of what we needed!

  • Julie S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 49240


    Delivery man was friendly & set up was great.

  • Ashley W. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 60491


    Excellent service, will definitely use again

  • John G. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 62901


    Destini and each of the subs contacted were super communicable and got us the fencing we need within days if not hours

  • Lori F. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 01905


    Easy and quick delivery and pick up!

  • Antoinette D. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 07822


    I was very happy from start to finish dealing with zters. Everything was as expected, no surprises. Thank you for meeting my expectations.

  • Kathy N. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 35616


    Thank you so much liz and alilaya. You exceeded our expectations. Ordered on friday and delivered on monday. Much appreciated. Will recommend to others.

  • Jennifer w. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 44112


    The potty was not locked when it arrived a day before our event, after i was told it would be. But besides that great service!

  • Bridgett D. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 44137


    Very efficient great experience

  • Corene K. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 44141


    Crews stated it's the nicest port-o-pot yet

  • Lois J. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 48302


    Megan was wonderful.

  • David P. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 95033


    The driver who picked up the chipper today was excellent.

  • Chrisitie M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 59721


    Awesome delivery person! He was friendly and happy to do his job!


    Event Standard Toilet 56528


    Outstanding service! Units were very clean. gentleman that dropped off/picked up was very nice and personable! Well done!

  • Philip C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 65711


    We'll use you again next year!

  • Frank C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 76522


    Outstanding setup was painless and the customer service could not have been better. Thanks

  • Greg R. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 02093


    Very professional

  • Chris M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 11559


    Very pleased to fine the lavatory extremely clean and clean smelling. Will be using the service again.

  • John H. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 38834


    No issues good job!

  • Thomas R. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 53511


    Good service, bathroom looked like it was new, so clean and neat.

  • Ronda H. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 21207


    I have already recommend your service to about 5 to 10 people definitely will use your service thank you

  • Jack S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 48216


    You folks are the best. Delivered a+ service on very little notice. Easy in and out. No hidden costs.

  • Elaine J. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet w/Sink 95650


    A little problem with the delivery that was corrected. The portapotty was clean and picked up ontime.

  • Jill S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 44012


    Product was clean. Customer service is excellent!

  • Ayesha T. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet w/Sink 08854


    Excellent service

  • Milford M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 28449


    Great job, nice drivers, porta-john was clean and in good shape as promised


    Construction Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 64080


    I'm very happy. The man that came out was professional and quick. Thank you very much.

  • Stacey E. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 97023


    It was the cleanest portable toilet i have ever seen.

  • Debra M. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 30213


    Thanks for great service*

  • David P. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 33711


    I appreciate the early delivery, as i was told you would not be delivering on july 4th, but you did. I was told that delivery in my area would be either tuesday, if not it would be thursday, july 7th. I had also requested that the unit be delivered by entering my property through the alleyway behind my property and placing the unit between the house and the garage along the tree line. Instead, it was placed in the alleyway in front of my garage where i have no visible sight and it was not standing in full on my property. City trash trucks have to come through the alleyway and also people take things sitting in the alleyway. I had to get a neighbor to help move the unit to where it was supposed to be placed.

  • Michelle . VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 85745


    Dylan mareow was great! Super helpful for what we needed and great communication. Easy process, thank you!!

  • David B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 99022


    Porta potty/sanican arrived clean and fully stocked. The driver placed it where we asked and it provided good service through the weekend. Thank you

  • Richard D. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 36026


    Everyone was professional and courteous.


    Event Standard Toilet 45233


    Great condition. Plenty of toilet tissue provided , great delivery and pick up time, and larger space than some other toilets i ha e rented from other places. The only issue was i wish it was a little more affordable, i paid nearly double what i have paid from rumpke. But in all i was pleased with the service.

  • Shavon D. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 60428


    Great service. Thank guys

  • Craig Y. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 05065


    Perfect for our needs. Wind river provided very timely service.

  • Kenneth W. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 01036


    The guy who dropped off the sani can was a great guy. Very nice gentleman.


    Event Standard Toilet 32696


    Would like to have an exact drop off or pick up window

  • Greg T. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet w/Sink 36078


    I did not receive advanced notification of the arrival there for the product was placed in the incorrect location resulting in me having to move it..

  • Andy S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 66012


    Delivery was as scheduled and the cleanliness was super!

  • Kenneth H. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 82923


    Zters promised delivery and service, and came through! Could nt ask for more than that. Very pleased with their service.

  • Byron S. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 20772


    Very happy with the service so far.

  • Trina B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 38651


    I am well pleased

  • Shawna M. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 45410


    Awesome service. Thank you

  • Maria T. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 03811


    We were very specific about placement of the porta potty and it was done perfectly.


    Event Standard Toilet 48813


    Mike delivery driver was very easy to work with and spotted the porta johns in a great spot and a few hours earlier than we expected. The units were very clean and in great shape. Considering we were using them at a camp site for 60+ people and the existing pit toilets were not useable, we were very happy w/ the services provided - thanks!

  • Elizabeth R. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 60107


    Great condition and picked up when they said they would.

  • Mark H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 80234


    We had a couple weeks that seemed like a longer gap between cleanings. Other than that service very good.

  • Linda D. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 44212


    Very happy with this company zter, very kind people, kept in touch with us , portable toilet was spotless, great service, delivered and picked up when they said, the guy who took care of us was cedrick and he was awesome, i would highly recommend this company. Thank you cedrick and zter for all your help.


    Construction ADA Toilet;Construction Standard Toilet;Event ADA Toilet 76272


    Wonderful service. Delivery was on time, units were clean and serviced properly. Will use them in the future. Jim p.

  • James O. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 08080


    The young guys that delivered the unit were very professional, the unit was clean and in good condition.

  • Travis B. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 14519


    Very pleased clean & professional

  • Tanisha W. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 30032


    Gave instructions for dispatch to contact us before delivery at park location. Never received call. Had a bit of a scare not knowing if it was delivered or not. Didn't know till morning that it was delivered.

  • Heather W. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 49428


    Fast great service! Will use again!

  • Gail P. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 25387


    Everything worked out perfect!!!

  • Rebecca M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 33917


    Great service all the way around

  • Betty R. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 39631


    Thanks for your services n being on time.

  • Dawn K. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 49001


    Thank you for making this easy and painless.

  • Santo G. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 63091


    It was in good shape delivered when you said you would. Thank you.

  • Deborah P. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 13045


    Perfect! Thank you

  • Beverly D. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 26714


    They put the porta potty exactly where we wanted it. Thank you so much. It is very clean.

  • Renita L. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 38672


    Very professional staff and driver. Thanks for the great service.


    Event Standard Toilet 45325


    Very polite, thorough, and conscientious of making sure it was correct. Super service so far!

  • Michael K. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 60451


    Great job your driver was a nice kid who knew what he was doing and worked with me beyond my expectations!!!

  • Norficia O. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 43607


    Will definitely use you guys in the future

  • John T. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 98087


    Both ashley taking my order and dall's delivering the unit great! And price is good!

  • Rich D. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Event ADA Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 03276


    Brandon was great to work with. Whoever delivered the porta john left it on the side of windfall rd. I emailed brandon to let him know but no one returned to bring it up to the property. We had to carry the unit up a hill for over 700'. I did not appreciate that.

  • Michael D. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet w/Sink 36867


    I will be using you'll services again in the future. I thank yall very much.

  • Scott H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 46989


    Customer service was excellent - madison was very friendly and professional. Toilet was delivered late the 2nd day of commitment - was expected late the 1st day or early the 2nd day of commitment

  • Duane R. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet w/Sink 13092


    Product was delivered well before the schedualed start date of the 20th. Event is 20th - 26th. Hope there will not be an early pick-up

  • Hester S. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 23075


    The toilet had not been dumped from the last user, the smell was just ""awful"" so we didn't get a lot of people using it. Aside from that the size was very good. I checked inside for the space, but never lifted up the toilet seat.

  • Candice W. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 34987


    Called another company and got ghosted on a friday to get a delivery on a monday. Called y'all and cindy was phenomenal in getting us scheduled on short notice. The john was delivered on time, on site monday morning and our crew was delighted! Thank you cindy and the zters team!

  • Taquita L. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet w/Flush&Sink 60409


    Very professional and on time. Thank you for making things run smooth at my event. Outstanding company

  • Cheryl E. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 64114


    The potty was clean and well equipped! Great service!

  • Nancy C. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 80022


    Just some feed back for future orders....please go over locks and how customer is responsible for those. Thank you!


    Construction Standard Toilet 48741


    Whoever delivered my toilet called twice to make sure it was placed in the right spot he was very nice and curtious.....very rare these days ...thank you

  • Patrick F. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet 69154


    Everything was perfect. I appreciated the call confirming that everything was on schedule, and we especially appreciated the ""love"" decoration inside the unit.

  • Matt L. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 84027


    Rhonda was an amazing service representative. She went above and beyond my expectations. Thanks for helping us out with our event. Definitely will come back again.

  • Lillia L. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet w/Sink 94062


    Great experience, smooth, easy and will recommend to family/friends. Thank you!

  • Patricia B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet w/Flush&Sink 31204


    Didnt have a lock or place for lock so anyone could use without my knowledge. but overall everything was good. 2 bad the prices wasn't cheaper.. Overall m everything ok

  • Gail D. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 33020


    The delivery driver johnny was excellent 5 star service and your customer service representative tiarra follow-up before and after i would also give a 5 star. Thanks gail church clerk

  • Lucille B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 92411


    Stephanie is excellent in her customer service. The delivery was done in a timely manner.

  • Ramon M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 06519


    Nice service on time

  • Helen B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 56093


    We did not use it much but the security that people did not go into my house was great. Thank you for the prompt service was great.

  • Monika H. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 60652


    Life savers, we had called like 5 other places, and couldn't find a porta potty lucky to find them, bathroom delivered looks new

  • Freddy G. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 92154


    Very good service thanks

  • Rebecca S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 97374


    I had several different quotes for around the same price but chose zters because of isacc g. His kindness, courteous manner, knowledge and follow through were highly appreciated!! Thank you, isacc!! The world needs more employees like you!

  • Renato S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 30078


    Thank you for the professional job guys.

  • Nick B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 35951


    Quick delivery


    Multi Project 46161


    My experience was great. Parker was extremely helpful and was able to help me out sooner than i expected. Madison was also very helpful. Our company will definitely use zters again!!!

  • Cody M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 80526


    Great service thank you

  • Diana L. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 35801


    The delivery person was super professional and helpful. Five stars!

  • Porsha C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 53511


    Great customer service

  • Todd B. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet w/Sink 60084


    Awesome job

  • Todd B. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet w/Sink 60084


    Awesome job

  • Esther C. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 60154


    Product is what was expected; clean and nice smell.

  • Carmen H. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 91786


    Thank you for the outstanding service!

  • Kama E. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 98346


    It was easy to book this is had a person to call for questions who called me right back with answers . I appreciate the call back with answers to my questions and i even was told they would deliver a dumpster between 930 and 1130 and they were right in between..

  • Trisha K. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 18036


    Delivered to wrong location on our property. My husband happened to be home and had it moved b4 driver left. On tuesday tuesday, a driver showed up to pick up but it was already picked up on monday as scheduled.

  • Herbert J. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 28358


    Lameisha was wonderful.

  • Jama F. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 85119


    Thanks for the super quick service. Your delivery guy was courteous and very friendly

  • Donna T. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 80123


    Exceeded my expectations. Highly recommend.

  • Cassandra S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 23228


    Great service and the customer service was outstanding, each time i called.

  • Lisa W. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 81637


    Customer service was very good about giving a heads up that delivery might be delayed due to high demand, however, it ended up being delivered on time after all. Was not very level once set up, we needed to level it.

  • Jack T. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 43620


    Service and delivery was great. I will passing on the word about your service, product and customer service.

  • Dawn H. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 97206


    I was assured multiple times that i would get a call when the driver was on the way. Drivers notes did not show this note and i did not get the call. Driver was really nice, not his fault. Big praise for the on-call person who serviced our unit the morning of the event on very short notice because it had been tipped overnight. Thank you for saving the day!!

  • Charleigh B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Construction Standard Toilet w/Flush 15046


    Cedric was wonderful to work with. There was issue with the first porta john company. I let him know, and he had a second company lined up and a unit delivered within 24hrs. His service was excellent and he is a pleasure to work with.

  • Donna T. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 80123


    Great customer service. I highly recommend.

  • Jonathan K. VERIFIED

    Construction ADA Toilet;Construction Standard Toilet;Event ADA Toilet 20165


    Easy peasy thanks to the driver. We will continue to use as needed in the future!


    Event Standard Toilet 60561


    The gentleman placed the unit carefully and where it needed to be.

  • Luba B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 14468


    Great service. Very helpful staff.

  • Ward W. VERIFIED

    Construction ADA Toilet 42101


    This is our second project season using zters. Whitney has been absolutely wonderful to work with. She is very helpful and timely.

  • Kimberly S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet w/Flush 92277


    Water tank ran out after 1 day of event. No customer support staff available. Utility door was open so we refilled it but it was an unnecessary/stressful component to a very busy event.

  • Lisa G. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 43162


    Salesperson was great. However, no hand sanitizer in unit. I taped my own bottles in there. Didn't know how to refill sanitizer dispenser. And unit is still here!!! Only used for a grad party. Was scheduled to be picked up on the 30th, but it's still here in my back yard!!

  • Lenece P. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 70037


    Never have any issues with zters! Always on time, always helpful and never lets us down! Thank you!!

  • Irma B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 49642


    The delivery placement was perfect. Customer service was excellent. Very happy we chose this company to do business with.

  • Denise S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 19145


    The service was outstanding. The unit was excellent and the driver went out of his way to make me happy

  • Donald M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 80504


    Spot on thank you

  • Nancy L. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 45244


    The lady i spoke with was extremely helpful and pleasant. The delivery gentleman was respectful and helped me with the best placement for the unit with my situation. I was extremely pleased how easy it was to order and how quickly it was delivered. I would recommend them to everyone.

  • Richard D. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 01907


    Unit arrived very on the early side of expected delivery

  • Garry R. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 30214


    Very well, thanks.

  • Tracy O. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 33440


    Making this delivery happen for us this fast was critical and i am so very pleased with this company coming thru for us like this last min. Thank you so much!

  • Sherry . VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 64056


    Maria was amazing in helping me with the ordering and the delivery driver was friendly and fast.

  • Sarah P. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 54636


    The porta potty was very clean and smelled amazing. It was just what we needed for our little outdoor event. Thanks!

  • Deborah L. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 77364


    Everything went very smooth with the install and removal of the toilet for our party. Very professional owners, and the toilet was spotless. Will definitely think about you for the next party or event.

  • John W. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 97206


    Clean and right on time,..put right where it was supposed to be dropped off,..thanks

  • Carla F. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet w/Sink 77306


    Excellent customer service from jaime as always!! Thank you.

  • Rochelle A. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Construction Standard Toilet w/Sink 95691


    The service was excellent! From customer to the driver. We could not find anyone else to give us same day service and rhonesia came through like a champ. We appreciate the service. Thank you

  • Mike G. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 74014


    The port a potty was supposed to arrive yesterday. It did not. We were told it would arrive today 5/18/22. It has not. So it’s pretty simple to give a review; the product is not here .period.

  • April H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 85382


    Our new account rep, dave thomas, was able to get a toilet delivered on monday that i ordered just the friday before.


    Construction Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 48118


    Very nice driver. Competent. Careful of our driveway. Friendly and great service. Thank you!

  • Kris C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 92029


    With only half a day's notice, you came through for us -- thank you!

  • Barry H. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 27511


    Thank you so much! You helped make our church service project a success. We were able to minimize our impact on the refugee family, who had already been thru so much, and helped them realize that there is safety and caring in cary!

  • Carl J. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 48642



  • Janice H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 62557


    Stephanie is a pleasure to work with. Janice heard

  • Norm R. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 21136


    Potty never delivered!!

  • Beatriz C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 60120


    A courtesy reminder phone call, a day before drop off. We did receive a call before it was getting drop off that day. but it was a number i didn’t recognize especially it being a florida number. Then i realize it was for the bathroom being dropped off. Other than that was very pleased with everything from ordering the bathroom to it getting drop off. We will be ordering for the future. Thank you!

  • Jessie B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 80027


    Thank you!


    Multi Project 90503


    Great experience.

  • Jose G. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 90731


    Great service, great response over the phone.

  • Diana W. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 29745


    I will use this service again in the future. Your prices are very reasonable compared to others and the availability of the porta potties. Thank you!

  • George W. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 75146


    Thinge are great thanks.

  • Paul W. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 44087


    Great service! The folks at zters dropped off the porta-potties well before they were needed. Their communication was stellar, and the units were clean and exactly as described. I will definitely use them again for the next construction project which requires porta-potties. Thanks zters!

  • John C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 15853


    Have used zters service for portable potty in the past and knew the product and service was exellent. We were not disappointed. We would recommend zters to family and friends.

  • Karren A. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 40330


    Very nice delivery guy

  • Nancy H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 80498


    Ashley was knowledgeable, helpful, respectful and absolutely wonderful to work with. My delivery is scheduled for a week from now and i don't expect anything but a good experience. I'm happy i found your service.

  • Victoria F. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 95062


    The whole delivery and pick up process went extremely smoothly. Placement was right where i requested and i wasn't even there. The product was spotless when received and worked well. I was very impressed and would surely use zters again.


    Construction Standard Toilet 24066


    Great customer srvice

  • Kevin M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 95818


    Always a pleasure working with you! No complaints.

  • Michelle N. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 47031


    Delivery person let us know about an hour when they would arrive with the port-o-let. Was on time and put it right where we needed it.

  • Michael M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 17545



  • Darrick F. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 27870


    Wonderful service

  • Kerry D. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 60060


    Despite the issues with the portal, our account manager, brandon, was attentive to our needs and was top of putting things in order for us. From making sure our service order was place, drop location where it was needed, to customizing portal access, brandon delivered!

  • Walt A. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 80643


    Easy to set up a service and received service when it was scheduled.

  • Shanna T. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet;Construction Standard Toilet w/Sink 65753


    We are very impressed. Delivery was perfect. He was very courteous and answered all our questions. We appreciated his prompt service and he explained everything thoroughly. So far we are very pleased.

  • Robbi T. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 78669


    In a time when customer service in basically nonexistent, it was a pleasant experience to get a person who answered the phone promptly, took the order right at that time and processed as promised- no hassle, no surprises.

  • Fred S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 27006


    Clean and delivered when promised.


    Event Standard Toilet 67456


    Delivery guy was extremely courteous and helpful.

  • Michael C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 92653


    I have been pleased with your service since my first contact with marcel who has been exceptional.

  • Wendy N. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 92028


    The woman who assisted me was amazingly friendly and professional. She went above and beyong trying to get me my requested porta-pottie the very next day, even though it was a late request from me!

  • Shannon C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 48186


    Porta potty is in bad condition, i had to scrub it down in order to feel comfortable even using it. Frankly, it’s cringy. This is at my home for my use and my daughters, not a filthy construction site. Had a less expensive one from another company it was at least acceptable and we weren’t afraid to go in it.

  • Sharon A. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 84028


    Great to work with. Excellent condition. Very grateful. Thank you!!!

  • Luisa r. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 02493


    Very cordial drivet

  • Amber W. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 34205


    Easy and helpful

  • Brenda P. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 27967


    Always gives excellent customer service and very prompt on deliveries

  • Beatrice C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 76541


    The killeen ladies were very helpful and quick to accommodate even on such short notice. They were prompt with delivery and pick up. Should i need such services again, i will definitely go back to zters. Thank you!

  • Tiffany T. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 28433


    Delivered when promised.

  • Deanna J. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet w/Flush&Sink 60419


    Prompt, followed instructions & friendly

  • German Z. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 80214



  • Laquanta F. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 70570


    We were very pleased with the services. And we are looking forward to using zters for our next event.

  • Rhonda W. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 29860


    Driver didn’t call before delivering as requested… but overall we would use this service again if needed to.

  • Kendall K. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 30316


    Grat communication and on time delivery.

  • Roxanna B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 76230


    Very friendly and professional

  • kirsty g. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 92596


    Very helpful on the phone. I was quickly notified for deliver. And employees weee helpful, knowledgeable, and efficient.


    Construction Standard Toilet 43231


    Amazing. I didn’t even know it had been delivered you were so quick and quiet. Went to move my car to make room and it was already there.

  • Melanie N. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 68112


    Shay from houston office was wonderful to work with!! She was kind, fast, efficient, knowledgeable, and really cared about helping me! I hope i spelled her name correctly thank you

  • Michael S. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 90277


    Derek is great to work with.

  • Daniel P. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 94028


    Great service

  • Xena W. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 26506


    Customer service on the phone was great and very helpful as i have never done this before. Delivery was wonderful, they called to ask exactly where to place them to make sure they were in an ideal position for our event. These were also the cheapest by far from any other place i had quoted in the area.

  • Jane N. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 85705


    Your representative responded to our immediate needs! She stayed in touch to inform me that the delivery would be as we needed. Very good customer service!

  • Brandi B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 32087


    The delivery driver and his helper were great. They were very nice and polite.

  • Elmer N. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 01701


    Good service and fast

  • Edger R. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 06777


    All was great until the delivery date. The porta potty was left in the driveway on a different date as the scheduled date and there was no call for delivery or indication placement for it.

  • Mark P. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 30044


    Prompt delivery and good customer service

  • Ryan A. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 60548


    Great service

  • Danielle W. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 49264


    The potty was very clean and my experience with the company was great! We host two events a year and we will be using this company going forward. They were able to accommodate my very last minute request so basically they saved us! Thank you!

  • Mike L. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 30214


    The delivery guys were great and friendly, positioned perfectly. The facility was clean and exceeded my expectations. In my 75 years i've never, ever seen or in contact with a clean and fresh portable john. Many thx and i'll save your information. Last note: you were extremely reasonable compared to others i had called. Mike loyd


    Construction Standard Toilet 92845


    My wife accepted delivery and said the man was very accommodating and helpful. No problems. Thanks.


    Construction Standard Toilet 91321


    I haven't check out the unit itself so i can't comment on the quality it's in a lot about 1/2 mile away. However, lameshia, brooklyn, and vanda were all so friendly and helpful in trying to get the unit ordered and our vendor agreement signed. I am very thankful!


    Construction Standard Toilet 75602




    Construction Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 94303


    Marcel was great.

  • Daryl M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 61081


    Awesome response time


    Construction Standard Toilet 32054


    Respectful, manors, and kind

  • Georgia R. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 37879


    Prompt and professional service


    Event Standard Toilet 80110


    Short notice savior! We had a major sewer issue here at our business and you guys came through wonderfully!


    Construction ADA Toilet;Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 87571


    Stephanie is fantastic!!! Am recommending your company and her to everyone i meet from now on.

  • Shonda B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 32680


    Great experience over all. We did have a few issues with the delivery but other than that everything was great. Also once the unit was delivered we were very happy with it.

  • Jesse C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 93402


    There's a stick that goes across and holds the toilet paper, that part was missing other than that awesome

  • Sara A. VERIFIED

    Event Trailer 91030


    Thank you for the polite and careful delivery. Jermaine was very helpful and accommodating.

  • Rodney B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 29536


    Excellent customer service i would recommend y’all to anybody


    Construction Standard Toilet 87107


    Stephanie adams, excellent customer service. Vehicle accident, hit a water hydrant cause the site to lose all water operations here at our facility. Showers, restaurant and restrooms. Called, stephanie answered and she help me take my order. Within the hour the delivery was made. I appreciate the service stephanie and the company provided. Thanks again, joe de santiago, ta081 site gm..

  • Sylvia P. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 89040


    Excellent customer service and on time delivery!!!!

  • Susan W. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 18103


    I was extremely happy. Delores was very helpful! She answered questions, called me back when she said she would, and worked with me to get the best solution for us. Also the driver was great, he called me when he got to the site just to make sure he was placing it exactly where we wanted it. Everything was perfect!

  • Pete W. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 33712


    Everyone did thier job as expected

  • Tara D. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Construction Wastewater Holding Tank 78612


    Thanks for the help

  • Jesse R. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 27712


    The day was almost over before they delivered the port-a-john. So if you order from these guys be sure to set up your delivery the day before you need it & make sure someone will be there to receive the delivery from 6am-6pm.

  • Marcia T. VERIFIED

    Construction ADA Toilet;Construction Standard Toilet 90650


    Thank you for your quick service. Brandon was very helpful. I called on monday and you divered on tuesday. Price was very affordable. Would be happy to recommend your company.

  • Todd W. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 93643


    My customer service representative vanda guillory was outstanding. Product was delivered as requested.

  • Angela P. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 48198


    Both your delivery driver and the sales person on the phone were excellent to work with. Would highly recommend.

  • Dustin H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 28469


    Very professional!

  • Rayen R. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 93536


    Rick moore who delivered the porta potty was very friendly and delivered a clean product.

  • Shira A. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 91316


    Awesome company. Very reliable and flexible ! Thank you


    Construction Standard Toilet 76013


    Excellent customer service. Excellent field service!

  • Linda H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 94124


    Vickie in your office has been outstanding!!

  • Dave Z. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 04250


    Driver did great job, delivered to the correct location, all good

  • Jeanne V. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 31216


    The date of delivery was confused, but all was handled promptly and serviced well.

  • Orlando C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 30060


    All good!!

  • Denise W. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 20190


    Walter our sales rep in reston, va was very helpful. Our potty was delivered next day, the whole process was seamless

  • Alex . VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 97224


    Good and affordable service.

  • Teresa C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 92059


    Excellent service by the delivery man. Thank you.

  • Tracy G. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 22942


    Dropped off fine, thanks

  • Matt S. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 28681


    Very easy to work w/ and professional. Thank you.

  • Chou V. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 80020


    Good competition and on time delivery

  • Aaron B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 95403


    Quick and easy and the driver was very respectful, thank you guys for everything!

  • Chris M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 38115



  • Natalie E. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet w/Flush 92028


    Great guy who delivered ! Helpful and efficient and friendly !

  • Andy S. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Construction Wastewater Holding Tank 95638


    Great service, great value thanks

  • Evon K. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 28904


    Im very impressed with the professionalism of zters.

  • Debi O. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 78606


    Did a great job of placement and were easy to work with.


    Construction Standard Toilet 85301


    Excellent service & communication so far. My phone rep provided me with receipt after transaction, as requested and promised. Thank you!!!

  • Kory L. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 91762


    What a cool dude you have working for you.

  • Katherine C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 90278


    Customer service team was extremely helpful; delivery service was great, the gentleman called prior to and upon arrival, and set up quickly. Thank you for make this easy!

  • Ellie J. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 32034


    Casey, the gentleman who helped order the porta-potty was absolutely wonderful. I called several companies before reaching out to zzters and casey was the only person who went above and beyond, even calling the dispatcher to make sure i would have the rental on time. He won our business!

  • Mackenzie B. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 32570


    Got multiple complaints from customers that the door did not close properly.

  • Lance V. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 77070


    Kept me informed on every aspect from order to delivery. Worked with stephanie and she was extra nice and very informative. Would recommend all others to work with her. Thanks

  • Denise B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 90068




    Construction Standard Toilet 18104


    Timely response and dropped off in less than 24 hours from request and delivery was painless and driver was very personable. Will use again! Thank you!

  • Martin H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 91601


    Consistently reliable service. Great customer service. Great prices. Highly recommended.

  • Michael J. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Sanitizer Station;Construction Standard Toilet 63089


    Thanks you put it where i asked and it is very clean. Thanks!


    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 79935


    Everyone that i dealt with were professional and courteous.

  • Goerge T. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 25411


    The driver answered all questions and was knowledgeable in the area’s questioned about.

  • Nina D. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 92025


    Very efficent

  • Jose . VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 95620


    Over all great service, will use in the future.


    Construction Standard Toilet 78850


    Delivery guy was great and wanted to make sure he had the delivery completed to my satisfaction.

  • Armen M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 90403


    Sergio is great !!!

  • Gavin C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 23310


    Called zeters at 9am had the porta john by 1pm, same day. Professional, prompt, my opinion 5 star establishment. Thank you so much.

  • scott . VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 07013


    So far so good and no bullshit covid charges unlike your competitor united

  • Dayna M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 63138


    So far so good. Thanks!

  • Lorie R. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 77356


    Crystal is fabulous to work with - very responsive! When there has been a slight issue with the porta potty, she was very proactive and attentive to resolving the issue quickly. She deserves a bonus and promotion because she is the main reason i have been with y'all so long.

  • Kathy A. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 92065


    Placement exactly where requested. Thanks.

  • Leonardo O. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 56187


    He was very friendly and helpful. We look forward to working with him! Thank you

  • Mike M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 64801


    Zeters did very well,thanks.

  • Fanchon S. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 72774


    Staff at office were very helpful. The delivery was easy and it was helpful that that they called to get directions as to set up. Thank you for your help.

  • Sandro C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 94563


    Delivery driver just dumped toilet on the street and not in driveway like directed. Dumped and ran

  • Johnny M. VERIFIED

    Construction ADA Toilet;Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 36870


    Our delivery date is not until the last week of this month.

  • Jeff B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 75159


    It was a no hassle order and delivery! That’s how i like to do business

  • Jennifer C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 98052


    This is our first time with service with zters, and i was very happy with the service. Thank you

  • Jessica B. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 10901


    My representative jordan was always responsive, friendly willing and able to answer all questions and resolve all issues as they came up. We will use your company again.


    Multi Project 77474


    Delivery was on time and exactly what we ordered.


    Construction Standard Toilet 10528


    Placed it in the wrong area i had to move it behind the trees

  • Adam S. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 27834


    No one called me for the delivery, the porta john was installed in the wrong location. The porta john will need to be moved in a few days.

  • Fred S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 22172


    Cost of product, great customer service, delivery personnel awesome definitely will use your product and let other organizations know about your company thank you

  • Nick N. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 77060


    Great fast service, kudo's to stephanie

  • Steven O. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 33972


    On time. Clean.


    Construction Standard Toilet 29301


    Fast delivery perfect placement

  • Dalia Y. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 94611


    Thank you so much! From the customer service to the delivery, everything was great! Thank you again.

  • Eric C. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 30062


    The service was excellent i must say, with inclement weather conditions which would have definitely impacted our event, you're emergency dispatcher kept his word. He came through and save the day. Our event was a success and we are forever grateful. Thank you so much eric.

  • Kimberly H. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 94588


    Fast, efficient, great communication and service

  • Stan R. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 29707


    Excellent on everything. Would definitely use you for our next event.

  • Matt C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 33777


    Called me when arrived ...so important as we where not on site.


    Construction Standard Toilet 33928


    Mikah hammond was fantastic from start to finish. Easy and seamless was the entire operation. Thanks for being awesome mikah!!! Capt. Jon t. Hall

  • Diane N. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 33513


    I had to make one call for product to be relocated and it was taken care of promptly

  • Stephen H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 01915


    I placed two orders on the same day. The one delivered to beverly had no hand cleaner. Thank you,

  • Britton S. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 53207


    Thank you for your speedy, efficient service!

  • Maneva C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet w/Flush 90047


    The delivery was late and i didn't like the fact that there was not any toilet seat covers, which was not disclosed to me upon ordering.

  • Francis C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 94025


    Great! Merry xmas!

  • Corky R. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 98616


    Shelby beene is amazing!!!! She worked a miracle for me!!!! Stellar customer service skills!!!! Thank you shelby!!!

  • Derek T. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 88030


    Great service and equipment.

  • Thomas R. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 92592


    Great company to deal with. We will be using you again :-

  • Tony D. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 95747


    Sales rep rhonda fussell was amazing and very thoro8ugh and responsive to our needs. Thak you zters team and rhonda!

  • Lynda G. VERIFIED

    Construction ADA Toilet;Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 95693


    Cindy mcdonald was very helpful and took care to get placement instructions correct. The unit is placed exactly as i requested. I am happy to have a personal contact for our account. So far so good. Thank you for the personal service. That is something i was looking for as a previous company we had used did not provide that. It was very difficult. Thank you!

  • Jessica B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 10541


    Very happy with services thus far. looking forward to developing a working relationship for services when needed. thank you.

  • Jorge G. VERIFIED

    Event Wastewater Holding Tank 77372


    My service was scheduled for 12/1 and no call no show still waiting

  • David M. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 94534


    I'm glad the delivery person was able to try again after i transposed two numbers in the address.

  • Fred B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 97702


    Great job

  • John D. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 23139


    We had a miscommunication and that was fixed quickly. Great working with them.

  • Molly S. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 39574


    It took a while to get it delivered to the right location. We noticed the toilet paper was on the ground and missing the bar to hold it in place. I will be calling this am to have a bar to hold the toilet paper

  • Mitchell L. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 95014


    Good, timely delivery of a like-new portable toilet. Thank you!

  • Rose M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 77327


    Highly recommended company

  • Dorothy W. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet 92626


    The back end communication, receipt, no hand sanitizer. Should have been explained. Also not knowing when the unit was picked up would be helpful. I don't have any idea.


    Event Standard Toilet 76020


    Will use zters again . It was very good experience from the ordering of the porta can to the delivery! Thank you

  • Bertha B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 83686


    Very easy to work with your organization, from customer service on the phone to the delivery person. You did what you said you would do, exactly when you said you would do it. Thank you! We will definitely be using your services for our future events.

  • Melanie S. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet 75946


    Very quick response, even though we had a short-notice request. Very pleasant delivery worker. Portable toilet was clean and came in very handy.

  • Benny S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 85653


    Delivery person was professional and very personable. Delivery was on time.

  • David A. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 95673


    Came earlier than expected! Very happy. Thank you.

  • Cindy N. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 92506


    Thank you for being so helpful my first time to rent a potty and for being on time great customer service

  • Jessica C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 12997


    The potty on 735 springfield rd. in wilmington, ny was quite unstable and rocked back and forth as people got in and out- almost tipping. Floor was also icy - not sure how it got wet. But it worked. Thanks!

  • Marc R. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 77573


    Dependability...and that is what we need in our business...thanks to stephanie and your staff!

  • Tammy K. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 79932


    Great support and service. Thank you!

  • Jane D. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 91502


    Shelby handled a difficult order with professionalism and poise. She went above and beyond. The installation team was superb. Thank you.

  • Erica F. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Construction Wastewater Holding Tank 96105


    Zters made the process much simpler and fast. Cedric customer service and helpful disposition is refreshing!

  • Veronica T. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 77493


    Great customer service

  • Wayne S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 85306


    Service was very responsive and delivery and pick up were handled with professionalism. My only complaint is the bite the price took out of our charitable fund raiser. I know you have to make a profit to stay in business. Thank you for the great service.

  • Genene F. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 27028


    Great job. The color was correct , the placement was correct and delivered in a timely manner.

  • Neil N. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet;Event Trailer 30145


    Nice work!!

  • Joey O. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 31052


    Good product, easy to schedule, delivered and picked up as promised. We will use zters again.


    Event ADA Toilet;Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet w/Sink 37325


    Had no complaints. Your delivery person was very nice and informative. Thank you.

  • Yeimi L. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 46074


    Great communication


    Event Standard Toilet 60563


    You met my needs and your services were outstanding. I know you guys gotta make a buck, so i get it...but it's funny to me how many porta pottys i see these days, just sitting there. I was wondering if you would consider a nonprofit organization weekend ""deal"" in the future. It was a little on the pricier side for just a dozen people to use once or twice...I know it's not about that, it's about a lot of other things, i just wanted to put the idea in your head of some kind of weekend special, given that we didn't exactly use the sh*t out of it no pun intended? ;-

  • Tracy W. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 92307


    Thanks so much!

  • Francis G. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet w/Sink 92371


    Box was damaged, but delivery driver helped me open and make sure product wasn’t damaged. Delivery driver was very courteous and professional.

  • Kyle O. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 93041


    Tabitha was super helpful. She helped us get a porta potty on a friday afternoon. Super stoked with the service. Thank you

  • Tara W. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 96003


    Prompt delivery and pickup by professional and pleasant staff.

  • Jose A. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 96056


    Julia at customer service went beyond and above to help me get your service, when i was in a pinch. Excellent!

  • Marisa B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 03060


    Customer service was great and so was the delivery guy. Everything was easy and went very smoothly. Great experience.

  • Virginia W. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 30115


    Delivered on thursday & supposed to deliver on friday. Had a small trailer that was going to be moved but everything worked out.

  • Melissa Q. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 66012


    Would definitely use your service again if needed!!

  • Cara S. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 52544


    If i could have given a 10 i would have. The customer service representative i spoke with on the phone was professional, friendly, and courteous. This could not have gone more smoothly. I can't say thank you enough!

  • Alex C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 92549


    Hand sanitizer in the bathrooms would have been really nice. But overall great experience! Thank you guys for helping us put on a great race!

  • Sarah M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 23146


    Walker was amazing with his customer service! He was very prompt and professional and went above & beyond to check on us before the event to ensure we had what we needed.

  • Mike W. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 76018


    Timely, friendly

  • Scott N. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 84662


    Thanks for getting it to me so quickly!

  • Silvia S. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 91737


    Full transaction smooth and easy.

  • Valarie M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 06062


    The guys were great. Very polite.

  • Kathie M. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 32953


    Driver had to deliver in a downpour of rain. Exceeded expectations.

  • Debbie D. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 37849


    Thank you!

  • Tina A. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 92220


    Thank you for your service, especially with last-minute notice. Cust service rep was very helpful... much appreciated!

  • Kevin M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 95822


    Never an issue with zters. Keep up the good work!

  • Hope B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 01057


    Thanks! The whole process was easy!

  • Brian F. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 76110


    The staff member recognized my billing issue and forwarded to my account manager, who took care of my problem. Thanks.

  • Diana S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 23139


    1 of 3 had no hand sanitizer. Otherwise everything went well. Thank you!

  • Michael M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 28208


    When i stepped into the port a jon i thought that is was going to tip over scared the crap out of me needs to be leveled

  • Melissa A. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 54829


    Delivered on time, very clean and well placed. Very happy with our experience!

  • Carol L. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 91604


    Very polite and hklpful

  • Denis J. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 10603


    Everything went well. Eta of the delivery was on the nose and the gentleman who delivered it was great. Thank you.

  • Jered L. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 87105


    The entire process was handled professionally and courteously despite such little notification.

  • Joanne M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 02919


    Thank you

  • Norm H. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 45335


    Very pleased

  • Burney B. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 76705


    Good job

  • Jenna C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 76651


    Zzters has been great to work with this year.

  • Christy C. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 28586


    Came earlier than expected. Placed in a great spot. Very clean.

  • Brenda H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 34223


    The initial phone conversation with brandy was excellent…she was patient and very knowledgeable in helping me… when i called back to confirm …steven … handled the rest of the process and it was just as pleasant… who knew ordering “ a port of potty” could be handled so well? Thank you so much ! The delivery guys were extremely nice too!

  • James K. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 60406


    Thank you

  • Shawnee M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 90277


    Thank you for getting this done at the last minute. we will definitely use your services in the future.

  • Priscilla M. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet 06010


    We were very happy with the port-o-let that was delivered to our party site. The handicapped version was spacious, clean, and capably delivered and positioned. We will definitely save their number and info for the next gathering we have requiring a port-o-let.

  • Rachel A. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 24540


    Very nice staff. Timely delivery. Vey pleased with the service provided. Thank you.

  • Kari B. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 35476


    Lameshia was my rep and she was fantastic. I cannot say enough good things about her and i will continue doing business with you guys because of her. Awesome customer service!

  • David R. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 68112


    The whole process was nice and easy. The delivery guy he introduced himself but i'm terrible with names, was very personable, fast, and efficient. I was very impressed with his attitude and demeanor. I wish everyone i worked with was as focused on doing the best job, with the best attitude and the best concern for customer service as he was. I would hire him in a heartbeat and ask if he had any friends or relatives that were like him. You have a good man there.

  • Lynsey C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 77375


    Lynn's professionalism and helpfulness exceeded my expectations. If i ever need anything else from zters she will be the one i call.

  • Bill B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 21111


    She was excellent and very helpful.. Highly recommend your services! Will use again. Bill

  • Jessica B. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 23231


    Nick was fantastic. He did everything he could to meet our needs, and solve problems that arose working with the driver.


    Construction Standard Toilet 53190


    Person on phone very helpful. Driver call when drop it to confirm placement. I am a gc who orders alot of these . you are the best i have talk to too. Thanks jim farrell hs general contractor

  • Mary H. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 06340


    Delivery person called to confirm location, great! And it was right on time. Potty was spotless and in perfect condition.

  • Mandy C. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 29108


    Our sales guy, chris marsh saved the day for us. Our vendor canceled at the last minute and so we called chris. Chris really came though for us!!

  • Cathy M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 39560


    Alexandria was great in helping with the order. The delivery men were very helpful and polite. Great job

  • Dennis C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 80303


    Driver did an awesome job! Thank you!!

  • Diane P. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 18051


    Ranisha wa great! Thanks so much diane peters indian creek carpentry, llc

  • Carlos R. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 20874


    Satisfied with services

  • Darryl C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 48227


    Unit is clean, delivery person was great. Phone people where helpful.


    Event ADA Toilet;Event Hand Wash Station 01096


    Excellent all around. My only issue is that the units arrived a day earlier than expected and much earlier in the morning than i expected 7:30 am. Everything worked out okay, but it puts your drivers at risk of finding no one at home if they come on an unexpected day. I recommend giving your customers much better information about when units are likely to arrive. Thanks.

  • Chris B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 10524


    Phone help was great, christian was excellent.

  • Janice B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet w/Sink 32208


    Thanks you for being far, far better than your competitors on jax fl area.

  • Dale A. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 43074


    The sales girl was excellent i had an option of three or four companies and after i talk to her i knew you were the company go with she was awesome cannot remember her name but you’re very fortunate to have her on your staff

  • Jeff C. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 48157


    My agent is great the driver was awesome but my dumpster forgot to be delivered.

  • Mike Y. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 65706


    Zters didn't pick units on monday as stated - city had to call me to ask why - i had to call zeters to ask for pickup on tuesday - weren't picked up till 4:30

  • Sharon M. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 77510


    The stalls were amazingly spotless. Service was exceptional. I will definately recommend you. Thanks so much

  • Holt S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 81507


    The price for a single unit was the only negative

  • Mary R. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet w/Sink 92029


    Zters was professional from the outset of our order for portable toilets for our event. The units were immaculate and safely and securely placed. Drop off and pick up of the units went smoothly.

  • James M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 37066


    Everything was great! Just needed to call me ahead of the delivery like i told everyone and the driver would have found the place easier.

  • David F. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 29449


    All good

  • Chad J. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 01267


    My company worked with cindy mcdonald who did a fantastic job helping up. She was very professional, got us answers in a timely manor, and made sure to follow up on the first order. Great service

  • Angela R. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 23117


    The toilets were not delivered on thursday. As of 5pm friday, i am still waiting for them to be delivered. Rhonesia has been absolutely amazing in trying to help me get the toilets i paid for to actually arrive, but delivery a day late is really not good- especially since you still sent this emails.

  • Eric M. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Standard Toilet;Event Trailer 85215


    Customer service - great. Delivery driver - very good. Condition of unit - very poor.

  • Sandra O. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 75065


    The contractor delivered on time and portable toilet was clean and well stocked.

  • Rose G. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 72103


    Delivered and setup in requested location. Very professional deliver.

  • Beverly F. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 76652


    Everything was perfect. Thank you! :-

  • Lois S. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 80535


    Ordering the portable toilet service went smoothly, the delivery occurred on the date that i requested it to be delivered, and the delivery driver was very courteous. He secured the unit into the ground to prevent it from tipping over. The construction site is located in a wind zone that can have high sustained wind for long periods of time and strong gusts. Unit was clean and stocked with toilet paper and hand sanitizer, as expected. Awesome!

  • Fred C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet w/Sink 94089


    Outstanding customer service by deena

  • Dawn A. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 85615


    Delivery person was polite and considerate. The unit has dirt inside on the walls, toilet seat cover

  • Stephanie E. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 86351


    Thank you@

  • Randy P. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 83854


    The bathrooms were so clean, we thought they were new!


    Event Standard Toilet 07830


    Great! Was for a football team house party, over 100 people. delivery was seamless, they placed the port a jon exactly where we asked. costumer service was great.

  • Stephen S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 03848


    Very easy to do the whole process, highly recommended.

  • Tabitha C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 21012


    Great service. Clean. Very kind crew that delivered. Worked through a small issue of placement on my end and they smiled the whole time!

  • Lisa R. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 48216


    I never knew renting a porta john would be so quick, easy, and affordable. I’m telling everybody!

  • Randy/Tena J. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 37814


    Everything was great except it is set on wrong site not our land

  • Robert B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 94403


    Excellent so far !!!


    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet w/Sink 11746


    I was very pleased with your service. My only comment is that when i found you on the web, you were listed under apollo. The contract then came from zters, but the delivery call was from outback portable. This is very confusing to your customers. Overall, i was still very pleased with your product and would recommend you to a friend. Thank you.

  • Marc Z. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 90746


    Thank you for the quick service and great customer care!!!

  • Nicky H. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 24541


    Guys were great and did as i ask them.


    Construction Standard Toilet 74367


    Unit was put right where i had asked. Communication was great thank you

  • Tesla B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 30240


    Steven was amazing and totally saved our weekend!

  • Justin C. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 92801


    Bernardino was very helpful and professional.

  • Robin K. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet w/Flush&Sink 03885


    The units were very clean and in good condition, however, not exactly as quoted. I was told that they would be flushing units. With a foot pedal to flush the toilet. No foot pedal, except on the sink, and no way to flush. This was very disappointing. It was the reason that i was willing to pay to dollar. I would appreciate someone looking into this breakdown in communication. And refunding the difference between the units delivered and what was quoted.

  • Wendy J. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 59758


    We so much appreciate the time and effort put in to get the port-a-potty to us the same day.

  • Ernest S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 08525


    Excellent delivery coordination and equipment placement.

  • Michael E. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 07106


    You are my angels after all the disappointments from other companies that promised and did not deliver. Keep up your good works

  • Ivelisse G. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 33060


    Excellent as usual

  • Reagan B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 65712


    Delivery drivers were awesome they were polite, and accommodating

  • Angelica M. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 90638


    Great service!!

  • Keith M. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 92309


    From an office standpoint you guys are easy to work with and our onsite workers are very happy with you.

  • Dana W. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Standard Toilet;Event Trailer 73119


    Everything went well, thank you kindly!

  • Doreth C. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet w/Sink 07060


    Thank you for your excellent customer service, this includes your reps on the phone and the driver who delivered the porta potty and stand alone sink. They were all very helpful, friendly and professional. The porta potty arrived as scheduled and was clean. We rented the item for our brother's memorial service. Thank you so much for your excellent customer service and product. Dc

  • Curtis M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 29742


    Thanks didn’t think i was going to get one but you came to the rescue.

  • Megan W. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 99102


    Steven was so helpful on the phone!

  • Dana z. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 23505


    The delivery man was awesome! So was the potty!

  • Lisa F. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 11434


    The porta potty was scheduled to come on friday it came the following morning around 8. There was no explanation or courtesy call. The porta potty had graffiti written on it. Look like something from the bottom of the barrel n that i was given whatever was left. I expected much better since customer service was great! I don't believe i will do business with you all again.

  • Cheryl N. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet w/Flush&Sink 15235


    For the money that you pay for a port-a-john, i would expect quality service. The delivery man never called me before or after he arrived, delivered my port-a-john to my neighbors house and never looked at the address. Had to ask him questions about it because he didn't offer any information. If i had not asked him, i would not know how to operate it. I had to ask him to put water in the overflow for the commode.

  • Cynthia T. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 91730


    Great customer service .

  • Lynette B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 20019


    Shelby took good care of me and the delivery gentleman also too i will be using this company again in the future and i will recommend to family and friends

  • Karen N. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 21244


    Zters beat me to the location. Joey dropped the items off at the right area according to notes. We did communicate & all was well. Thank you all, crystal & other folk i talked to ,for working it out for me. May god bless all of you!

  • Mitchell U. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 27828


    Great job

  • Cindy B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 43430


    Was satisfied. The delivery guys were friendly. Prompt service.


    Event ADA Toilet;Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet w/Flush&Sink 19945


    My friends are impressed with the flushing capability, but there is a bit of a learning curve on how to use it.

  • Cindy H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Construction Standard Toilet w/Sink 91320


    We have had a great experience with zters. Leah and clayton were fantastic. The delivery was fantastic, they called my project manager and put the unit exactly where we need it. Thank you so much for everything.

  • Randy M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 97527


    It went very smoothly! Good job guys!

  • Marie A. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet w/Flush 02368


    Quietly came , and quietly left. Perfect.

  • Michelle K. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 20111


    Thanks always so helpful.

  • Deborah H. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 07003



  • Ruth M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 80004


    Excellent service, from start to finish ! Thank you !! Ruth :

  • Julie E. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 43211


    Exceptional! Thanks to cindy and the team - 24 hour notice to have a porta-potty delivered. Thanks to you all!

  • Nicole S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet w/Sink 60625


    Great experience all around! The woman dropping off the portapotty called when she was unable to drop where i specified no fault of her own and helped figure out an alternative. Very much appreciated!


    Construction Standard Toilet 95357


    Yuri salgado does such a great job!!!

  • Holly H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 98055


    Excellent! Thank you

  • Jerelyn K. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 60624


    I love the one you sent i will use again and also recommend you to anyone who ask

  • Christina M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 11706


    Perfect condition

  • Tonya H. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 44139


    My agent is always on her toes and fulfilling our needs!

  • Andy G. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 95242


    Great job!

  • Joan G. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Standard Toilet w/Sink 97005


    Great service, pricing and availability.

  • Mary D. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 63435


    Jaimie mont with zters has provided excellent service. Before working with her i did have a great deal of trouble getting through to your office when i needed service.


    Construction Standard Toilet 74735


    Easy process through and through, very happy!

  • Jeremy G. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 33702


    We asked for a specific type of service and you all delivered!!! Much appreciated thank you.

  • Mark L. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 85392


    I am being told that since we have received the unit it has not been cleaned yet. I was told that it was a once a week cleaning

  • Cathy L. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 29446


    The portable potty was a little old but my experience was excellent with zters. I will definitely use zters again and refer your services. Thank you!

  • Linda C. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 55025


    The delivery went well. The delivery man made sure the unit was clean and the wash station clean. the potty and sink still are here. You can get them any time. Thank you

  • Cordieann B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 76230


    On time all as expected

  • Renee C. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Hand Wash Station 08361


    We had a great experience with zters for the delivery of the ada portable restroom and double sink. Everyone was very comfortable using both! The customer service was great!


    Event Standard Toilet 02837


    Delivery man was very polite and efficient.


    Event Standard Toilet 08360


    1st user and will be a repeating customer.

  • Arthur M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 53121



  • Patty S. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet w/Sink 46514


    Delivered early thanks

  • Dwayne G. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 86314


    I have used zters many times and never had an issue. Always on time.

  • Anita B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 53066


    Thank you for everything!

  • Devin G. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 60008


    Awesome job! Thank you!


    Construction Standard Toilet 95616



  • Michael M. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 12125


    Terrible terrible all you do is deliver dumpsters think about that you stop listening after you get the credit card # don't tell us when you are coming put the box where you want stay south of the mason dixon line you should be fine

  • Tina S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 43440


    Thank you! The service was exceptional. From tabitha in the office to the delivery gentleman, all were professional and kind! A lot of people commented on the cleanliness of the portable toilet… that says a lot!

  • JoAnne C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 70359


    Delivery guy was very nice and helpful i'll give him a10 does his job well

  • Jennifer P. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 01590


    Great thanks

  • Michael T. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet w/Flush&Sink 08753


    Worked out well

  • Judy T. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 71018


    Jessica arnold has always been awesome to work with...

  • Anne D. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 48152


    Had such a wonderful interaction with the lady who helped me and very satisfied with the rental. It still hasn’t been picked up though.

  • Phillip D. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 53402


    Great working with this company!

  • Walter H. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 76542


    We called last minute on a friday and steven was able to get a delivery for the next day! The deliver man accommodated us with where we needed the units placed.

  • Debbie M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 90631


    Great service it was placed in the right spot . We need up not needing it or use it but thank you for prompt service.

  • Douglas L. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 55302


    Delivered on time as promised.


    Construction Standard Toilet 33607


    Great service!

  • Maria G. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet w/Flush 94545


    I cannot provide comment on how the unit performed as the need for this unit went into effect one hour ago. Other than that i felt customer service, the delivery of the unit, and the condition of the unit to be excellent. The only concern i would express is when i called in the morning of delivery to get a time window for delivery, it was impossible to reach a live person.

  • Susan M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 15025


    I would highly recommend this company for any service that they offer. Both alexander & madison were professional and easy to deal with!

  • Tracey T. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 27103


    Jamie m is wonderful!!!! Tracey tucker w/ petroserve

  • David K. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 68107


    The service you provided was exceptional. We never had a problem with anything. Everyone was great to work with! Thank to everyone.


    Construction Standard Toilet 98607


    Even ended in right spot

  • Thomas C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 48169


    Thanks 😊

  • Robert J. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet w/Flush&Sink;Event Trailer 20001


    Alex went above and beyond to help make this event happen. Delivery was on time and very professional. I would use and recommend your service in any situation

  • Dawn G. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 36107


    Delivered by very competent workers. Even the weekly maintenance guy was very nice.

  • Diane R. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 68133


    This company came through, on a saturday, in a few hours delivered what was needed. Professional, caring, and delivered on time.


    Event ADA Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 98382


    I called day before delivery to get an idea of a time they said times were scheduled the day of delivery at 9 i didnt find out until 11 and we told they were 30 min out actually is was more than an hour. Everything else was great but i had tons of errands to run before the weekend birthday party and would have appreciated knowing a time earlier and more approximate

  • Dave H. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 48023


    Excellent service you guys saved my party thank you

  • Brian E. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 83835


    Arrived on time. New unit. Driver put it exactly where i wanted it. Thank you!

  • Carol M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 10550


    Great and reliable service

  • Teresa D. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 48504


    My only issue is we were told we would receive a call when it was delivered to confirm where we wanted it. It was placed in front of our tent instead of where we wanted it and we had trouble moving it. Very dissappointing.

  • Candice W. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 46034


    The gentleman who delivered and picked up was incredible courteous, well put together and someone i would want to do more business with. Make sure he knows how much we appreciated the time he took working around our kids and dog and crazy car driveway situation.

  • Patty L. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet w/Sink 32778


    We needed it to be delivered in the morning but didn't come until 4:00. It is not very clean. Please pick up either saturday after 12:00 or monday morning.

  • Michelle J. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 01223


    Did and outstanding job the guy was professional and courteous. And the party works outstanding and it was very clean when it got here

  • Mirella N. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 91702


    Our experience with your company was so easy and you have a awesome staff. I will recommend your company to family and friends. I would like to thank you for making the process easy, can't find to many places that will make the customer happy.

  • Andrea C. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 19006


    It was clean and very nice 👌


    Event ADA Toilet;Event Hand Wash Station 80226


    Door needed minor repair on site and had an extra cable the delivery man said i could just remove...so, i did. Just great for a family reunion!!


    Event Standard Toilet 11743


    Amber and her staff were exceptionally accommodating and consummate professionals. Thank you so much! Tom eccles

  • Donna W. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 76135


    Crystal is amazing. Thank you for prompt and easy dealings. Will be a return customer for sure!!

  • Christopher W. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Event ADA Toilet;Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 91732


    Driver was very kind & courteous.


    Construction Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 99148


    It was in place early. I love it. Thanks.

  • Melisa F. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 13437


    Potty was delivered a little earlier than expected but otherwise great so far!!!

  • Gregory H. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 60628


    Service was great and prompt

  • Dollie S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 60644


    The person was very nice and patience with our process of receiving the equipment. Thanks

  • Kerri L. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 81418


    It's so dreamy!!

  • Mike P. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 94066


    Our organization has had a very positive experience with zters. Angela and nihko have been great and the guys delivering the units have also been fantastic!!


    Event Standard Toilet 27596


    Great all the way around!

  • Grit C. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 22302


    Very happy with service all around! Thanks much!

  • Frank K. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 75082


    This was my first time to schedule/order a porta-potty for an event. Everyone made the process very easy.

  • Dadriann W. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 10550


    Zhighly recommended

  • Sandy E. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 20882


    This was my 1st time to get one; so worth it, plan to contact you again in july for another party i am planning

  • Dawn S. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet w/Sink 91104


    Great customer service, will use again. Delivery guy was very professional and pleasant. Will use and recommend!

  • Natalie C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 84662


    Amanda was really helpful in getting this delivered to a odd location without an address. Worked out perfectly!

  • Eugene C. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 06498


    Minor hiccup was corrected. Very happy with customer service. Everything was very clean. Thanks

  • Sidney W. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 10927


    Well done excellent staff nick

  • Richard C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet w/Sink 32725


    Unit was not clean on arrival. Staff did spray down with water.

  • Tony P. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 48604


    Promptly delivered as promised

  • Lashon J. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 60153


    Very good service thank you

  • Kathy W. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 60515


    Best customer service!

  • Nancy T. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 04259


    Donald was such a pleasure to work with! Highly recommend.

  • Andrew M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 49101


    It was requested that i be notified of an eta or be given notice of when driver was getting near the destination. This was added in the drivers notes and instructions. I requested this because placement of the unit was important because we run a fireworks business regulated by the state fire marshal and their guidelines are explicit in the distance any other structures can be placed in relation to the fireworks. This request was completely ignored by the driver and i was never contacted. Had the driver called this could have been avoided. Thankfully the unit was light enough we could push it to the proper location.

  • Sarah M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 55119


    I had called around to see if i could have one placed in my back yard and most said no gaurantees...until i got a hold of you and you said you woudl try your best to make notes for the drop off guy. They successfully delivered it to your back yard and it was great! Thanks

  • Tammy E. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 55398


    Very professional, answered all my questions

  • Shirley C. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet w/Flush 75961


    None at this present time

  • Athena G. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 01118


    The portable potty was exactly what we were looking for. It was placed exactly where we needed it and it was very clean

  • Erika G. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 19043


    Our delivery man was fantastic, pleasant and everything was perfectly on time for our event!! Definitely will recommend others and be working with your company again. Thankyou so much


    Construction Standard Toilet 32926



  • Patricia B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 48228


    I like the fact that the staff was very helpful. A great experience.

  • Tanya R. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 78616


    Kevin kept in touch with us about delivery, was professional and did a great job with minimal instruction. Exceeded our expectations!

  • Britt B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 12060


    Delivery person was great. Accommodating and explained everything.

  • Star A. VERIFIED

    Construction ADA Toilet 60148


    I thought i would be contacted before delivery. The unit was placed in a far corner that i did not want it to be.


    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet;Construction Standard Toilet w/Sink 20653


    Matt hudgens was very helpful and responsive. He explained the process and made ordering the product easy.

  • Wonu O. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 60193


    Great service and customer service was superb! Hyel the representative i spoke with was so professional and kind. Thank you so much to the delivery guy as well! Very nice work and knowledgeable

  • Keli G. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 95693


    The delivery and pickup took place right on schedule. The company took pains to give us nice looking units for our daughter's wedding in one of the colors we requested.

  • Elaine B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 22485


    Last minute cancel from another company & you all went the extra mile to save me for my husband's funeral. Thank you so much!

  • Kendra K. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 01119


    Awesome. Thanks guys

  • Marylee H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 23112


    Easy to book over the phone. Early delivery. Excellent product. Best decision ever to have a porta potty delivered for our sons grad party! Highly recommend zters!! Will definitely use again for future parties

  • Kate E. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 08759


    Our delivery driver was prompt and courteous.

  • Robert J. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 48036


    Talking to the girls in the office they are very professional, they kept me informed on my delivery and it was spot on , the gentleman who delivered the unit was great and had a great sense of humor, so all in all this company is a1 in my book..

  • Donald M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 53511


    Dropped off port a potty when they said and were quick and friendly about it.

  • Nikita M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 60148


    While customer service was great, i only received part of my order l. I was promised the issue would be fixed but it never was.

  • Debra P. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 03051


    Delivery was earlier than expected. river called me and waited for me to et home to make sure placement was as i wanted. He was kind and helpful and did a fantastic job!

  • Shawn G. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 78620


    Very clean portable toilet delivered and placed mindfully. These folks rick

  • Kelly H. VERIFIED

    Construction Sanitizer Station;Construction Standard Toilet 63966


    My scheduled delivery date was monday 6/7/21. The subcontractors delivered 4 of my 13 ordered units and stated that they would deliver them later this week because the units were not at their warehouse. I waited until afternoon on wednesday 6/9/21 at called my zters account manager denna. Denna promised to call the subcontractor. The subcontractor called later in the afternoon at stated they were on their way to the property. The arrived shortly after and delivered the rest of the units needed. Overall, i am very satisfied with zters and the subcontractor company..

  • Jamie H. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 97470


    Lynne was amazing to work with and i look forward to doing more business with her.

  • Lajune P. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 48204


    The delivery guy was very polite and professional. Very pleasant and nice.

  • Jessica A. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 21771


    Thank you so much for your service ~ professional and clean, and even delivered a day early. Thank you again

  • Keith K. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 49250


    Thank you.

  • Donald H. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 31707


    Today is wednesday and it's still there. Don't forget.


    Multi Project 55767


    It was a pleasure to work with you! The taff was very friendly and informative!

  • Chris H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 92821


    Kudos to your team and it's partners. Very fast and very responsive to our completely unexpected water issue. I thank-you and our team thanks you!

  • Scott B. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 13642


    All went well with deliveries i had no issues and the drivers were polite and on time. The customer service was very good in getting set up and helping me understand the details. I was satisfied with working with zters on the set up and delivery.

  • Scott C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 60554


    Driver arrived early and was super courteous.

  • Blaine B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 60559


    We had a wonderful experience with chris marsh. Thank you!

  • Rachel E. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 19067


    Great price, excellent customer service, very easy to work with. We plan on sing this company for all our needs going forward. Would recommend without question.

  • Deborah S. VERIFIED

    Construction ADA Toilet;Construction Standard Toilet 05873


    Veronica, account manager was always helpful and prompt with a reply when i had a concern.

  • Tina L. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 46226


    Best service i have had in a long while. The man i spoke with on the phone and the delivery man were very friendly and nice. They answered my questions with patience. You don't find a lot of this anywhere anymore.

  • Jamie O. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 48206


    The gentleman who delivered was kind, funny and professional. He double checked everything before he left and made sure all was well with the products. He even helped me create a story why the porta potty was here surprise birthday party for my husband and it worked!

  • Luis C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 10576


    Homeowner complaint that no service was done and there's a very bad odor coming from the unit.

  • Mario B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 92705


    Multiple times when the unit was being cleaned the driver drove over the planter and damaged landscape plants also crashed into a vehicle parked but his personal insurance covered the damages in the vehicle

  • Jose A. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 28027


    Fast service

  • Mary D. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 63435


    Good professional service. Representative wasexcellent

  • Phillip R. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 37604


    Always friendly and fast service. Keep up the great work!


    Construction Standard Toilet 74401


    Gentleman was courteous and very polite. He washed the unit down and left extra toilet paper for the unit knowing we had construction men who would be on site and would be using it. He said he could be back if we needed him on his regular route, tuesday or thursday. Very pleased with him and the delivery.

  • Craig E. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 90220


    Very good job


    Construction Standard Toilet 03261


    Matt hudgens very helpful

  • Vincent S. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet w/Sink 60118


    The drop off and pick up was smooth. I appreciated the contact during scheduling and upon arrival at the site. Nice work.

  • Gary G. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 92231


    You had a stumble but overcame. Good work

  • Beverly F. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 27406


    Madison was very cooperative with me being an older customer was very helpful and very knowledgeable.

  • Shelly F. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 28206


    Rj was great, delivered and placed in the correct area, and collected the key for me for cleanup, he was real informative and nice!

  • Danielle E. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 94066


    Shelby was very helpful setting the whole thing up and the delivery guy sorry name ? Was very nice and professional. You have one of those jobs that if you do a great job nobody notices but if something goes wrong everyone notices. Great job so far. Let’s hit that tuesday thursday service.

  • Rocky C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 44865


    Very professional from start to finish with my order! The individual i spoke with on the phone matt in texas was spot -on! I had questions and he had answers......Didn't leave me hanging for a return phone call back if he had to check on something...Very smooth dealing with you folks being i'm in ohio and your in texas......Appreciate it!!!! Rocky clark willard, ohio

  • Philip O. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 78667


    Working with tabitha was top notch, made deliveries, & pickups where we never had to wait. Tabitha was very courteous, & very knowledgeable. Eei will definitely use zters on our future projects

  • Darryl H. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 38620


    Everything is great would have given all 5's but didn't receive call prior to delivery as promised but driver got it in the right place 😉 great job !!!

  • Shawntel . VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 43015


    Fast and friendly service. Man that deliveries was very nice and speedy.

  • Candice E. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet;Construction Standard Toilet w/Sink 93602



  • Blanca G. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 64157


    The porta pot was supposed to be delivered 5/7 a man called on 5/7 stated not until 5/8 8-10am. At 9:30 am the porta pot was still not here. The park had around 35 + volunteers for set up who had to leave the area for a restroom break. 5/8 at 9:30 a call was made to the man he said the event does not start till 12 and would not be there for another hour. He arrived at 11:20 pm. I will not be using your company again.

  • Thomas E. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 22401


    Zters did a great job as usual. Ineka had great communication and was a pleasure to deal with. everything went very smooth and toilet was delivered on time.

  • Lauren J. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 80214


    Easy nice and clean after using so many other companies : we will always use zters when working this area

  • Carol S. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 03262


    Shelby is excellent! As a customer service rep, she even sent me a map to confirm location! No one has ever done that before.

  • Kris O. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 96013


    Thank you tyler

  • Larry D. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 22902


    Just what we needed.


    Construction Standard Toilet 18446


    Very happy with the continued great service we receive.

  • Tanya U. VERIFIED

    Event Trailer 95747


    The bathrooms were not as expected. Way smaller and broke down of first flush

  • Richard W. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 64120


    Delivery was not made on date that was promised and charged extra fee for quick delivery. Shouldn’t be told delivery will be made same day if it can’t happen.

  • Regina B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 77485


    Driver was actually there waiting for my husband on the day of delivery.

  • Karson D. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 05254


    Worked with me to get a next day delivery

  • Julie W. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 16323


    Very grateful you could get the port-a-john on site the same day we called.


    Multi Project 44113


    Thank you to lorna crawford!

  • Jerry M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 07920


    Great delivery person.

  • Bernadette C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 81001


    Very happy with service. Thank you.


    Construction Standard Toilet 95223


    Yuridiana salgado - senior account manager is always very helpful and courteous!! Keep up the great work!!

  • Brian F. VERIFIED

    Construction ADA Toilet;Construction Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 48322


    I was looking to rent 2 porta johns and unfortunately had to have them delivered same-day. I contacted several different companies and was told that they either couldn't do it or that i would have to pay an ""emergency fee"" that in some cases was an additional $400. Your representatives were professional and told me that there was no ""rush charge"" and just needed to confirm that they could do it. They showed up in about 2 hours. Fantastic!

  • Sherrie M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet w/Sink 93257


    They were very clean and delivered exactly as expected.

  • Valencia M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 98284


    When you were made aware of the toilet not being satisfactory, you promptly exchanged it. Great customer service. Great product for a reasonable price!

  • Ronda C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 21230


    Timely delivery. The unit was very clean. Price was reasonable.

  • Tracie E. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 33304


    Thank you!


    Construction Standard Toilet 95223


    Keep up the good work!

  • Bill S. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 75082


    Truck arrived and potty was placed exactly where it was needed at my residence thanks

  • Susan F. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 98290


    Delivery and set-up was great, the unit was cleaned sanitized and well stocked. Pick up was quick and effortless. Driver was courteous and very respectful. Highly recommend your services. Thank you for helping our event go off without any issues.

  • James L. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 02019


    Good service and product!

  • Bruce S. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 23030


    Porta potty was bent and broken on the sides. Not clean inside. Although i had spoke with the customer service representative regarding the specific delivery instructions the driver/delivery person did not follow the instructions. I was luck i found him before he began to drop of the unit at the wrong location.

  • John M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 32666


    Awesome service!

  • Larry W. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 34952


    The driver was excellent in communicating with us, thank you, we will be doing more business together. lw

  • Shawn G. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 78733


    The delivery personnel was professional and helpful, working hard to get my porta-potty in the precisely the requested location. Good work!


    Construction Standard Toilet 22610


    Lorna is an exceptional customer service rep. She always take care of my sanitation needs for every project of mine. It's a pleasure doing business with zters!

  • Laura O. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 92253


    Krystal is very pleasant to work with :

  • Evan G. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 30747


    Weekly service was great. Dealing with your sales staff was very professional.


    Event Standard Toilet 76639


    Fantastic service. We appreciate everything that your company had done for us. Thanks so much!!

  • Dana W. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 38901


    Jessica arnold in customer service was extremely helpful and great to work with.

  • Donna F. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 23113


    Very happy with everything! Thanks so much!!


    Event Standard Toilet 76639


    We truly appreciate your company taking care of our needs. Your customer service representative is wonderful.

  • Ronnie C. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 30738


    They were a day late for pickup. Not a problem for me. The event went perfect. Thanks

  • Jill L. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 55359


    The toilet and its delivery was super. But the bill is not. We did this last year and it was $198/month. We just got one delivered and we were charged $322. That's a huge hike. Now i've been on hold forever trying to call someone about it. The music on your hold is so bad, i had to hang up twice after waiting a long time. Please call me. Jill 612-807--0331

  • Heather H. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 28025


    Delivery was on time. No hand sanitizer/soap in containers inside the portajohn though.

  • Phillip R. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 24293


    Friendly and helpful, and delivered the items on time with short notice. Always a pleasure working with you.

  • Karen M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 76887


    Wonderful customer service by jessica arnold, not sure on delivery because i wasn't on site but the guys said everything is fine. Thank you jessica for all your help! Karen

  • Kriss F. VERIFIED

    Construction ADA Toilet;Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 94546


    The office team & the delivery diver were great. Thank you for the wonderful service, we will make sure to call you in the future.

  • Mary B. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 90265


    Thank you!


    Event Standard Toilet 95685


    I received excellent customer service. The only reason i gave a 4 rating is because we didn’t receive the actual porta-potty style we had originally requested. However, casey called and took care of everything and for that, we are grateful. We would use zters again.

  • Charon S. VERIFIED

    Construction Trailer 95762


    Stormi is great!

  • Virginia R. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 53189


    Toilet froze even with heater in place. When removed they left what appeared to be antifreeze on the ground and snow. Very inviting to my dogs. Please remind your employees that antifreeze is inviting and deadly to dogs.

  • Rodney B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 70126


    Great service!

  • Jesse J. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 98223


    The driver backed into my horse fence damaged part of it. We were able to repair it.

  • David R. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 85040


    No hassel job, perfect

  • Bill M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 44473


    Cindy mcdonald, she is the best, she did everything perfect and helped the driver get to our site. I'll be calling her the next time for the service's. Thanks again cindy. Bill

  • Tracey T. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 27544


    I am not sure if the product was removed, as requested, if so than 5 stars to jamie, she was wonerful!!! :

  • Emily D. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 76013


    Easy and fast! Thank you

  • Paul R. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 76527


    Quick delivery, great maintenance, quick pickup. Fair price. Can’t ask for more.

  • Salvador A. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 91915


    Great service . I am very satisfied thank you

  • Isabell M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 85345


    Cindy was able to get us what we needed on a timely manner. The driver was able to deliver to us at least 2 to 3 hours sooner than expected and needed as we were without bathroom due to plumbing issue and we were able to continue serving our clients. Thank you.

  • Georgia L. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 77088


    I really wished i could have kept your service i just couldn't afford it right now cause i really enjoyed going in a nice clean potty and my customers enjoyed it too thanks a million and if i ever need all again you again you would be the ones. M&a food truck

  • Mark J. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 85260


    Driver was great! Great attitude and very professional. Perfect!!!!

  • George P. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 02370


    You guys did a great job thanks

  • Melvin O. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 10573


    You don’t have any hand sanitizer in the portable bathroom . During this covid era this is unacceptable.

  • Bret C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 41179


    Amazing fast service

  • Karen S. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 73051


    Driver was here early so it was set up and ready for my worker when he came. He set it and strapped it down and was gone. Quick and efficient. Thank you

  • David B. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 33950


    Working with crystal was a pleasure. The man that delivered was very efficient and professional. I was not there when everything was picked up but was told there were no problems. Thank you for the good service.

  • Emily D. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 76013


    Very fast and easy! Much more affordable than i thought it was going to be!

  • Monica G. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 77003


    Thank you all. We are very happy with your service.

  • Regnald W. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 92536


    Whitney was very helpful, providing me with an estimater, prompt delivery and answering questions relative to the delivery.

  • David B. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 33950


    Delivery made in a timely manner very professional service. Very happy with with everything. Thank you


    Construction Standard Toilet 30071


    Very reliable, dependable service. Porta- john was always clean and in working condition throughout our project.

  • Brian M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 34286


    Thank you


    Construction Standard Toilet 70544


    Thank you for a job well done!

  • Laura L. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station 92630


    No problem, delivery location needs to change. Please see the attachment for change of delivery location from the concession area in the park to the parking lot going straight back next to a single porta potty adjacent to the baseball fields.

  • Charon S. VERIFIED

    Construction Trailer 95618


    Thank you, stormi!

  • John P. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 95628


    Klousen was really helpful and accommodating. I will recommend him.

  • Robb M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 80108


    Very friendly ladies that delivered and set up a nice clean unit. Very professional!

  • Jeffery J. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 97532


    I'm very happy with sweet water sanitation, the 2 kids service to units, are extremely polite, i had another company, that i was using for 5 years, i had you guys for one week, i dropped the other company like a hot potato,

  • Cindy P. VERIFIED

    Construction ADA Toilet;Construction Standard Toilet 22192


    We had a small problem with one of the doors, zters took it back and arranged to bring out a new one right away. Thank you casey for all of your help!

  • Susan B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 40330


    Campbell's service who delivered, setup , serviced and removed the portable toilet did an excellent job. The service men were very professional, courteous and knowledgeable. Thank you for your service.

  • Carla F. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet;Construction Standard Toilet w/Sink


    Thank you so much to jaime for her assistance in getting this schedule and providing detail information on what to expect. Very professional and exemplary customer service. Kudos to shellie for her customer service, follow up and ensuring the pick up of the unit was successful and prior to the deadline. I appreciate very much everything you all did for us and will keep you in mind for the future. I will make sure to refer you as well! Thank you and stay safe! Carla

  • Lynn J. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 24016


    Very much appreciated for your time and service.

  • Chris M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 78618


    Delivered on time; clean ready to go. Thank you!

  • Chris M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 78624


    Delivered on time; clean ready to go. Thank you!


    Construction Standard Toilet 32744


    Richard was the best. He did a fantastic job. The service tech before and after richard did just an ok job. You are getting a 5 because of the job richard did. I will have to say also that the office personal i talked to did a very good job as well. If i need services again i will call you. Ed

  • Nicolas T. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 76513


    Great customer service

  • Jennifer R. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 93003


    I don’t understand why i received this survey as the toilet was to be delivered yesterday and it wasn’t. Jackie and cindy have been great on the phone but they are in texas. Had i realized that going in, i would have gone with someone who i could talk to here in ventura.

  • Deborah H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 60517


    Never have any problems

  • Deanna T. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 92024


    Excellent customer service and prompt delivery

  • Laura H. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 34135


    Great customer service...friendly; professional with a ""can do"" attitude.

  • George D. VERIFIED

    Construction Wastewater Holding Tank 80439


    The holding tank is still on site not removed yet.

  • Michael D. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 46201


    Great job! From placing to removing unit -- it was smooth on our end. Thanks for being easy to work with!!


    Construction Standard Toilet 31404


    It was a difficult street for truck to maneuver in truck accidentally drove over water meter box and water line that goes into house. No issues thus far but that was only hiccup in delivery. Other than that, driver was polite, professional, and helped by suggesting best location. He did an excellent job explaining to me what to expect with the jiffy-john rental. He also let me know some of the other services you offer he is an excellent employee

  • Linda M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 76001


    Both the service person who scheduled my appointment and the gentleman who delivered our rental were kind, professional, and wonderful! Thank you.

  • Kevin M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 77357


    Excellent service!

  • Reza R. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 92117


    Customer service was great! They helped me find the price that matches my budget. also the delivery guy was respectful and quickly installed the unit where i told him yesterday. the unit itself looked okay but definitely dated, but overall and so far it was a good experience. hope the cleaning service is also per schedule and smooth.

  • Marcia B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 91001


    I was very happy with the customer service. I was impressed with the cleanliness of the port a potty.

  • Karen W. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 44428


    Nice clean ports john and very friendly to work with!

  • Shelly W. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 47130


    Thank you so much for helping us with our needs at the job site

  • Dawn H. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 75090


    Thank you!


    Construction Standard Toilet 70466


    Tabitha and eric were great.


    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 28409


    Your delivery person was polite and professional.

  • Blanca G. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 64014


    Great experience customer service awesome.

  • Robert M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 95819


    Never got the service guy's name but he was awesome. Accommodating and always doing a great job with a smile on his face.

  • Noah H. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 77005


    Everything went as expected - delivery was on time and crew got to work . Owners are happy with install

  • Mary G. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 87031


    Great service.

  • Becky H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 93706


    The service and staff were awesome! Friendly courteous and professional! I will definitely use them again!!!


    Construction Standard Toilet 73554


    …. First time in need of the service .. The csr's where terrific ..! I was treated with great respect.. Can't ask for more than that.. The weekly service person .. was very courteous and friendly .. You folks are great ..!

  • Marcella U. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 77303


    I was charged $20 to get it delivered the same day. It was delivered close to 4pm as the workers were leaving. The delivery man was very professional and nice. I would definitely recommend this company and plan to use them again.

  • Allen L. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 90274


    Thanks for taking of our project needs. You made it easy for us!

  • John P. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 48706


    Super easy, clean and prompt.

  • Chason K. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 96003


    Really appreciate working with donald r. Thomas iii. Solid pm, great communication. 10/10 will use again.


    Construction Trailer 97006


    Will definitely use zters again, service all around was top notch!

  • Hope H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 34433


    Both cindy and delivery man were professional and courteous.

  • Lucy R. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 23704


    Great job

  • Barbara W. VERIFIED

    Construction ADA Toilet 34231


    The lady that took the order on the phone was very helpful and patient with me. She was a lot of help.

  • Devin J. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 62868


    Customer service was very friendly and helpful. Thanks for all the help!!

  • June S. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 91316


    Thank you for being so prompt. At this time in covid-land, it is an unexpected joy when people try to make life easier thank you!

  • Jeff A. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 28746


    Adam's the best! Everyone said the porti-potti was the cleanest they've ever seen

  • Chris S. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 30012


    Great company to work with. Punctual and took care of all elements. From the great sales rep to the load in and load out guys. Everybody was flawless. Great job!

  • Frank B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 48331


    Was not cleaned as told had to call was not picked up for a week later it was useful

  • Lori H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 22535


    Bianka, was amazing and so helpful. She is outstanding and went of and behind to help us get a port a john asap. Can't thank her enough


    Construction Standard Toilet 45431


    It was placed in the exact place we wanted it seated. Thank you!

  • Larry T. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 46220


    Very well ran business excellent customer support and cleaning of the unit and removal will definitely use for future projects

  • John F. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 18940


    Everyone i spoke with was very nice. Your crew was prompt in delivery and pick up. I will use you again.

  • Javier M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 28205


    The best service at a good price thank you

  • Jimmy M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 47240


    Thanks for your service i’ll definitely be a return customer

  • Alonzo H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 78537


    Excellent service and fast delivery driver was really patient and understanding great job.

  • Nanette N. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 06475


    The technician who delivered the unit was excellent.

  • Brett T. VERIFIED

    Construction Wastewater Holding Tank 11542


    Perfect job!

  • Catherine B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 28803


    Speedy and efficient


    Event Standard Toilet 76065


    Product delivered as promised and in a timely manner.

  • Gillian D. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 90022


    Called for the service, short notice. There was no issue, they were friendly and prices competitive. Will definitely use them again when necessary


    Construction Standard Toilet 32328


    Spoke with john the delivery provider...very professional. Great service from all involved.

  • Gwendolyn R. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 70645


    Excellent service, very professional agency, most helpful. Thank you!

  • Jackie W. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 38401


    Sapphire is awesome and definitely get the job done right!

  • Maria C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet w/Sink 85301


    Great service and great quality for the pricing

  • Hilliary M. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 80301


    Thank you!

  • Darrel W. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 85545


    You guys are the best keep up the good work

  • Christopher W. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Event ADA Toilet;Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 91732


    Satisfied with service

  • Stephanie N. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 76708


    To begin the services with zters, chrystal y. was very personable and helpful. Ordering the portaloo was easy with her expertise. When our indoor toilets were finally set and bathroom remodel almost done... For the canceling and pickup of the port-a-pot, steven b was excellent and professional. We recommend this company to anyone looking for residential services in the waco, tx area. Thank you!

  • Gerardo G. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 75050


    Good so far.

  • Roger E. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 83263


    Im very happy.

  • Felecia H. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 44406


    Although we had a great professional relationship working with ramichelle thuesen for our first event, the professionalism didn't change working with shellie williams for our second and third event. Thank you

  • Antonio M. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 93436


    Hand sanitizer was requested and didn't came with the portable toilet

  • Susan B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 40330


    Delivery personnel were professional and courteous. They explained the cleaning service to occur every other wednesday. Two personnel were brian and brent.

  • Richard G. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 80301


    Had some miscommunication at first but cs recovered well we will use this service again

  • Scott F. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 99173


    Great service, reliable, and very competitive rates. In the 15 months that we have had the onsite toilet service we have never had a complaint.

  • Bruce P. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 33330


    Excellent service.

  • Roxanne Y. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 48240


    Dependable and great customer service. Thanks

  • Jimmy S. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 71635


    Everything went good, and we were pleased with the service we received.

  • Brian R. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 81657


    Turnkey operation, allowed our construction team to concentrate on the task at hand. Great follow up and quality products delivered to the site.

  • Julianne H. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 93003


    Our team is so grateful to zters' crew for their assistance.

  • Nick R. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 97501


    Denna n was amazing. Always very helpful and prompt on fulfilling delivery requests!

  • Ricky J. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 75424


    Appreciate you and the service you provided.


    Construction Standard Toilet 99205


    Great company to work with

  • Ledonna . VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 45431


    Thank you so much, michael...solved my problem!

  • Linda G. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 90272


    Great service, thanks!


    Construction Trailer 97006


    Customer service was great! The two guys that dropped off our rental were awesome! Super friendly, very knowledgeable and answered all our questions. One of the best delivery experiences i've had. Thank you!

  • Haley B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 30216


    Very pleased!

  • Gregg F. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 31831


    All went well. Thank you!

  • Albert S. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 71429


    Thank you for excellent service in a remote area.

  • Richard C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 94024


    Complete satisfaction

  • John F. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 18940


    Arrived on time and in great condition. Placed it just where we asked. Driver was friendly and efficient.

  • Gary H. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 43446


    The wait times to get a live body to talk to were extreme. Had to make several attempts to reach someone with average wait times of 15 minutes or more. Otherwise the service was very good.

  • Norma M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 75150


    Thank you for all your help. you have a great team.

  • Clair V. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 76308


    Great! My delivery guy was awesome to!! Thank you!!

  • Beth S. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 98546


    I had to meet the delivery perso. At the home that is an hour away. I asked for a one hour lead time and the man did that, delivered quickly and the whole process was done in a few minutes with no glitches! Great service!

  • Lindsay C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 04102


    We will use you guys again. Angie was great. She was courteous, professional and responsive. The deliveries, cleaning and removal was perfect. Thanks


    Construction Standard Toilet 17403


    Everyone was very courteous and professional. Thanks for the prompt service

  • Brian M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 30306


    Thanks for the fast service.

  • Kevin S. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 59853


    Always responsive to my concerns or needs, great customer service. the staff that service the porta potty and pick it up are excellent as well. professional, courteous and timely. thank you!

  • Andy B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 60123


    Thank you!

  • Michael J. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 28226


    Quick and easy rental and just what we had hoped for!

  • Cristina H. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 97123


    Did a great job every step of the way plsced toilet right where it was asked .

  • Michael R. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 76115


    The restroom i rented was very clean delivery was on time and the driver was very nice .

  • Bruce M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 80435


    Just to say thanks for everything. It was a great time and your service provided a real comfort. Thanks again


    Construction Standard Toilet 90402




    Event Standard Toilet 08753



  • Dawn R. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 20180


    Felix - the drop off guy was super friendly and went to great lengths to make sure he did not damage my property. The clean out crews each week were also very friendly and considerate.

  • Kylee S. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 30013


    Will use them again

  • Heather O. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 59875


    We will use your service again when needed. Thank you so much for providing us with the stalls that we needed during football season.

  • Jerry T. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 76006


    Excellent service with no problems....thanks

  • Charnetta P. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 77489


    Being that it was delivered on a friday and that you guys are closed on saturdays and sundays i thought it would be picked up on monday because i had some yard work that was going to be done on monday but you guys didn't come in till tuesday evening so i was and inconvenient to me but other then that everything was good

  • Tiffany D. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 08527


    Great job !

  • Tarina L. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 20017


    Excellent service, from date of order till pickup. I will always use your company and recommend to everyone i know. Thank goodness for zters! Keep up the good work!

  • Barry M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 33325


    Ineka, my customer service rep is off the charts with a solid 100 and not just a five. She is terrific!

  • Lesley S. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 60714


    Thank you

  • Paulette T. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet w/Flush&Sink 70128


    Everyone was friendly and professional when ordering, including the delivery guys


    Event Standard Toilet 48210



  • Tarynn W. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 80205


    Jackie and lori were absolutely wonderful and their customer service is top notch! In fact, it is why i chose to use your company! You have very valuable assets in those two women! There was a little confusion in where to deliver our porto pot and sink, so the delivery guy, alex, had to come back and relocate it. He did it with grace and a smile on his face. He was so nice and kind and i appreciated that! Overall, you guys did a fantastic job! Thank you! I’ll be sure to use your company at our next event!

  • Nancy H. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 85541


    Outstanding customer service by jaime and all the staff i spoke to including jackie and i believe alyssa. This industry has some of the brightest women...who knew ;

  • Linda G. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 90272


    Great service. The delivery fellow was friendly and efficient and placed the potty just where i needed to have it be placed - to please my neighbor. This is my second potty and both times the service has been great. Good job!

  • Denise B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 90746


    Thank you for your professionalism and support!

  • Gwendolyn R. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 70645


    Excellent service and delivery. Very professional. Thank you!


    Construction Standard Toilet 73554


    .. Couldn't as for better interactions .. Csr was warm and friendly .. most important helpful ..! In a stressful condition for me.. The deliver young man .. was the same .. and able put the unit right where i wanted it.. Carried about the quality of his efforts.. Helping out .. one old man .. with a dysfunctional toilet .. makes you special in my book ..! Big thanks to you folks ..!

  • Teri J. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 75452


    Amanda was extremely helpful and professional when placing our order. The man who delivered our equipment was excellent!

  • Gary B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 01354


    Very helpful upon the ordering process, mica

  • Charles V. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 33710


    Very quick service and extremely clean portable units!

  • Dallas L. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 48442


    Customer service was incredible. All services where completed on time or before. All units were cleaned on a timely manner. I love that i was able to connect to tabitha my customer service rep when ever i needed her and how well she worked to accommodate our needs!

  • Sonja L. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 84664


    They were supposed to call me so i could show them where to place it. It has to be where the city told us to place it. Not happy

  • Kathleen B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 22193


    I met the guy that dropped off the unit and he was so friendly and nice. I know he is a subcontract because he was from don's jon's and dropped off a united unit but could you please make sure that he gets some recognition? He was the sweetest man!!

  • Kevin Y. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 74464


    Very satisfied with the service

  • Andi L. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 80124


    Great service, easy to use. Crystal williams has been a huge help!

  • Deryl S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 98499


    Thx zters for the quick response for our needs. I will keep your contact info for future services. Thank you.

  • Kenneth T. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet w/Sink 85302


    East to work with .good service and put where it need to be at. Thanks

  • Evelyn G. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 91106



  • Mack P. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 16509


    Saphire was great

  • Laura S. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 78374


    All reps that i spoke with were very courteous brandy cano did great

  • Richard R. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 92582


    Very friendly delivery driver. All is good.

  • Margaret G. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 97378


    The driver's/cleaners have been professional and nice

  • Christina H. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 44012


    Very easy to set this up with your customer support. I appreciated that the driver called me to find out exactly where we wanted the unit placed before arriving to my home. He was very nice and accommodating in person too.

  • Felecia H. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 44503


    Product and services were outstanding. Thank you

  • Paul C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 49442


    Thank you for assisting our family and friends. Much appreciated. Felicia owens-carpenter

  • Larry C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 65624


    It took a lot longer to get the porta potty then i was first told it would be. Other good experience

  • Ross C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 80138


    Easy to work with, much better than last year's service provider! I hope we can do this again next year.

  • Erin A. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 98671


    Everything was excellent, thank you!!

  • Brad P. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 61832


    I had scheduled weekly service for th2 of the 3 units and we have not seen anyone since they were dropped off. Get someone to clean them or i will have a local vendor replace them. This vermillion rental is a sad joke of a company and their service is horrible. If i had known that you contracted out to them i would not have used your services either.

  • Mary C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 43026


    The gentleman that delivered our unit was very efficient and did everything we requested, excellent customer service. Thank you so much for the early delivery and kindness. This was a residental delivery and all this was appreciated.


    Event Standard Toilet w/Flush&Sink 91302


    The gentleman who delivered was very professional and friendly.

  • Lutrina B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 93726


    I truly appreciate your help. This was a very last minute request and you all came through for us.

  • Cathi P. VERIFIED

    Construction ADA Toilet;Construction Standard Toilet 34984


    Thank you for making this process so easy during these trying times. We have construction projects coming up, and i know that the lovely miss jackie will be my go-to person!

  • Justin S. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 76539


    Porta potty was set up 50 yds away from the spot it was supposed to be set up.

  • Gary P. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 92660


    Everything as promised and schedules

  • Maria W. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 95816


    Lori , my rep was fantastic!! We'll use your services again. Thank you. Sincerely, maria nash & proper admin admin office 916.229.2542

  • Deborah F. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 11706


    Thank you

  • Michelle H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 33156


    I love working with alyssa. She is my go-to, get-it-done lady. : and just to let you know, this was the best nice looking portable toilet we've rented, yet! Thank you zters! Michelle harris

  • Jerry T. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 76006



  • Tammy N. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 97211


    Perfect, thank you

  • Stephan P. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 21045


    Sincerely appreciated the timeliness, the professionalism and the quality of the products.

  • Patricia B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 27525


    Thank you for all you did. I was very happy with the service from the start to the end.


    Event Standard Toilet 28409


    Great job! Thanks.

  • Patricia E. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 34135


    I worked with mccall sherline for our project site needs. She was always pleasant, and quick to fulfill our orders. She immediately responded to any issue that came up to make t it right. I appreciate her outstanding customer service she provided to us.

  • Doug A. VERIFIED

    Event Trailer 55344


    Thank you for the fast service.

  • Richard C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 94024


    Good clean service, friendly qualified driver, on time, prompt e-mail service, all good.

  • Lori M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 29407


    Polite and prompt!

  • Mike B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 32926


    Brandi did an outstanding job with customer service.a+the new vendor is professional and courteous and their product extremely clean and well presented. Thank you

  • Maggie K. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 42728


    Thank you for being able to do this so quickly!

  • Andy B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 60123


    Thank you!

  • Linda C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 90670


    Thanks for everything

  • Joel J. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 52361


    The best service i have had in a very long time!!

  • Hasley R. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 81428


    Tramell was an excellent sales rep and double j disposal was great too

  • George B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 08087


    Excellent, clean and emptied every week.

  • Amanda F. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 23011


    Driver was very helpful with the placement, overall was a good experience. Will use you guys in the future if ever needed!

  • Barbara M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 70058


    Ordering was simple and fast. Delivery guy was very nice.

  • Johanna K. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 89109


    The girl handling the orders was so nice and made the process very easy for me. Mike, the delivery guy was great too!

  • Brenna M. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 97536


    Very friendly very nice and quick

  • Aaron B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 25411


    Toilets placed as directed. Alyssa managed process great. Pricing about 50% higher than prior provider.

  • Dawn H. VERIFIED

    Construction ADA Toilet;Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 33034



  • Alice B. VERIFIED

    Construction ADA Toilet;Event ADA Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 97103


    Thank you for your prompt service. We will certainly call your company again.


    Construction Standard Toilet 13691


    Late delivery and missed services, but overall it was a good experience.

  • Rodney R. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 76571


    Great service and product.

  • Christi S. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 91101


    The customer service rep mikah has been great! I've had to contact him a few times with information on where to place the unit and he has been quick to respond. The unit was delivered but found to be leaking and so the delivery was rescheduled for today. All reps we worked with were great about communicating to us what was going on. Great service!!

  • Chris N. VERIFIED

    Construction ADA Toilet;Construction Standard Toilet 93003


    I ordered 4 standard and 1 ada. All 4 had to be sprayed down and cleaned by the driver. 3 out of the 4 were missing the toilet seat cover dispenser and 2 were missing the hand sanitizing dispenser. One didn't have a hasp to lock it. The delivery guy had to call for another truck to come with the standard supplies"" that should come with the units. It took about ab hour to get them all to the way you advertise them.

  • Doreen J. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 07063


    I will use your services/ products again

  • Robin A. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 23839


    You went above and beyond by getting a unit delivered from dc when your realized that you did not have a unit to serve our event. The driver was courteous and pleasant!

  • Kris L. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 60025


    Followed instructions for drop off and product was in great condition.

  • Darren E. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 90745


    Everything was great.

  • Mary W. VERIFIED

    Construction Sanitizer Station;Construction Standard Toilet;Construction Standard Toilet w/Sink 92365


    Tabitha is great for customer service and goes above and beyond for her customers.

  • Xenia O. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 60093


    Keep up with the good work thank you

  • Lisa A. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 44139


    Crystal was excellent to work with. Unfortunately i had an emergency with my son. Crystal’s instructions never seeing my property guided the delivery exactly where we wanted it! Crystal and your delivery team are amazing. They work and communicate well together. Thank you for a safe option during covid.

  • Brad A. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 80634


    Would have liked to have a ballpark delivery time. However the dispatch placed our toilet exactly where it was needed no issues there. Customer service was excellent.

  • Debbie J. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 34947


    Excellent and efficient customer service

  • Shelly W. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 47130


    Thank you for your prompt service

  • Toby J. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 90745


    Brandi is absolutely great with customer service. Thumbs up and up.

  • George B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 08087


    Delivery, maintaince, and ultamitly return was excellent. wonderful experience

  • Dawn H. VERIFIED

    Construction ADA Toilet;Construction Hand Wash Station 12816


    Ada stall was delivered, but the handwashing station was not.

  • Dawn H. VERIFIED

    Construction ADA Toilet;Construction Hand Wash Station 12816


    Thank you!

  • Allen H. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 55112


    Thank you for leaving my light that i forgot to grab out of it. Above and beyond!

  • Kelly R. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 60805


    I was ordering for a delivery at some one else's house. There was question about placement of the port a potty that i couldn't answer and i was unsure that anyone would be at home during the time of delivery. Sapphire, who took my order, was wonderful about keeping open contact until we got all of the details ironed out. Then, the delivery driver i'm sorry i don't know his name contacted me, before delivery, to let me know that he was on his way. I missed his call. He called back! I would highly recommend this service to anyone that i know. Thank you so much! Everything was wonderful.

  • Tanya P. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 07042


    I will definitely be calling you again in the future!!! Thank you for everything!

  • Tracy F. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 07828


    Excellent customer service and service would absolutely recommend to friends. Thank you very much

  • Gail O. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 13815


    Thankyou for the delivery and removal. The two units were as clean and practical as you described.

  • Charles G. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 60517


    Great job. If i have that need, i will use you again.

  • Morgan G. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 64110


    It was seamless to use you guys and allowed me to focus on other things. Thank you so much!


    Event Standard Toilet 65668


    Excellent service!

  • Fred D. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 97504


    Friendly staff. Went out of their way to make sure a portable toilet was available. Thank you!

  • Tanya P. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 07042


    The delivery was made in a timely manner and my guest told me repeatedly that it was one of the cleanest porta potties they had ever seen. Thank you!

  • Katrina W. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 48146


    Excellent service if i or anyone needs service i will definitely tell others


    Multi Project 52627


    Everyone at zters did great. The delivery driver put the van in the wrong spot even after talking to him.

  • Jenea M. VERIFIED

    Event Trailer 90018


    The receptionist that helped me over the phone was awesome be gentleman that delivered be porta potty what's great on time and very helpful however the day of the event halfway through the porta-potty ran out of water so no one was able to flush or wash their hands and i had to allow people to come into my home to wash their hands or use the restroom which i was totally trying to avoid so it kind of made me feel like why did i pay $750 for a product that only worked for half of my event my cousin who used to work for a porta potty company said he could refill the water however the doors were locked on the back of the trailer so we were unable to even put water in the tank so that people would not have to go into my home other than that i appreciate your service


    Construction Standard Toilet 99009


    Your service was outstanding. Talked with a nice lady on the phone. She was so helpful. They also work perfectly. Thank-you

  • Sherry K. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 27842


    Job well done! Thank you.


    Construction Standard Toilet 19125


    You guys are amazing ! Thank you for your business.

  • Garth H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 59102


    Amanda is amazing

  • Daniel R. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Event ADA Toilet;Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 60914


    My sales rep stormi is the best! She is extremely friendly, always prompt to respond and flexible. She took care of my needs with short notice! Stormi is a rock star!

  • Nicole J. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 77485


    Our account manager, nichole thornton was exceptional!

  • Richard F. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 79227



  • Monica G. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 77027


    I've had very positive experiences in all the interactions with zters. I appreciate your professionalism. Thank you.

  • Stephen L. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 22572


    I am not onsite to view the condition of the product but i was very pleased with the service.

  • Nathalia V. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 07753


    Great service would totally use product again.

  • Felecia H. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 44503


    Very pleased with service from customer service and delivery of product. Plan on using for future events. Thank you very much for the professional and efficient service provided.

  • Antonio E. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet w/Flush&Sink;Event Standard Toilet w/Sink 46628


    Fantastic .


    Construction Standard Toilet 53132


    I was very pleased, and will contact zters again.

  • Lenard P. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 98223


    Driver was very professional. Great experience.

  • Claire S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 99004


    Easy to schedule, great to work with, and pick up was so easy! Will definitely use them again for any porta potty needs!

  • Marie T. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 08619


    I have used other companies before but the one you sent was much higher on a scale from 0 to 5; above a 5 thank you

  • Felecia H. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 44503


    I company was wonderful in helping us out in a pinch. Customer service with ramicelle thuesen was exceptional. We will definitely use you at our next event. Thank you for your service

  • Nathalia V. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 07753


    Great guy called when he arrived - would have liked a 20-30 min notice. Everything else great

  • Cynthia S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 38256


    Will definitely use again....

  • Frank B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 48331


    Great service and clean equipment

  • Garrett R. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 53005


    Quick response - jackie ? From tumble tx was great on the phone and exceeded my needs! Thanks

  • Jennifer R. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 60561


    Our delivery drive was fantastic!!!!!

  • Sheryl G. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 07410


    I received the porta potty on time and in good condition. Your customer service people were very helpful. Thank you!

  • Gina D. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 10570


    Great driver customer service great fast simple easy to talk thank you

  • Colleen D. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 14227


    Everything went well. I ordered service last minute and am appreciative we got the service. Being last minute, we did not get 1 with a light and our event was in the evening, but i'll know to call sooner. It was tricky getting through for days being on hold for long periods of time. Also understandablly with world events. Pick up was scheduled for the 8th and was picked up on the 9th. Thank you so much for your service. We would highly recommend you and also for future events.


    Construction Standard Toilet 70629


    You should clone mr donald thomas!!! He was very helpful in getting what we needed for our staff working in lake charles. Would like to know what areas you service so we can see where else we could use zters !!! Again, mr. Donald thomas was professional and followed up by phone and by email to get what we needed!!! Sue may, cannon medical, inc.

  • Melissa M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet w/Flush 07111


    Excellent service.

  • Quincy A. VERIFIED

    Event Trailer 31088


    Delivery was ontime. Setup was quick. The delivery worker reviewed the trailer with me, and answered and questions i had. The pickup was just as prompt as the drop-off. Simple connections to a water and electrical source. My guests praised the unit, and enjoyed the convenience of the bathroom trailer during my outdoor bbq party. I highly recommend this company and product. Thanks for making my event memorable! Job well done.

  • Lawrence K. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 48174


    Everything was fine,

  • Heather B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 48745


    I will be using your services next year as well. Thank you


    Multi Project 93436


    Always a great experience. Thanks for all your help.


    Construction Standard Toilet 93551


    Quick, knowledgeable, informative, thank you !!

  • Pauline R. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 98223


    My salesperson was fabulous. Very nice and easy to work with. The delivery went very smoothly! Thank you all for the incredible experien

  • Donna W. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 02124


    Your company is outstanding the porta-potty was clean i can smell the deodorize just excellent service i have recommended a couple of people your company thank you for your service well done dw


    Event Standard Toilet 06112


    Very professional great company

  • Denise B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 48213


    Thanks for everything

  • Darlene P. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 97338


    I was told i would get a receipt, i still have not got it. everything else great, i would recommend your service.

  • Andrew S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 18419


    Prompt and nice delivery crew

  • Tyrone W. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 19020


    Our delivery guy was outstanding


    Event Standard Toilet 60424


    Great driver friendly and very courteous


    Event Standard Toilet 63077


    The young lady that delivered the toilet was super nice and placed it just where we wanted. She did an excellent job cleaning and servicing the toilet for our use thank you


    Construction Standard Toilet 97140


    I was very please with the porta potty and working with your company. Jason was very helpful and everything he said would happen, it did. On time within a budget.... Perfect. Will use you guys again and will recommend you to my friends.....tom

  • Jean B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 08360


    Very pleased with zters customer service.

  • Nemo P. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 06473


    Ineka is on key, good job done

  • Michael D. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 46205


    Delighted. That's why we're a repeat customer!

  • Maryann S. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 92277


    Thank you.

  • Kiran K. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 03235


    Well informed prior to delivery . Unit was clean and ordering process was simple and was in a timely response for all the inquiries. Will definitely continue to do business with them. Thanks

  • Mateo C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 11732


    Excellent customer service. Super nice staff, very helpful!

  • Dustin B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 30707


    Suppose to pick it up yesterday but its still here.

  • Danielle M. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Sanitizer Station 33444


    Rentals were very late! They were to arrive in the morning of aug. 25 in time for opening to the public at 11 am. After repeated follow up and phone calls, the rental units finally arrived at 5pm.

  • Kirk D. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 46783


    Great job on very short notice. Will call again when/if needed.

  • Brian K. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 64085


    Delivery and set up was quick and efficient.

  • Charles J. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 91790


    I am very pleased with all the service i received from zters. i received a clean potty ready to use with paper, weekly cleanouts, with prompt delivery and pickup. Hassle free with no problems. I will use zters again and recommend them to a friend. 100% happy with customer service.


    Construction Standard Toilet 92011


    Highly recommended

  • Juliette S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 97210


    I will definitely recommend! The driver was very pleasant, and the toilet was perfect! Thank you!

  • Paul R. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 17070


    Every thing was as expected and nice, clean

  • Jovana R. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 27410


    Quick snd easy delivery snd very great rates. Redbud

  • Robin S. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 31513


    The delivery guys were really great !

  • Robert S. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 22042


    On time and new unit, wow


    Event Standard Toilet 30102


    Military discounts would be appreciated

  • Patricia T. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Construction Standard Toilet w/Sink;Event Standard Toilet 60638


    Staff was always nice, patient and more than accommodating each time a called. Product was delivered and picked up as stated by staff. Will keep your info for future use. Thank you for all of your help.

  • John M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 95658


    Very happy with your service, and stormy is wonderful to work with!

  • Ricky S. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 27263


    Cindy was absolutely amazing to deal with. Please send her my regards! Ricky

  • Orlando W. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 48215


    Zters definitely was a plus to deal with! Tyler made sure that we were well taken care of and that our expectations were met. You all are on my re-use list fore sure!

  • Darlyne T. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet w/Flush&Sink 02126


    The staff at zters are simply the best! Thanks for making my event special.

  • Mike J. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 25309


    Service was great. Everyone was very helpful

  • Preston M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 28052


    Jax customer service, delivery driver both excellent.

  • Tahisha C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 28217


    I loved the customer service. They was so helpful and nice

  • Rose J. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 48210


    Delivery and pick up went exactly as promised. Representative that took our order and payment was professional and helpful.

  • Matt H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 61401


    Great company to deal with. We appreciated the prompt service.

  • Tara P. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 80482


    Sapphire was great and all the other girls i spoke to. Delivery and pickup was the absolute worst..scheduled to have a dumpster picked up friday it’s tuesday and it’s still there would not recommend this company and will never use them again

  • Matt D. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 90278


    Driver was great. Even though i was unable to answer at the time. He called before the delivery. Driver was very professional. Also, the person i spoke to intially was very polite and helpful. Thank you.

  • Luke P. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 94538


    Tyler is always responsive and as opposed to the old days of constant calls for service, zters is on point with quick responses and requires the least over site of any site service we use.


    Construction Standard Toilet 49304


    Always kept clean

  • Carol O. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 95117


    The porta potty was not clean upon arrival.


    Construction Standard Toilet 44111


    On time delivery as predicted.

  • Richard C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 94024


    Very good service in person and on the phone


    Construction Standard Toilet 70544


    Efficient! Thanks

  • Mario M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 10452


    Brilliant!!!!! Thank you!

  • Vorncella H. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 35206


    I would definitely use this company again and will spread the word about you all. Employee was friendly & professional. Thanks for your services, job well done.

  • Davida C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 48021


    Unit is still here

  • Sherese A. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 48035


    I would recommend you for future services...thank you

  • Jomika M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 48066


    Very clean dropped off and pick up on time great price

  • Burail H. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 48210


    Both ladies were so great and was so helpful

  • Dallas L. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 48442


    Great job w ith delivery and working with us on locations. Customer service is top notch!!!!

  • Connie H. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 55344


    The porta potty came clean and on time. They were able to put in in the location without driving on the lawn. When the porta potty was picked up they were also do complete the pickup with out driving on the lawn.

  • Justin H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 75069


    The delivery driver was on time, professional, and courteous. I will definitely keep this in mind on our future construction projects.

  • Karen N. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 80403


    Thanks so much

  • Elizabeth C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 87107


    Great service!

  • John S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 99205


    Driver was very nice and all is well and helped out a bunch can't say enough quality job quality people picked up when they said they would on time everything. Great and wonderful job. Thank you so much

  • Shawn L. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 52403


    I believe that the sales associate's name was vicki she was professional and extremely polite. She went above and beyond the call of duty to accomodate my needs. I have saved her contact information and would call her directly if i needed your services in the future. I would also forward her contact information to anyone else in need the young man that delivered the porta pottie was as proficicent as one would want him to be. He really takes pride in what he does and really was one of the nicest of men. The are both good for your business. Keep and acknowledge them both.

  • Jeff W. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 06492


    Friendly professional delivery persons. Extremely clean. Very affordable. Would highly recommend!! Thanks so much.

  • Shannon B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 14120


    Great friendly service.

  • Robin H. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet w/Flush 21403


    The guy who delivered the unit was very personable and kind. We actually invite him to the affair. His name escapes me now. Thanks loads.

  • Kari G. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 92404


    I am so grateful that zeter’s came through to get me the hand wash sink that i needed. The delivery person came early and was professional. I highly recommend this company.

  • Carlos V. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 91914


    Scheduled delivery on time. No waiting around. Setup for use right off the truck.

  • Janelle T. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 77554


    Great customer service!

  • Anne P. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 02458


    Great service thank you

  • Lisa W. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 84098


    The delivery guy was fantastic! He called me ahead of time and was very polite and placed the unit exactly where i wanted it. He even gave me a lock since my event was not taking place until the following day. Happy with the price too,.

  • Karen G. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 01562


    On time , very clean well maintained. Everyone commented on how clean it smelled. Would use the company again

  • Walter N. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 08753


    Driver was courteous and portable toilet was clean and placed where requested. Delivery was prompt and don't with care of property

  • Eugene K. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 10595


  • Kristen S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 11763


    Just wanted to make a special note that the gentleman who dropped off the porta potty couldn't have been nicer. He was fabulous and definitely and employee you would want.

  • Jessica G. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 14212


    The house of yahshua greatly appreciate you all...you do a great service and we appreciate it

  • Dylan C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet w/Sink 19963


    Unit was clean, put the unit exactly where i needed it. Customer service agent was amazing


    Construction Standard Toilet 37601


    Quick and efficient service , fast delivery , very friendly guys who delivered

  • Robert K. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 53207


    Will use you again. Thank you

  • Joann F. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 76543


    Thank you for working with me throughout the process of renting a unit from you. Your customer service was great and that helped tremendously. Thank you!

  • Deanna L. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 11706


    Great price, helpful, would use again


    Event Standard Toilet 67730


    Excellent job, thank you

  • Tammie F. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 98591


    Thanks i will use again. Also i will tell family and friends

  • Ernest W. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 60628


    They worked with me and they made the delivery within 4 hours even though my card declined them the first time

  • Jaye C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 04105


    Was really happy with the cleanliness!

  • Sheila L. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 04654


    Fantastic! Unit was spotless and delivery person extremely courteous. Looking forward to future business with you.

  • Megan P. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 06110


    Great experience highly recommended

  • Paul F. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 22309


    Excellent customer care from my initial phone call to delivery. Simple straight forward and completely transparent.

  • Carmen R. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 19933


    Young lady casey was fabulous and so was victoria sorry if i got the second name incorrect she was also wonderful,,, both were helpful and informative... thanks to you both for assistance... I’m also glad it was removed before today storm,, a tree came down exactly where potty was omg... thanks again the ada potty was excellent

  • Cindy M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 60429


    I will be using you guys from this point on, the customer service was great i ordered last minute and you guys delivered on time, very clean portal potty smell good plenty of tissue and hand sanitizer. Thank you so much for everything

  • Alan M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 62565


    Excellent service first time i used you glad i did will call you the next time i need service

  • Howard G. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 76023


    It was late getting there in the morning.

  • Sarah P. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 49759


    Delivered on time, clean, and easy

  • Tyler O. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 75254


    Jackie was great to work with!

  • Chris C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 92082


    Great team

  • Greg J. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet 95838


    Delivery tech was very friendly!

  • Elliot H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 55407


    Thank yall for the swift delivery. The worker was very nice and helpful.

  • Anthony J. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 80016


    Angela was extremely helpful, and great to work with.

  • Richard C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 94024


    Good service, on time, good attitude all around

  • George F. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 19462


    All personnel were extremely helpful and courteous

  • Gregory G. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 92307


    Thank you for hiring quality people who work hard to meet customer requests. The gentleman i first had contact with was professional, helpful and concerned about meeting my need in a timely manner. Warmest regards, gregory gaspar 20321 & 20321 1/2 tonawanda rd apple valley, ca 92307


    Construction Standard Toilet 34428


    Very good thank you

  • Jenny Y. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 90277


    The turnaround time and delivery was great!!


    Construction Standard Toilet 92082



  • Eduardo G. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 32130


    I requested the withdrawal before winning the current cycle, and i was not attended, i requested a refund and had a return. Please see the attached email. Thank you

  • Betsy S. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 78228


    Excellent service, very easy to work with!!


    Construction Standard Toilet 90807



  • Salvador A. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 91915


    Deliver on time and in perfect condition

  • Michael S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 18509


    All good except it’s 4:35 pm on monday 7/27 and it was supposed to be picked today. Will that happen? Thank you

  • Melissa F. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet w/Flush&Sink 11769


    Customer service is beyond excellent! Will be recommending this company in the future!

  • Josephine D. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 21223


    The customer service was excellent!

  • Pattie K. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 68059


    Very pleased. I’ll be using your services again!

  • Rusty S. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 33140


    It was a pleasure dealing with the company. Phone calls were answered and the people working were polite and efficient and very helpful,

  • Luanne K. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 58425


    U happen to email the company with the porta portys with the wrong number that we rented. They were awesome and delivered our second one but you could give them some credit for their superb customer service!!!

  • Stephanie H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 85037


    Loved working with lori she is a gem !

  • Jenny N. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 95603


    I never heard of you guys before, but am happy with your service at the start of my experience. Also, the delivery man was very kind and helpful and had a great attitude.

  • Kori M. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 70380


    Great staff. Excellent service.

  • Micheal A. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 73114


    As usual we are very happy with zters. Jd hudgens takes good care of us. Thank you jd.

  • Janet V. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 97023


    Everything about you was great and recommendable, 5 stars. Thank you, till next time.

  • Jean K. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet w/Sink 06416


    They were always prompt to return my phone calls and very courteous as well. They pleasantly accommodated us as far as positioning the unit where we wanted it. The unit was very clean. We would definitely use them again ok.

  • Raphael S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 20646


    I’ll be back!!

  • Linda C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet w/Sink 60104


    Thank you for allowing me to use your porta potty. I was greatly appreciated. The installation guy was very helpful and patient

  • Deana H. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 80107


    We got timely and friendly drop off and pick up. The unit was clean and in good shape. We definitely will use you again should the occasion arise. Thank you!

  • Anthony V. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet 87124


    I'd use them again

  • Alison C. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet w/Flush&Sink;Event Trailer 49446


    Wonderful service!

  • Ernie B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet w/Flush&Sink 04043


    Everything is great except for amount of time to receive product

  • Josephine . VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 49056


    Product was never delivered! Where did it go?

  • Jenelle G. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet w/Sink 80106


    The two toilet units are still on our property as of 7/18/20. I believe they will be picked up on 7/20, hopefully but they should have been picked up on 7/13/20. Hopefully they will be picked up on 7/20 because we do not want them on our property, not very attractive having two units sit on your property for over a week.

  • Stewart G. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 19035


    Customer service to set up was easy and quick. The problem is that the toilet has not been delivered on the scheduled date and has still not arrived. It has been 3 days since scheduled delivery and no toilet.

  • Howard S. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 83113


    Thank you

  • Mary F. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 97071


    Delivery driver was professional and personable! Unit was clean .

  • Mike L. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 45014


    Very happy with service we are getting.

  • Pamela J. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 48213


    Excellent service representative and overall service but, the prices were double normally expected to pay. I would use again.

  • Tamika R. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 77520


    Thank you!!!!

  • Helen D. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 07050


    Unfortunately it rained on the day we were to have our event, but l did check out the porta potty and it was nice.

  • Janet D. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 13624


    Thank you for your product & service and efficient process in scheduling drop of and pick up! Ty again, janet dodge

  • Daphnie M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 31803


    Everything was excellent! The man who paced my order, steven bean was excellent and so was the gentleman who delivered the portable restroom. Thank you zters for great service and i would recommend this company to others.

  • Jordan K. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 80107


    Office lady was very nice and helpful! Guy who dropped off was polite and we had no issues! We would def use again

  • Carmela D. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 85546


    I was very pleased with your service very simple and easy process...I would use your services in the future for sure.


    Event Standard Toilet 10314


    The rep named steven in texas i spoke w was very professional and friendly . He was awesome. Will use you guys again for sure

  • Eric R. VERIFIED

    Construction ADA Toilet;Construction Standard Toilet 46383


    Outstanding service for last minute request thank you . Steven customer rep outstanding delivery driver outstanding


    Event Standard Toilet 46733


    I arranged a reservation on my own with a portable toilet company that, two weeks later, called and refused to provide service unless i pay 25% more than what they originally quoted, and just 2 days before my event! I happened to find zters online whose quote was slightly less than i was originally going to pay the other company!... plus the customer service was outstanding. Andrew had difficulty finding a company in my area that could provide service on such short notice, but he came through with a company that i believe doesn't ordinarily contract with zters. Note to all service providers: take a lesson from zters on how to treat your customers!! Thank you andrew for everything you did. Pastor tim - decatur, indiana

  • Beth O. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 22832


    Super fast service. Friendly people. Overall perfect.

  • Renee H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 31313


    Excellent company and customer service! Will definitely refer to others!!!!

  • Rhonda H. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 44119


    Service was great. I greatly appreciate the service and the portable was cleaner than i expected. I will definitely use your services again as well as refer a friend. Thank you.

  • Mary F. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 97071


    Driver was professional and courteous. The units arrived in great shape.

  • Linda A. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 22405


    Everything went smoothly

  • Cyndi C. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 53532


    Smelled great

  • Maria R. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 06040


    I assumed the unit would had been cleaned before dropping off. The guy did clean it but when i wen to check up on him he was already gone and when i looked at it .. it wasn't as clean as i expected it to be for a residential unit for an event. I called the company and they were really understanding and apologetic and sent someone out right away. She did an amazing job cleaning the unit. So this is more for future fyi but i gave it an overall 5. I would use them again. Thank you

  • Ebony W. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 23116


    They were friendly & professional

  • Holly K. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 97064


    Th floor of the unit is dirty with muddy feet. But i’m not really upset. I got the unit for my family reunion this weekend. So it will be getting used regardless. The gentleman was kind and and brought a flushing toilet with a sink.

  • Monique D. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 06457


    Great job

  • David L. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 15501


    Would be all 5’s but the unit is still at 173 concord dr and my mom in law would like it removed.

  • Debbie J. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 34947


    Excellent customer service and quality product

  • Debbie J. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 34947


    Excellent customer service and quality product

  • Tina B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 37091


    Wonderful to work with


    Construction Standard Toilet 43555


    Customer service was excellent.

  • Mike R. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet w/Flush&Sink;Event Standard Toilet w/Sink 60481


    Everybody involved with this transaction was very kind and helpful. Specifically, my salesperson nihko and the delivery driver rob.

  • Stephanie W. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 66046


    We did not receive the temp toilet on 7/6/20. As of this morning, it is still not on the job site.

  • Evan H. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 74868


    Delayed pick-up

  • Karen B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 76055


    The delivery guy was super nice will it zzters is a great service


    Event ADA Toilet;Event Hand Wash Station 80226


    Every one of you guys could give lessons on customer service! Maybe just one of you could apply at century link and get my internet fixed? Seriously, i can't remember having better service, prompt and efficient to boot. Next year tho, you owe me toilet tissue! We loved the wash station and the little ones were lined up to use it. I shoulda taken a picture. Thanks again!

  • Vinny C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 22406


    Very easy. Unit was delivered by courteous driver and picked up by same driver. Everything was clean and functional. Will use again.

  • Cora S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 52060


    Our overall experience was amazing. Thank you so much.

  • Sandra T. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 73025


    Really pleased! Will order again next year! Thank you!

  • Steven M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 23224


    2nd year of service with this company and i have absolutely not one complaint. Keep up the good work

  • Martha V. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 30269


    Great delivery, received in great condition service was nice and smooth


    Event Standard Toilet 32901


    Very clean

  • Erin P. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 43783


    We received a great unit! It waa super clean & even had hand sanitizer in it free of charge! We would totally rent one of these again. 😁

  • Maria G. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 19013


    This is the second year that i have used them for an event. They have been a pleasure to work with from the agent on the phone to the driving. Great company i will definitely use them again.

  • Cyndi C. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 53532


    Happy 4th


    Event ADA Toilet;Event Hand Wash Station 80226


    Driver was sent out with only half the order but he did come back a few hours later and the wash station was delivered. Just one question tho, i would have thought the porta potty should come with paper products. I am glad we got the large one..perfect for parents with little kids. Sign me up for next year! Were doing this again after the virus is under control.

  • Bruce B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 83854


    Delivered on time, friendly guy. No hand sanitizer

  • Angeanette H. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 01109


    Beautiful...easy set up...excellent quality of material...2..up...

  • Alison C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Event Hand Wash Station 46205


    We will probably come back and request some service for a labor day event.

  • Margery H. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 05851


    Excellent service

  • Tammy H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 18603


    Thank you for your service!


    Construction Standard Toilet 49304


    Very nice people


    Event Standard Toilet;Event Trailer 76426


    Very thankful they were able to accommodate an early pickup. Thank you for the great service!

  • Lisa W. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 76082


    The delivery driver, kyle, made contact with me, he was courteous and polite.

  • Mark P. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 97229


    Thanks for the quick delivery!! Mark powers

  • Latoya B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 02136


    The driver was very professional and pleasant and provided excellent customer service!!


    Construction Standard Toilet 43555


    Great job. Very courteous. Rented online and personnel very helpful. Thank you.

  • Eric R. VERIFIED

    Construction ADA Toilet;Construction Standard Toilet 46383


    No real issues customer rep . Steven was very helpful this was last minute request and he made it happen. Delivery driver was outstanding good job to all !!

  • Claudia W. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 48228


    The unit was surprisingly extremely clean! Really changed my perception on portable bathrooms as far as cleanliness goes. I’ve actually never seen one so clean! It practically looked and smelled brand new! Will always come back in the future!

  • Brit B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 51025


    Competent driver. Very easy

  • Demetrious M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 60478


    The unit exceeded our expectations. Customer service was great. Pickup was not on time and i am still waiting for it to be picked up..

  • Linda J. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 75654


    Good serviceman

  • Laurel H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 95841


    Life saving service!

  • Randy D. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 43605


    Drop off guy was friendly. And put the product in the best spot for stability. Never saw the pick up person

  • Gary L. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 11803


    We specifically asked for a unit for a graduation part for residential use. What was delivered was a construction site unit that was nasty. I tried to call but no one picked up. Luckily the driver had a residential unit on the truck and he was able to give us that one. Jorell was amazing. So that explains my mixed ratings.

  • Cindy B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 14543


    The delivery was great and the person delivering it put it exactly where i wanted it and was very friendly about it.

  • Christian N. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 21754


    Excellent customer service and follow up!!!

  • Macai L. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 45405


    I love how prompt and clean and affordable it was to accommodate for my forests


    Event Standard Toilet 49337


    Delivery guy was pleasant and efficient. The seat of the unit was pretty dirty though.

  • Debbie W. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 88220


    Very good job and dependable cleaning. Would recommend and use again if needed.

  • Anna S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 11212


    Thank you.

  • Cameron L. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 31206


    Great business

  • Paul E. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 02493


    Dealt with steve- great service/ great employee to have. Thanks

  • Mark M. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 02061


    Thank you


    Construction Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 19520


    Family wasvery happy with potties and wash station! Thank you so much! Lee

  • Sandy G. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 32605


    Everyone i talked in your company was very friendly and polite. You took good care of us and we appreciate it. Sandy gibbs

  • Shelly T. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 76557


    Ronnie is always very pleasant to do business with. Service is fast and reliable

  • Eddy E. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 85602


    You have an excellent senior acct. Mgr. Nihko journeay. As with all construction projects there are lots of ups and downs when scheduling dates for placement & pickups. Every thing came together great. She is fantastic and you can tell she is happy and ready to help. I will definitely use your services in the future, thank you, eddy

  • Lindsay C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 04102


    Customer service was great, fast and efficient even for a new customer like me. Ill definitely use you guys again! Thanks!

  • Maureen K. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 13074


    Thank you for a job well done

  • Tawanda P. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 44105


    My pick up and drop off person was fabulous he was nice and polite i will definitely spread the word thank you all so very much im sorry i can't remember his name

  • Ralph W. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 65247


    I was pleased with the professionalism and promptness. I was able to communicate over the cell phone just what i needed and it was done correctly. Thanks!

  • Karen C. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 78114


    Everyone involved were very courteous. Thank you.

  • Adam N. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 80108


    The delivery driver went to the wrong house, which itself isn't a problem. However, he went down a driveway that he couldn't see the end of. There wasn't room to turn around, and when trying to back out of the driveway he damaged it along with the fence. He actually smashed the fence flat.

  • Jose A. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 94002


    I am so sorry... I made a mistake... im not sure if you how you receive your feed back, like if it automatically goes to the profile. but i just realized you guys are the porta potty people, you guys did a great job and thank you.... I sent a negative feedback earlier because i thought you were someone else. i ordered from and haven't gotten my package after 3 weeks already..im sorry. you guys did a great job delivering in time. and with a great toilet

  • Jacob S. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 98569


    Is was great i’ll use you again

  • Sherri J. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Hand Wash Station 30830


    Everything was done perfectly, setup where we wanted and in plenty of time. Thank you, sherri

  • Karen C. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 78114


    Delivery guy was great! Very courteous.


    Construction Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 19520


    People at the party were very happy with the cleanliness of both potties and really liked the wash station.

  • Tony H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 29458


    Driver was exceptional

  • Kandi S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 31525


    I would use this company again

  • Jodi K. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 13036


    I called the day before needing a porta potty for the next day. The woman i spoke to went above and beyond to make it happen. The unit ended up arriving much earlier than i even thought and it is extremely clean. I am highly impressed with the service from your company and the quality of the unit.

  • Jamie L. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 53545


    Professional and courteous staff all the way around.


    Construction Standard Toilet 55347


    Delivery, and pick up was pretty quick

  • Fred M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 80401


    My rep, stephen, did a great job in helping us . True customer service...

  • Norma M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 92029


    I paid for a bathroom with a washing station. The wrong product was delivered and but for my calling in to inform you, no one called to say we don’t have what you ordered. The driver was nice courteous and respectful. The sales representative was too and is tryin very hard to get the right product delivered today.

  • Claudette P. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 38462


    Always on time, reliable, excellent service

  • Randy M. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 40272


    Great working with you!!

  • Dick R. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 80111


    First time using you. will use you again when the need arises.

  • Brian C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 27284


    They didn’t leave toilet paper

  • Kevin O. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 92009


    Outstanding service and weekly cleaning.

  • Ophelia T. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 48239


    Tabita and everyone i spoke to was very professional and knowledgeable, will definitely use this company again.


    Event Standard Toilet 55972


    On time, in great shape. All went well. Thank you

  • Lavinia T. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 90250


    Love the service and already recommended it to lots of people for there event.

  • Judy W. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 77659


    We hare happy with delivery.

  • Dennis H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 94062


    The removal service was right on time and fast. I will be using your service again during our next project.


    Construction Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 99156


    Tabitha was wonderful - got us all set up. We were not here when the portable toilet was delivered but it was set up exactly where we wanted it to go. Thx!

  • Kathy W. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 25813


    I specifically asked to be texted or a quick call on the day of delivery so i could be home that moment of time.

  • Gwen G. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 44115


    So far i am impressed!

  • Boris Z. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 33570


    Thank you


    Event Standard Toilet 49615


    Everything was great will use again

  • John O. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 03816


    Most likely will be the last time will be working together as i found other options at half the price appreciate the good service though

  • Tina B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 37091


    Very nice to work with


    Construction Standard Toilet 60527


    Porta potty was completly clean with fresh toilet paper

  • William C. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 27937


    You guys are a notch above the person that took my calll casey new my job started on the 9th. The porta johns only ship out on wednesdays . So instead of waiting till the 10th and possibly getting a fine for it not being on the job she sends it on the 3rd. That what i mean when i say a notch above. Thanks guys

  • Joel C. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 30096


    Great service perfect placement

  • Alison C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Event Hand Wash Station 46205


    Great, friendly service

  • Sandra B. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet 78228


    Next time send 2 people to deliver.hard for only 1 person deliver a handicap porta potty

  • David B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 17765


    Placing the order for our portable toilet was quick and simple. The customer service representative was friendly, courteous and knowledgeable. The man who delivered it was quick and friendly. I would recommend this company.

  • Carol C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 63363


    They were great & thank u

  • Nicky M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 32084


    Leah longoria was absolutely great - professional, friendly & efficient.

  • Ruth R. VERIFIED

    Construction Wastewater Holding Tank 36875


    Jacob and the other man with him were courteous, professional, knowledgeable and kind. Jacob was especially informative and helpful. Thank you

  • Juan D. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 21153


    Everything when well as expected. Thank you. Juan.

  • Robert L. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 12758


    I was very pleased when the driver delivered the toilet and cleaned it very thoroughly.

  • Jeaneen G. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 85034


    Very pleased!

  • Jennifer S. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 01028


    Great job, everything on time especially satisfied with customer service. Dealing with customer service was a great and pleasant experience. Extremely friendly, helpful and knowledgeable.

  • Ricky C. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 32136


    Good job

  • James J. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 70068


    Great job!


    Event Standard Toilet 30525


    Thank you so much for doing a great job as always. Amber takes care of me every year and makes it a very smooth process. Much appreciated.

  • Gene V. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 63343


    Very easy to work with

  • Merrie T. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 98019


    Very nice and helpful delivery person. Was able to set the unit where we wanted and explain the prigram

  • Larry S. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 32920


    Had a issue but zters solve all problems

  • Steve J. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 53121


    After i placed order w jax, who was very helpful, i was called back to give a detailed description on where to place porta potty. I ask that they call before and was told that wasnt an option. So i gave a detailed description, that the delivery driver expected. The delivery date was changed from friday to monday w no time of expected delivery. At 745 am monday i was called by delivery driver asking me where i wanted porta potty placed. The driver was given none of the detailed instructions that i gave to jax which said driver needed. So besides that, it was all good....

  • Eileen N. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 38554


    Excellent, thank you

  • Fanny S. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet w/Sink 95403


    Liz is awesome, great service


    Construction Standard Toilet 33408


    Excellent customer service and weekly maintenance. .

  • Jerome V. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 70119


    Thanks whitney!

  • Sandy M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 75071


    Thank you service tech outstanding sandy mcgee

  • Mike O. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 80863


    You guys did great and have nothing but positives to say about my experience. I would use you again and highly recomend you to anyone needing your services.

  • Tina C. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 97010


    From the initial inquiry to the delivery of the portable toilet, i was amazed at the outstanding level of customer service i received.

  • Charleen D. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 85619


    Casey was great!! Thank you. Duffy construction.

  • Veronica J. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet w/Sink 27542


    The service was excellent

  • Ziggy L. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 60018


    When we need a hand washing station on our construction site due to the virus. Stetson was out the very next day!


    Multi Project 85387


    Driver followed directions given to phone rep and placed our portapotty where i wanted it without calling! Good communication between your sales people and drivers! Not many places can say that!


    Construction Standard Toilet 98038



  • Tawarna G. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 23847


    Thank you so much for the excellent customer service, and the short notice order!! I will be calling again in the near future. Thank u!

  • Dorthy S. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 46151


    The driver was very helpful, and helped me pick a spot for the porta potty. Did a quick clean, made sure i was ok with everything. He was very nice.

  • Mike L. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 75093


    Jaimie monti was a real pleasure to work with, quite an asset to your company.

  • Glen G. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 01752


    Super nice service on the phone and quick delivery, thank-you, glenn


    Construction Standard Toilet 80027


    Cancelled order at 430pm since it still hadn't arrive and was still hours out. Nyko was great and responsive, unfortunately the routing was the issue.

  • Mary M. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 35044


    Set up was fast and easy, removal was the same. Customer service was a breeze and very customer friendly. Will use again when needed.

  • Anne H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 37217


    I was not on site to see delivery. I am however very impressed with the delivery serviceman. The serviceman called to confirm the site drop-off and called once it was installed at location. Since, we ordered from out of town this was exceedingly helpful. Sapphire was very helpful. We will be using your services again.

  • Jennifer T. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 97502


    You guys were great, reasonably priced, everyone very professional & friendly! I would definitely recommend you & will use you again! Thank you so much!

  • Martin D. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 29161


    The driver was polite and very helpful! Thanks!

  • Adan H. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet;Construction Standard Toilet w/Sink;Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 50201


    Great assistance over the phone to get what we needed on a short notice. Great job!

  • Ricky J. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 75424


    Very responsive

  • Jeffrey M. VERIFIED

    Construction Trailer 89115


    Thank you for your services.

  • Timothy M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 95819


    The service was great and the gentleman who came to clean it weekly was friendly and did a fantastic job keeping it sanitary. Many thanks for his service.

  • Herb N. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 06525


    Thank you for staying on top of keeping the toilet clean. The crew made many comments about it. Thanks again

  • Marcia H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 60558


    Only improvement would be if it were free!


    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 96009


    Yuri is awesome!!! She always goes above and beyond every time we need anything from zters. We are very thankful to have her as our rep.

  • Becky B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 34652


    Very happy with service. Thank you and stay safe.


    Construction Standard Toilet 91941


    We enjoy a good relationship with mccall and zters. Always excellent and attentive customer service!

  • Benjamin L. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 48326


    Thank you for the excellent service we appreciate it.

  • Joan K. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 77808


    Always very helpful.


    Construction Standard Toilet 53092


    Very happy with everyone and product we dealt with


    Construction Standard Toilet w/Sink 21226


    Mccall's the best

  • John C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 06708


    1 day after my order, the porta-potti arrived on site at the time i needed it, was placed in the spot i asked for, and was clean and ready to go. Couldn't ask for anything more; thanks!

  • Sebastian L. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 48422


    Broken latch to lock the toilet.

  • Sean G. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 68410


    Great job. Will use them again. Thanks

  • Raleigh L. VERIFIED

    Construction Trailer 97035


    Your company was great to work with. You were very positive and informative from the beginning to the end. You did what you said you were going to do. Answered all my questions in a timely fashion. Thanks. We look forward to dealing with your company again in the future.

  • Thomas E. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 23086


    I had a great experience with zters. Anel was very responsive and helpful. I look forward to working with her and zters again.


    Multi Project 35209


    Great to work with and expedited my requests quickly. service has been excellent.

  • Sherry R. VERIFIED

    Construction Crane Unit 62286


    Great job thanks

  • Francine G. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 97034


    Great service!

  • Sheri S. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 46201


    Delivery was on time and the driver was very fast and helpful. portable toilets were very clean and placed exactly where requested.

  • James R. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 54982


    My first contact the lady who i dealt with was very nice and did a great job and the delivery was also great

  • Joan K. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 77043


    Great service

  • Kevin S. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 59853


    Always the best service, courteous, efficient, outstanding.

  • Johanna W. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 30064


    Amazing customer service from the person on the phone in tx to the delivery guy at my house in ga. Seemless communication. Would highly recommend

  • Rosie F. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet w/Sink


    Very happy with the services.

  • Scott A. VERIFIED

    Construction ADA Toilet 06069


    Fantastic support tami has been great and she always communicates with me. the delivery of both units were great but the first delivery i wasn't able to interact with for drop off . The second ada that was delivered yesterday 4-16 the company that delivered was great the driver was respectful and really took pride in what he did and his job. once we discussed location he wiped the unit down cleaned inside and out ensured he discussed proper use of internal dispensers and then left fantastic service form that company.

  • Les b. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 94501


    Courteous and reliable service : telephone ordering and delivery was flawless

  • Shedd F. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 53593


    Nothing surprising here. Awesome job once again!

  • Kate C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 60470


    The driver was very nice and very efficient. He located the unit right where i wanted it. Very good service, thank you

  • Shelly T. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 14033


    Ronnie is who i speak with when ordering items. He is very professional and pilot! Gets the job done in a timely manor and just all around takes care of our site needs.

  • Laura H. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 34135


    Very friendly, very professional customer service/sales

  • Cathi P. VERIFIED

    Construction ADA Toilet;Construction Standard Toilet 34984


    The gentleman who delivered the items is so very kind. He represents your customer service policy so well. Miss jackie who coordinated and made all the arrangements possible is a gem! She walked me through the process with ease and grace.


    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 55405


    First time using zters, will & are using again on present & future projects

  • James L. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 02019


    Jacqueline had all the answers and did it in a proper time manner and professional way. Delivery worked well with us. Did what we asked him to do.

  • Phil N. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 36067


    Very thorough young man in delivery and setup

  • Steven D. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 80222


    I needed a quick delivered and they got there fast. Thank you

  • Julio G. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 94507


    Everything was very good

  • David K. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 68107


    Everyone from sales to the delivery person was friendly and helpful. Service was very good.

  • Teri G. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 89822


    Delivered on time- removal scheduled and billing accurate. Great people to work with!

  • Markstein B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 95838


    Great communication from the driver, the whole process was seamless.

  • Katherine P. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 22737


    Thanks for all you do

  • Matt H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 61401


    A pleasure to deal with from start to finish. Customer service made this an easy process. I would highly recommend.

  • Danielle B. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station 97071


    Angie is the best


    Construction Standard Toilet 03070


    Interior of temporary toilet was less than desirable, especially with the state of public health at present.

  • Shannon K. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet w/Sink 13668


    Nice clean unit and the guy dropping off was professional.

  • Tracie E. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 34114


    Thank you!

  • Sherry R. VERIFIED

    Construction Crane Unit 62286


    Thanks for the prompt response.

  • Jeaneen G. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 85034


    Very happy!

  • Kathy F. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 19342


    Your company has been a joy to deal with and all interaction has been face and extremely courteous. I have enjoyed everyone i have had dealings with either on the phone or by email.

  • Daniel L. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 38109


    Thank you for the followups and the quick response and for finding another color than brown!


    Multi Project 92882


    The unit was delivered the morning of its delivery date and was clean.. Looked like new.. The driver was very pleasant and wanting to make sure i was happy with the location of placement.. Overall great experience to date..... well done guys......

  • Carol W. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 49269


    Great experience, always kept clean and fresh. Highly recommended

  • David E. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 63825


    The toilet looked in poorly overall shape it was beat up the handles on door were broken and i ordered a hand washing station and didn’t get it

  • Dale a. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 28470


    Thank you for your service!

  • Larry B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 43078


    Great service.

  • Lesley S. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 60714


    Thank you for dropping it off.

  • David M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 62448



  • Marianne M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 85704


    Dropoff and pickup went as scheduled. Communications with zters personnel was quick, friendly and helpful.

  • John C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 86303


    Driver was courteous and helpful.

  • Melanie B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 85017


    You have a company that is very professional and a delight to work with

  • Kfir S. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 95834


    Great customer service, ahead of schedule, and overall wonderful to deal with.

  • Rosie F. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet w/Sink


    Thank you for your wonderful services

  • Michelle H. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 33418


    It was a pleasure working with alyssa and her co-worker.

  • Jessica B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 72903


    I have to say i am pretty please with my experience with zters from first contact with tyler, our now account manager was awesome, he is very polite, and knowledgeable. I requested to have a portable toilet delivered the same day, knowing that probably could not happen. Well i was wrong tyler had the unit on our job site with in a couple hours!!! Beyond great customer service. We are a construction company based out of mckinney tx that does work all over the united states and with the service i received i will definitely be using zters for our rental needs on the job sites. Stm construction llc


    Event Standard Toilet w/Flush&Sink;Event Standard Toilet w/Sink 85086


    Driver was very professional, polite and friendly

  • Clyde C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 27713


    Delivery was on time and driver extremely accommodating.

  • Sandra M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 36110


    Product delivered to wrong address. No call before product was delivered as promised.

  • Elizabeth H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 30214


    This was our first time use, we would not hesitate to use your company again and would refer your service to others.

  • Amanda A. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 33461


    Amanda was a great help! The potty came here very clean and was promptly picked u yesterday. Great job!

  • Thomas R. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 03833


    Great. Thanks

  • Danny H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 30068


    So far so good

  • Rachel C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 32118


    Angela is fantastic! Always available to help us and handle any situations that arise.

  • Raleigh L. VERIFIED

    Construction Trailer 97035


    Right from the start your company was very easy to work with. Responded to all of my questions. Provided a quote and backup explanations. Got right back to me with answers to my questions. Customer service was better than most companies. Jacqueline was very professional. Got everything done in a timely manner. Thanks . It has been good working with you .Raleigh l. - project manger.

  • Edward J. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 23831


    Both drivers called beforehand and were very meticulous! We appreciate good customer service! Thank you

  • Lois F. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 77351


    Very professional, very nice company to work with. So glad we found them.

  • Stephanie W. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 66046


    Thank you! We will be back when the covid catastrophe is finished.


    Construction Standard Toilet 74965


    Great customer service from the office and the guy that dropped them off. Very pleased.

  • Denise T. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 33328


    From the reservation time to delivery you have been a pleasure to work with

  • Amanda A. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 33461


    Amanda was an awesome professional and very nice!!

  • Debi D. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 37086


    I would definitely recommend your service to anyone. Thank you for your service.


    Multi Project 49503


    Did a good job, very happy.

  • Anita B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 53066


    I am rating jessica a 5 for customer service. But 0 for the delivery! The delivery person was suppose to call, instead he just dropped off the john, not even where we had discussed, plus it was almost 5pm!

  • Jennifer V. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station 80640


    The zters team has been beyond amazing to work with especially during this time when the world seems to be a little bit crazy with this pandemic. The customer service every time i've called in has always been a wonderful experience. Thank you zters!

  • April W. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 77565


    We decided last minute to have a porta potty at our party. Your staff was professional and kind and extremely helpful. Delivery and pick up went very well as our property is a narrow dead end street. My great grandfather bought that property in 1950 as a place for his family to gather. My 88 year old mother now lives there and we were celebrating 70 years of gathering. It was a wonderful day and we appreciate the quick response. Thank you!

  • Chris C. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 85533


    Alexandra was phenomenal. The ease of which we could coordinate the delivery of multiple items using the same company was hyper-convenient.

  • Sandy M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 75071


    Excellent product, clean unit, very satisfied, called and set it where i needed it

  • Melissa C. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 79830


    I hope you realize what a gem cindy - account manager is...She rocks at customer service. Any time i need a quote or to check on the status of an order. She is on it! I don't have to worry! If i could steal her away...I would. It is rare to find great people who care and who are attentive. She is the reason we come back!! Thank you! Melissa curtis modular homes of texas!

  • Melanie L. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet w/Flush&Sink 33756


    The delivery driver was a bit rude with my mother and not putting receptacle where we wanted. He acted aggravated. We moved it into a better position after he left so it wasn't leaning.the pickup driver didn't let us know he was on site and spilled fluid on the ground that of course smelled horrible.

  • Christian M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 90040


    Customer service is great carli she has a good attitude and professionalism, i was trying to find the best quote for our budget, and there were 2 places that had a few dollars less but their customer service -10. We received a new unit nice and clean

  • Jeff M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 28338


    Great job! Thanks for all your hard work vikki

  • Terry K. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 30308


    Clean unit. On time delivery, friendly service.

  • Sarah S. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 98027


    It is exactly what we needed. My husband is a construction superintendent and he said it was the cleanest portable toilet he's ever seen. No damage to our soggy lawn was a great bonus.

  • Susan H. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 45843


    Very clean unit, easy to access, delivered and pick-up on time and before expectations!

  • Joan K. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 77043


    Always deliver on time. Great customer service.

  • Desiree C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet w/Flush&Sink 98612


    We are very appreciative of great service, including administrative and delivery/pickup services. In fortunately, we discovered the day of the wedding that one of the three units had leaked out all of it’s flushing water. We had to put up an out of order sign on it early in the event. Also, the units themselves weren’t as attractive as those we rented last month. They looked well used. I would appreciate at least a discount for the malfunctioning unit, as it was barely used. I, myself, used paper towels and a garbage bag to remove used toilet paper in an attempt to troubleshoot its not flushing properly. Ugh. Otherwise, thank you for helping to make our event a success! Desiree craven event coordinator little island creamery cathlamet, wa

  • Mario L. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 76360


    Quick and easy way to contract with services. Scheduler was in contact with client throughout the scheduled rental.

  • Pamela K. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 72756


    Great service & will contact you once the building begins again -- probably in june. Thanks

  • Gregory G. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 92307


    Just great! I received quality service beginning with the phone call to the gentleman, tony, who made the delivery. Thank you for hiring high-quality personnel.

  • Leslie B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 27312


    Very easy to schedule. Staff were pleasant and responsive. Would recommend and use again! Thank you!


    Multi Project 37072


    Very quick response

  • Enriquita M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 33610


    They delivered early on the day they were supposed to and even though they couldn’t reach me after several attempts, they placed the porto potty in a convenient area. It was clean and in good condition as well. Great job!!


    Event Standard Toilet 89115


    Very nice delivery man. Bathroom was clean and nice

  • Gary H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 43348


    Great customer service. Portable toilet was delivered on time, and was picked up when the job was completed. Due to the location russells point, the pick-up flexibility is limited to zters route schedule, so the portable toilet may sit onsite a bit longer than required. I would use zters service again.

  • Sven T. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 34947


    Amanda harder is one of the best account managers i have worked with.. she is always friendly and takes care of all our account needs in a very timely fashion!!

  • Miguel B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 34982


    Very good service, will be using for next event.

  • Alan L. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 36107


    Professional and friendly staff

  • Jared D. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 22150


    Casey etie is very helpful. There was some confusion with the initial delivery but she handled it all for us.

  • Patty J. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 28689


    We had no water and was really in a bind. This company really paved a great road for us. They helped us through a rough patch and we are really grateful. Would recommend them highly!! Fast service, icalled and we had prta johns the very same day!!

  • Deborah R. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 33764


    Excellent job!


    Event Standard Toilet 35044


    The woman ii spoke with was very professional and assisted me with everything i needed

  • Larry B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 80501


    Steven did excellent , above and beyond, late thursday evening but still got a friday morning delivery and placement. Great, !!! Way to go.

  • Sabrina R. VERIFIED

    Construction ADA Toilet;Construction Standard Toilet 35023


    Best price in town! With fast delivery!! I couldn't have asked for better service!!

  • Mark J. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 78834


    Great service! Thanks

  • Crystal S. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 92505


    Amanda was my account manager, she was amazing! She helped me thought out the whole process of being a new customer with you guys. She also was very helpful when needed to reschedule or even notifying our company to let us know when driver was on there way for service, as we were not always on the job. So thank you amanda :

  • Thomas E. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 23086


    Zters did very well. I am glad i found them and will be using them again soon.

  • Daniela T. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 92311


    Pleased with your on time service and condition of the product. Thank you.

  • Alan L. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 36107


    Was supposed to have lock hasp and does not

  • Mike B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet w/Flush&Sink 15108


    Will use again in the future if needed

  • Gary H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 43348


    Customer service team was great and they were able to provide a 20 yard dumpster in a timely manner. The driver was professional and called ahead to review placement prior to the delivery. It was handled very well.

  • Howard G. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 76462


    Delivery guy was super nice and put it exactly where we wanted it.

  • Freddy E. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 06902


    We were very please

  • Linda A. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 22407


    Delivered as requested. Good job!!!

  • Megan E. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 92344


    It was delivered a whole day late and then delivered during the event. Should of been dropped and delivered the day before like requested and ready to go. The gentleman who dropped it was rude and had an attitude about it and very unprofessional.

  • Rachel M. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 93612


    Enjoy working with people who do what they say in a timely manner.

  • James B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 80302


    The driver was great. Super helpful.

  • Steve S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 96150


    Delivery was set for afternoon, driver showed up at 10am. Also needed a tray beneath and i would not know that requirement as i am not in this business

  • Mitch R. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 90302


    I received the unit quickly, had it serviced once, and it was removed in my needed time window. Quite pleased.

  • Tommy B. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 78559


    Very happy.


    Multi Project 93561


    Always have done a great job. Thanks for all your help.

  • Russ T. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 20746


    Great response from liz


    Construction Standard Toilet 23883


    Fast, efficient service completed as promised.

  • Angel P. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 33556


    Great and fast service.

  • Bryan S. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 71857


    The staff i spoke to on the phone were great. However, i requested an afternoon delivery, a call from the driver/dispatch when the truck was 30/40 min out, a call when the truck arrived if necessary to coordinate placement of the unit, as well as a combo lock for the toilet - and none of them happened.

  • Susan E. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 34475


    The unit was delivered promptly and the service person was very polite. However, there is a plastic bottle and a plastic bag floating in the potty that made some of my clients think it had not been cleaned.

  • Abby A. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 70776


    Great company ! Thanks for the great service

  • Greg G. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 30234


    Tabitha was my acct manager and a complete joy to work with. She listened to what we needed the unit for, offered a few options and had us set for delivery in minutes. Your delivery guy was awesome as well. He was courteous and professional while setting up the delivery. I too am in the service industry and can truly appreciate great customer service and i could not be happier with my experience. Will definitely be using and recommending your services to friends, family and business associates.

  • John I. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 92104


    Easy to work with and reliable. =

  • Gheorghe Z. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 06825


    Staff very professional. I was informed of every charge or service needed in a timely manner . Communication is key and they always answer back to you right away

  • Howard G. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 76023


    Awesome job by the delivery / pickup driver. Friendly and his timing was perfect! Will be using your company again and again.

  • Melissa C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 76528


    Cindy at zters is absolutely the best! The best!

  • Dale I. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 65078


    Everything was fine. The unit was clean and delivered on time it just hasn't been removed yet.

  • Howard G. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 76023


    Robert was very accommodating. Great service overall. The roofing crew really appreciated having it there.

  • Christien S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 48203


    Great service! Thanks

  • Juli W. VERIFIED

    Construction ADA Toilet 32696


    Jackie has been awesome to work with. She always returned phone calls and answered emails in a timely manner.

  • Julie K. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 34286


    Mccall in the office was great, delivery was smooth and the unit placed exactly where we needed it. Thank you!

  • Deanette P. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 77474


    Outstanding, delivered early, can't thank you enough for taking care of us

  • Brett D. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 80138


    Great communication and the portable toilet was placed exactly where we requested!

  • Logan W. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 15370


    Your services were great. Only thing i would change is putting more than one 5 gallon bucket of water in the porta john. Thanks again, i'll definitely use you in the future.

  • Chris S. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 64448


    Thank you for putting it right where i asked for it to be

  • Paul D. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 76665


    Hans did a great job!!


    Construction Standard Toilet 85607


    Arrived on time and easy to order.

  • Connie B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 95658


    Thank you so much for your prompt and needy service. So appreciated! Merry christmas & god bless you! Connie

  • Glenn G. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 77095


    So thankful for zters and it’s staff!

  • Diane T. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 38664


    The ease of ordering the toilets, keeping them clean, and picking up were great. Niko made the experience using zters first time as if we had been a customer for years will def be a client in the future great job


    Construction Standard Toilet 95650


    Prompt delivery, good service and fast response for removal. I'll use your service again! Jim brown

  • Loni M. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 20746


    I don't ever give 5's on these type of things but this time really did merit it. The delivery person went above and beyond to get us the portables where we needed them to go and was very polite and positive about the whole situation.

  • Delia R. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 34135


    Great customer service, i will most definitely rent again

  • Sean G. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 68410



  • Randee P. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 75071


    They were very sweet

  • Marla S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 63139


    Liz has helped me set up the delivery for the past 4 yrs. She is always courteous and professional. The driver is so helpful and always makes sure the toilet is placed in a convienent location.

  • Sheila R. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 85355


    I think the deliveryman was chris. He did a great job and was very personable. He is a great asset to your company.

  • Wendy M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 28443


    Thanks for being so friendly and easy to work with.

  • Thomas G. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 31763


    Very pleasant and courteous delivery personell.

  • Melissa H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 42420


    Thanks see you in march!

  • Carolyn C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 72830


    You all were awesome, will defiantly use you again.

  • Marie M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 13092


    You guys do pretty good, but you dont deliver on time. i requested a early morning delivery & they came around 3-4 oclock in the afternoon......

  • Stephen L. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 28025


    Everything was great!

  • Kari D. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 38017


    I found dealing with zters to be friendly, fast and provided a clean quality product.

  • Scott E. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 48625


    Was always cleaned and on a regular basis. No complaints at all

  • Rick F. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 95926


    Everything went very smoothly from first contact to delivery of unit. Very pleased. Hope the same goes at time of unit pick up. Thank you.


    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Sanitizer Station;Event Standard Toilet 65667


    Excellent transaction....superior customer service!

  • Courtney D. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 79782


    Always a great experience working with ineka with zters!!

  • Elica N. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 94553


    Great service thank you !!

  • Shane W. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 68310


    Hand sanitizer was empty;. Everything else was great thanks!

  • Paul N. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 90403


    I love the email confirmations and billing. Good job.

  • Garry W. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 26582


    Everything went good.

  • Christy M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 30233


    Thank you all so much

  • Melody N. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 53546


    I am very pleased. The unit was delivered on time, and placed just where we wanted it. It was clean and in good repair. It met the needs of our group event. Then it was removed without any hassle. I am very pleased with zters service and will happily use zters for our next event! Thanks.

  • Timothy W. VERIFIED

    Construction ADA Toilet;Construction Hand Wash Station 76127


    Immediate and friendly service that enabled our activity to be successful. Thank you!!


    Construction Standard Toilet 85351


    Delivery just as requested

  • Susan C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 47906


    Polite delivery driver.

  • Gerardo C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 76102


    Delivery was not made.

  • James C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 72717


    Thank you for your great service!

  • Dechen W. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 94305



  • Kevin S. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 59853


    Best customer service ever, very responsive to needs via email or phone. Really appreciate working with zters!

  • Eric V. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 80112


    Great job, good communication.

  • Kenny H. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 21917


    Everything was great one time professional people thank you

  • John C. VERIFIED

    Construction ADA Toilet;Construction Standard Toilet;Event ADA Toilet 81639


    A++++++++++++++++ all the way,thanks

  • Barbara K. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 33705


    The driver was very confused about the delivery location. I had to hang on the phone with him twice until he figured out the dropping point.

  • Margie R. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 30204


    The ray's and their guests appreciated your prompt and precise response to an unexpected dilemma. The timely delivery and the pickup of the units as well as your friendly staff were also very much appreciated. Thank you!

  • Cathy C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 37334


    Were very friendly, did not take long to set it up in the disseminated location. The delivery was intended for mon. but arrived on wed., being the only thing that had changed with the delivery. Other than that , i was very pleased with zters! Great job!

  • Samantha H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 48225


    Dennis was very nice and professional.

  • Geraldine P. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 21650


    Nice to deal with

  • Colette M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 34481


    Very clean and smelled pleasant also! I would definitely use your company again for another event.

  • Charles P. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 48906


    Thank you great on time service

  • Eric K. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 78726


    Enjoyed having your service thank you.


    Construction Standard Toilet 92240


    Office staff very courteous and efficient , quick responses and very informative. Delivery and pick up crew very professional and friendly, would use you services again and highly recommend to others.

  • Veronica G. VERIFIED

    Construction Wastewater Holding Tank 95973


    Received quick and efficient help from customer service whenever i needed it. Brian, our service provider, was very efficient and always pleasant and friendly.

  • Mark L. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 01098


    Your delivery person was very cordial and professional

  • Susan J. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 30012


    My account manager was very friendly and helpful. Service was exactly when they said it would be. It's easy doing business with you - nice to have a ""live"" person on the phone instead of a recording! Thank you - we will call you again!

  • Mary A. VERIFIED

    Construction ADA Toilet;Construction Standard Toilet 33401


    Sapphire from customer service was extremely helpful and very nice. The gentlemen that delivered and picked up the unit were very polite and helpful. I enjoyed dealing with this company and will call again if needed.

  • Cherita J. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 33705


    All was well. Unit was clean.

  • Kelly N. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 49009


    Thank you.

  • Arlene B. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 76108


    We have had really good customer care and on site delivery and pick up thus far. Thank you so much!

  • John C. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 94526


    A festival attendee sought me out to say “those were the cleanest portapotties i’ve ever had to use”. It’s things like that that make a festival.

  • John R. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 37681


    Mc septic services llc that delivered the units was exceptional. I was not happy with zters because we were supposed to have the units serviced during our event. According to the delivery driver that was not a part of their contract. Several of the units were needing service before the end of the event.

  • Martha J. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 35646


    Such a great sounding voice on my phone. My expecytns were exceeded

  • Paul P. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 66048


    Big thanks to wayne on the delivery!!

  • Yvonne A. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 76705


    On time delivery with a smile for our event.


    Construction Standard Toilet 95650


    Delivery was good and driver was accomidating.

  • Janice J. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 63863


    A wonderful company to work with, so responsive on all correspondence

  • Anita H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 76528


    On time and professional service. Much appreciated!

  • Lisa V. VERIFIED

    Construction ADA Toilet;Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 89434


    The customer service who helped me was very accommodating.

  • Elaine R. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station 32456


    Delivery was on time and the driver was very courteous and knowledgeable.

  • Paula L. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 04040


    Nice clean toilet.

  • Sharon S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 17013


    Your service was great, from setup to take down it went very smoothly. We could not have asked for anything better. Thank you s. Smith

  • Chris M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 28215


    Thank you you for handling me poo poo. I'm sorry. I cannot help myself from acting like a 4 years old....

  • Seth B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 45177


    Great service, had a quick need for a porta potty and request was filled with ease. Would recommend and come back in the future!

  • James G. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 19111


    Very helpful and pleasant customer interaction

  • Diane P. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 28210


    Love the driver/delivery guy!!!

  • Judy P. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 89102


    Thank you it was on time and just what we ordered. Everyone was great from start to finish!! Thank you!


    Event Standard Toilet 95370


    Great service on the drop-off and pick-up!

  • Karen C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 32839


    You did a fantastic job thank you

  • Gwen L. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 33705


    I was a 1st time customer. The response to my need was great. The communication with the staff was as thoughtful as i hoped it would be.


    Multi Project 67410


    Awesome service!

  • Stephanie C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 20878


    This is the 2nd time i've used your services. You make it very easy, the price is right. Thanks for all that you do.


    Construction Standard Toilet 48871


    Courteous and efficient customer service personal . Prompt and helpful delivery guys.


    Construction Standard Toilet 78102


    Great customer service.

  • Lluvia G. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 85009


    Great customer service & brandi went above & beyond to help me & i’m very satisfied with the service i was given from the first call til the last.

  • Carla A. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 32401


    We were very pleased with the service that zters provided...even switching local vendors when the first vendor did not deliver service as promised. We were very happy with the local vendor pot 'o gold.

  • Steve H. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 46711


    I greatly appreciate your ability to get me a portable toilet on very short notice. Our scout camporee went very well and your toilet made it more comfortable for everyone because the nearest bathrooms were 150 yards away. Thank you for your help!!!!

  • Dean T. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 74827


    Very fast friendly service. Chris and his wife paula were wonderful people. Thank you


    Construction Standard Toilet 78653


    Very efficient and top notch on service very user friendly people was easy to set up account people were professional and very nice

  • Shelby G. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 87401


    Veronica always does an amazing job helping us out!

  • James K. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 95822


    I did not use the services but heard no complaints so i am sure all was good. I handled the administration. Your staff are very prompt, professional and friendly. Also, competitive prices.

  • Frank M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 21718


    Rental was not delivered on the day originally scheduled even though i received notifications from your company that said it was. Customer service was great but delivery was not good at all. That was the only reason i rounded up the overall rating to a 3.

  • Frank M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 21718


    Rental was not delivered on the day originally scheduled even though i received notifications from your company that said it was. Customer service was great but delivery was not good at all. That was the only reason i rounded up the overall rating to a 3.

  • Karl N. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 60565


    Clean, quick, and without any problems

  • Melvin G. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 21769


    Great service, promt and courteous

  • Susan J. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 30012


    Great service!

  • Zach M. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 45042


    The hand wash station that was delivered for my wedding had a tear in the rubber foot pedal and leaked all of the water out before the wedding. It was saturday and i could not contact anyone. I hope this can be resolved financially

  • John C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 15853


    Portable toilet delivered exactly where we wanted it, clean, fresh smelling. Very pleased, we will use your service again. We are in the process of scheduling a pick-up, so we cannot speak on that service, but we expect the same excellent service. Thank you!

  • Shedd F. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 53593


    Thank you, thank you!

  • Vincent C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 85008


    Delivery guy was super nice and helpful.

  • Sarah S. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 95035


    Extremely happy with zters and my account manager, brandi. I am happy i came across this company for our company's dumpster needs.

  • Morgan H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 02906


    Let's do it again!!


    Construction Standard Toilet 51052


    Great job as always ! Mccall is the best!

  • Cheryl B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 92397


    We are very satisfied with your service. We will definitely use your service if the need arises. Thank you.

  • Andrew S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 93065




    Construction Standard Toilet 93634


    Yuri is awesome!! She always helps me out, no matter what i need. The last unit we ordered was very expensive, because it was out in the middle of nowhere, but still very expensive. I will continue to use zters for my remote needs.

  • Angelitha S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 34953


    Thank you

  • Jimmy S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 37830


    It is great

  • Cynthia B. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Hand Wash Station 53545


    We'll use you again!!! Thanks!

  • Mark A. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet


    Thank you for delivering the unit on such short notice exactly as i had requested. I received the most basic unit, but i have seen units with sinks and lights; these would be a great up-sale for events and i would have requested one, if i knew they were available.

  • Jeremiah I. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 64089


    I know it is a construction site but that is no reason for this to show up to a residential job and it be as dirty as it is.

  • Dana W. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Standard Toilet;Event Trailer 73119


    Everything went well, thank you kindly!

  • Adam A. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 93515


    No complaints. Everything was delivered on time and in the place i wanted it.

  • Bryan A. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 99344


    Our group was very pleased with the product and the service we received. Everyone was really easy to deal with. Thanks for a great experience.

  • Beth P. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 43061


    Everyone i dealt with was great. Delivery was very prompt. He put them exactly where i requested. Our guests said they were the cleanest porta john's they had ever been in,!! They were supposed to be picked up on monday, 3 days ago

  • Eric V. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 80112


    Delivery was a little early which was great because our toilets were clogged and needed the portable toilets quickly. Great work again.

  • Lewis D. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 84720


    It works and we are all smiles. Could use some more tp on the next service visit.

  • Tami G. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet w/Flush&Sink 08527


    I was very pleased with your customer service. Will was amazing and got me what i needed in a matter of hours. Great job!

  • Eric V. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 80112


    Last minute call in for our facility, great job with communication and delivery. All of what we were to expect was completely laid out and i got help with finding the right type of rental plan we needed.

  • Margaret N. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet w/Flush&Sink;Event Standard Toilet w/Sink 95650


    Excellent customer service; quick response and resolution to an issue

  • Elizabeth L. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 12094


    Delivered right where i wanted it, on time. Picked up on time. Great service.


    Event Standard Toilet 18428


    Considering the fact that it was a holiday weekend i must say that your unit was in great shape when it was delivered. We would definitely use your service again should the need for a porta-john arise. Thanks again. Don hook

  • Jason C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 18465


    Very happy with set up

  • Robert M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 19111


    Unit was delivered on time, and very clean

  • James G. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 30401


    Great very clean

  • Rebecca K. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 54520


    I had such a hard time finding a company that was easy to contact with competitive prices. The man that dropped of the unit was so nice and personable! Everything was very clean and smelled good. It made the entire process so easy.

  • Catherine S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 93436


    They delivered on time. It was very clean. I'm very happy with their service and will use them again.

  • Mike D. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 37355


    Thank you

  • Accounts P. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 95334


    Our sales rep carli has been awesome to work with. Very helpful and easy to talk to. The communication we have received between carli and the delivery confirmation has been amazing and very appreciated. I cant see myself using any other rental company after the amazing service iv received.

  • Susan M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 80129


    Steven made the ordering process a breeze & marabelle was wonderful to work w/ at delivery.

  • Shella H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 77092


    We have been doing business with zters for years, they never disappoint. They will deliver anywhere. Great company! Definitely recommend them

  • Laura C. VERIFIED

    Construction ADA Toilet;Construction Standard Toilet 60046


    Nikko is great to work with every year!

  • Estella H. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 88210


    Units were as they said it would be delivered.

  • Maria M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 90262


    Timely and professional

  • Brian L. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 21773


    Everything went perfectly!

  • Brian B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 37355


    5 stars all the way! Nice and clean and on time.. Thanks

  • Rayann H. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 64477


    I’m am throughly impressed by your company. From cody who took my order to the lady who answers the phone, and the delivery man! I had to change my order, called about the delivery, and never got even a hint of anything but pleasant help! Truthfully,i’ve been dealing with several different companies lately and this is the only one i’d care to have further dealings with! Thanks so much.

  • Dana R. VERIFIED

    Construction ADA Toilet;Construction Standard Toilet 97055


    Thanks for quick response!! Friendly helpful service.

  • Melissa C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 79735


    Cindy with customer service was outstanding! I will be doing business with your company again...because of her and the customer care she provided! Thank you!

  • Julie D. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 54463


    Thank you!!

  • Doug K. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 62568


    Thank you for your prompt service at such late notice. Your csr was extremely polite and professional.

  • Theresa B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 27306


    Delivery was right on time as discussed and the portable was very clean. Thanks

  • Victoria L. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 54970


    Very happy with delivery and set-up. Very appreciative of the professionalism shown. Thank you.

  • Victoria L. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 54970


    Was very satisfied with the portable toilet, the delivery and pick up. Was here and gone before we knew it and couldn't even tell they had been here. Thank you so much for your services. Disabled relatives found it very easy to use. Will definitely use your services again and recommend you to anyone looking for the services you provide.

  • Mary T. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 27537


    Great, i will call you if i ever need one again.

  • Brian J. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 28213


    Very nice experience will definitely be a customer in the future.

  • Cean B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 18040


    Toilet was very clean thanks


    Multi Project 75125


    Excellent customer service. Will recommend to my friends.

  • William P. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet


    Delivery on time, clean portable toilet.

  • Zena M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet w/Flush&Sink;Event Standard Toilet w/Sink 11735


    Our overall experience using zters was great. Would recommend to anyone

  • Rita K. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 44041


    Jade was my initial contact person and i will never use another service.....she was exceptional in customer service and zters got me out of a real touchy situation....Thank you all!!!

  • Michael M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 44110


    Ready for pick up

  • Brook L. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 48221


    This was not an ideal rental for me or my company. The units were not delivered on the delivery date or anywhere close to the time i needed them to arrive. Luckily, to woman who i was speaking with on the phone was wonderful & helped to problem solve throughout the entire process really she deserves a raise!. I can't believe how unprofessional it was that the units were not delivered on time and no one reached out to me with any information. The units were clean & in good condition when they finally arrived.

  • Arlene B. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 76108


    We continue to use your company for our dove hunt, tnla meeting and any other event because your customer service is great and the employee that usually delivers forgive me for not remembering his name always calls when he delivers and has a wonderful attitude. Keep up the good work and we will continue to partner with you!

  • Jeff G. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 86303


    The entire process was easy and each person we dealt with was very friendly and good at their job. We still use your service again in the future.

  • Zena M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet w/Flush&Sink;Event Standard Toilet w/Sink 11735


    The driver was very accommodating and very friendly. The customer service provided by zac was wonderful as well. He explained everything in detail and was a pleasure to work with!


    Event Standard Toilet 18428


    Very happy with your product. It was well worth the price for the week of usage. Delivery driver was very friendly and courteous. He made sure was level and secure before he left our address. I would have no problem recommending your service to anyone if they were in need of portable restroom. Regards, don hook

  • Corey B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 13732


    The unit didn’t have the parts to hold the toilet tissue in its holder so they are laying in the seat area. Also there was no sanitizer in the dispenser. I thought these should be standard in the rental fee


    Multi Project 21401


    Thank you for your service

  • Janice J. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 63863


    Great job

  • Suzanne R. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet 13104


    Thank you!

  • Cynette F. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 19144


    Thanks for everything...

  • Nicole J. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 77485


    Nichole thorton is amazing. She quickly got our account set up and got us taken care of.

  • Janette H. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 48761


    Great job. no complaints..... we will definitely use you again.


    Event Standard Toilet 55972


    Easy to set up and the follow through was just as explained. Thank you for such a nice experience.

  • Scott F. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 99173


    Wonderfully responsive to all our questions, concerns and requests.

  • Greg W. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 48653


    Everything went good with the exception of not getting the porta poti there when it was promised leaving the workers without any facilities for 2 days. I also thought you were to leave it there through this weekend.

  • Paul H. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 95560


    Special thanks to carli for her help in putting everything together last minute like she did !

  • Wanda A. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 27860


    Was supposed to receive it on the 28th and didn’t get it spoke to customer service and they assured me i would get it friday overall customer service was awesome

  • James W. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 54667


    Very happy!

  • John R. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet


    Right on time delivery man level it up and was gone thank you

  • Michele L. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 13650


    This was my very first time using your company. I was very pleased with drop off of a clean and presentable porta potty for our family to use this summer. The consistent weekly and timely service of the unit was excellent

  • Brenda H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 45434


    Thanks a bunch :-

  • Diana V. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 76034


    We would have preferred it to be delivered under the tree on the fence line. It is currently very close to the curb.

  • Campo D. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 02888


    Great experience !! Every professional!! Thanks again!!

  • Clair G. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 34475


    We had an emergency situation and needed your services immediately. Your company was very helpful in getting us what we requested very quickly. Within just a few hours everything was set up and ready to use. Thank you very much.

  • Jessie . VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 23320


    Porta potty interior needed to be wiped down after delivery. Service, however, was excellent.

  • Mike M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 53597


    Your driver was great.

  • Dwayne G. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 85354


    The unit was delivered on time and clean.

  • Lori B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 80503


    Everything was on time and set up was perfect. The delivery crew was extremely polite, professional and helpful. Thank you !

  • Heather S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 30339


    Great service as always. Thank you!

  • Latasha B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 19131


    Unit did not have a lock on it and was dirty when i got to it not sure if it was sent dirty or other people used it before i got there i asked that the unit be locked i was told a zip tie would be on it it was not i’m highly upset the unit is in horrible condition

  • Shella H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 77092


    I have used zters for over 5 years and it’s so easy and convenient. I work with jd hudgens and he is always quick to get our port a jons out to site.

  • Richard B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 12935


    Your driver sean or shawn was excellent give him a raise rich

  • Jason T. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 87506


    Thank you so much for your help. It was a pleasure working with you and your team. I will keep you in mind for future opportunities. Jason

  • Perquida W. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 27869


    Thank you for your service. I had a previous commitment with another company but they emailed a few days prior to the delivery that they no longer delivered to my area. Thanks for accommodating me.


    Event Standard Toilet 33598


    You guys are ""the bomb""!!! Great customer service on such short notice.

  • Vince P. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 45385


    I will use you again in the future! You guys were very efficient and the toilet was nice and clean.

  • Suzanne O. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 48096


    Everything was great

  • Amina B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 60163


    The porta potty that was shipped was still filthy and we had to clean it before we had guests use it. There was not enough solution in the basin so we had to add water. This was the absolute worst potty i’ve ever rented. The customer service was top notch but the product itself was horrible. I will not utilize this company based on the product i received.


    Event Standard Toilet 87740


    I had ordered 2 portable toilets because i needed them in 2 places. The driver refused to separate them so we had to move them from place to place 2 times a day.

  • John T. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 90603


    Delivery: placement was to be on side of property. Driver placed toilet in the middle of customers lawn “ boy did i get a earful “

  • Burny P. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 33301


    Everything was great! Thanks.

  • John C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 48105


    Same day delivery. I know it can't always happen, but is was a huge help to us !


    Event Standard Toilet 25427


    Thank y ou for the good service. The porta pot was clean and easy to use.


    Event Standard Toilet 25427


    The chairs were so comfortable and easy to move around and sete up. The service was just as we had ordered. Thank you for the good timing and service.


    Event Standard Toilet 33598


    Very courteous and did everything as promised.

  • Marie M. VERIFIED

    Multi Project


    Only complaint i have is the hold time on the phone to get thru to a rep it totally is way to loooong!

  • Wendy S. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 17331


    Thank you!

  • Katelyn W. VERIFIED

    Event Sanitizer Station;Event Standard Toilet 37066


    I appreciate the customer service and attention to making sure i was satisfied.

  • Barbra D. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 49445


    Very clean come with tolite paper and hand cleaner. Very pleased


    Event Standard Toilet w/Sink 60026


    Unit delivery times kept changing and it was dropped off a later than expected. Really cutting it close. Otherwise everything was great!

  • Sitlaly C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 60481


    Very helpful and came through on a last minute request.

  • Scott S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 83332


    Great services.will highly recommend.thanks

  • Efrian H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 85351


    All good!

  • Louey A. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 97146


    Good working with you. We will call yo again the next time we have an event that requires your services.

  • Mark M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 02770


    Great customer service...Thank you

  • Letoya B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 48221


    Great service & unit arrived clean, fresh and on time!

  • Laura G. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 56011


    The reservation, payment and delivery process went seamlessly. The hand sanitizer provided seemed a little sticky and hard to dissolve into hands. Other than that we were happy with what we ordered! Thank you

  • Wanda L. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 31907


    Thank you for great service.

  • George P. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 94536


    Very easy to work with. sale guys jd is excelent.

  • Scott H. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 28166


    Thanks for providing the port a john for our event. The payment, delivery and pick up was flawless. I'll use you again next year!

  • Rachel D. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 32177


    Ronnie has been a great guy to work with over the past year, hope yo do more business with yall.

  • John B. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 46815


    Amanda was great to work with.

  • Robert F. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 14606


    The units were very clean when they arrived and they arrived right on time

  • Patricia H. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 54960


    Was delivered on monday for jse on saturday. Very polite young men. Quality was great. Clean and set up in mere minutes.

  • Jorge B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 75006


    We are so happy we're excited with a good service we appreciate it thank you

  • Susan V. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 95620


    Very nice young man. Excellent customer service.

  • Tricia H. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 46947


    Zters was awesome, i will see if we can use you on more of our jobs in various state.

  • Johnny C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 79064


    Easy to work with, on time, there were never any worries. Very happy with the service and over all process


    Event Standard Toilet 12996


    Everything on schedule, very clean and in perfect working order. Great job. Thank you!

  • Heather R. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 22172


    Great service!

  • Justin T. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 48229


    First time finding/using your company and everything you guys did for me was awesome. Definitely going to use you next time!


    Multi Project 79056


    I had a last minute call for portable restrooms and a dumpster and you met my need within hours. Great response time and customer service! I would recommend your service in a heart beat :

  • Gina H. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet w/Sink 98070


    Your truck was too big to come all the way down our driveway. We used your service last year at the same location so this wasn't a new property to you.

  • David P. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 05875


    You were able to accommodate me at the last minute. Much appreciated. Great customer service!

  • Regina P. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 30263


    Prompt, clean, kind, courteous - thank you

  • Susan L. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 49686


    It is still here as of july 30. Please pick up.

  • Shedd F. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 53593


    Great company!

  • Randall W. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 90012


    A slight mix up in delivery but overall an excellent experience would definitely recommend.

  • Susan W. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 98550


    Great service! I called 4 or 5 companies who cost more or couldn't deliver soon enough . Zters was cheerful, professional and delivered as promised!

  • Roger S. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 48917


    Thanks, great job

  • Heather A. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet 86514


    Zters goes above and beyond for customer satisfaction. We are very happy with the service we received.

  • Shedd F. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 53593


    Thank you, thank you! We love zters!

  • Steven W. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 21727


    No complaints


    Construction Standard Toilet 77485


    Very prompt and great service. Thanks!

  • Lisa M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 98226


    Thank you!


    Event Standard Toilet 48422


    I had zero problems with this service. The delivery was timely and the pick up was equally prompt. I would highly recommend this company and their product. The driver that made the pick up was the same friendly young man that made the delivery. He did an excellent job.

  • Nicole J. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 77485


    Nichole thornton did an exceptional job at getting us set up and getting the product to us. We are beyond happy with the service.

  • Terry R. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 49712


    Great service! Would use again!

  • Jennifer T. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 99201


    Our delivery person was really nice, professional, and had a helpful suggestion for turning the two units towards each other rather than zip tying the doors after our event was over to minimize any vandalism after the event was done.

  • Tony M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 10536


    Thank you

  • Benita L. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 29560


    Thank you!


    Event Standard Toilet 48422


    The young man that made delivery to my site was very friendly and helpful he answered all my questions and was very pleasant.

  • Ronald B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 56573


    Good price, new potty, clean and great service.

  • Toni H. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 80132


    Late removing product.

  • Matt M. VERIFIED

    Event Trailer 30512


    Last minute order. On friday. for a sunday delivery. They made it happen. Very happy with their service and professionalism.

  • Kathy H. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 27106


    My overall experience was fantastic!!! Will be recommending you all to anyone i know who are in need of these type of services!!! Thanks!! Kat


    Event Standard Toilet 44451


    Our complaints were answered quickly and dealt with appropriately and we now can recommend your services. Thank you tiffany.

  • Diedre R. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 53548


    Thank you for the very responsive service on such short notice. Your equipment was in great condition as well!

  • Sindy S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 21755



  • mary h. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 36075


    Satisfied with the service.

  • Robert S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 45309


    Can't recall the woman who took care of us on the phone but, she was on her game and knew what she was doing. Great service.

  • Delores M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 99350


    Delivery before expected yet welcomed. Was moved to correct area in plenty of time excellent job..Thank you

  • Helena C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 13326


    Did really good on the delivery

  • William M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 39530


    Our dude was excellent.


    Event Standard Toilet 48154


    Customer service people are awesome every time i call they are very polite and helpful. Not sure if it's the company or you hired the best lady's to handle your customer service department.

  • Jared M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 44720


    Great customer service. Liz was awesome!

  • Accounts P. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 55806


    You all are fantastic to work with, and would recommend you to anyone!

  • Leno G. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 85354


    You fall ..on servicing the unit you need more reliable personal

  • Cinda T. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 99125


    Our toilets arrived a day late which was unfortunate. The man who delivered them was polite and willing to meet our placement needs. The removal was prompt.

  • John A. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 44057


    Seems you dont realize your company did not pickup the unit and it has caused an inconvenience. Supposedly will be picked up on july 5th.

  • Anne D. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 48152



  • Gale A. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Hand Wash Station 92544


    Thank you everything went well

  • Shawn C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 95553


    A tad bit of confusion on the deliverables but everything was cleared up and the service was great.

  • United B. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 21205


    Impeccable customer service. The united baptist missionary convention of maryland greatly appreciate your customer and follow-up. We apologize for our delay in responding to your survey.

  • Kitti W. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 56544


    I was informed yesterday that the garbage unit has hole in the side that a water bottle will fit in. Due the strict environmental restrictions that we have to follow on this site, unless we can get a liner in the unit this is of no use to us. The hole that is in the unit does not appear to be deliberately cut for drainage. The unit has a sign on it that says ""warning no garbage"" this is a garbage container. Garbage has the potential to be exposed thru this opening. If construction material is placed in this unit there is the potential for something to protrude thru the opening allowing for the potential of injury to anyone passing by.

  • Tina F. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet w/Flush;Event Standard Toilet w/Flush&Sink 20708


    The flushable toilet did not work and i was forced to add water after each use in an attempt to keep the toilet bowl clean for the next use. This was time consuming and stopped me from being able to enjoy my nieces graduation party.

  • Peggy W. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 21713


    Thank you for being so responsive. However, the port a potty was out in the wrong location. So i will have to move it.

  • Diane M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 44028


    The original delivery date was a friday for a saturday event, but i recieved a phone call saking thst since the driver would be in the area could the unit be delivered on thursday. We said yes and arranged for someone to be at the property. It wasn't till i called on friday that i was told the truck had broke down and that the unit would be delivered on friday by 3:30pm. A phone call stating that the thursday delivery was canceled would have been appropriate and appreciated. I don't like that i was calling texas to set up an ohio delivery. The whole reason why i selected the company i did was because they were local.

  • Randy W. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 29369


    We were not sure for awhile what day of the week clean out was scheduled because we saw the truck come by to service but did not stop if a car was in the way. After speaking to someone in the office we found that the driver did not speak english and service was on tuesdays so we tried to keep the driveway clear. The email that this survey was attached to states that unit was remove on 5/17/2023. Today is 5/18/2023 at end of day and unit is still in the yard. Will my final bill be through 5/17/2023? Thank you

  • Delia S. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 39601


    Trey with zters was very nice and helpful. When other zters agents were contacted they too were very nice and helpful. However, they subcontracted the dumpsters to a business in another state who could only pick-up and return the dumpster once a week. This is a construction site. We need daily service. That is why we cancelled the dumpster early. We should have been told they couldn't properly service the contract.

  • Jennifer C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 92260


    We told them to put it on right side on house as far back as possible and they put it on the left side.

  • Eason B. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 66102


    Thank you for your service.

  • Larry R. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 78628


    Driver was very courtious and placed the portable toliet where requested.

  • Cynthia L. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 32202


    One of the wash stations leaked. We had no one we could contact to get a replacement.

  • Cynthia L. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 32202


    The wash stations we rented are leaking. There is no one to call to get the replaced. Would like a refund.

  • James H. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 28594


    Units were old but clean.

  • Connie A. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 92672


    I called your office on 4/14/23 to delay the porta potty removal from 4/17/23 to 4/24/23. The person i talked to said it will be changed. I confirmed not the next monday but the following monday, and he said yes. Lo and behold, the toilet was gone by 4/17/23. I still had people working on the bathroom remodel and the house toilet wasn't put in yet.

  • Tracey S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 49649


    I will want to rent from you again.

  • Shannon G. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 80701


    Cedric, jackie & verna were all very polite and helpful. They arranged delivery of the portapotty needed promptly. Verna helped confirm if the pick up was completed. It was not done on the day we'd requested but set it up for pick up the day of my call and assured me that we would not be charged anything further after the requested pick up date. We will use them again in the future. Thank you everyone!

  • Bryan S. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 60617


    Thanks for the delivery. We were expecting the driver to call when they were leaving your yard or about 15 minutes before arriving. They called us after they arrived so had to wait a few minutes. It would be helpful to know a general delivery time. Even 7am to noon. Or noon to 5 would be better than â“anytime during the dayâ”.

  • Josh G. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 28212


    This review would be a 5 without hesitation; however, the driver upon drop off damaged by gate nearly taking door off hinge. He was apologetic and promised to repair it. Then his company ignored me, promised resolution, call back, etc, but never followed through. Same for zters, i was promised a call back after another conversation with a manager i was told would happen.

  • Ross E. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 91362


    Good service and great product.

  • Chris B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 62025


    Thanks for the quick delivery.

  • Steven A. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 33809


    The unit was not placed where we specified and as in the notes. It is also on a slight tilt, not on an even piece of lawn or pavement and limits truck turns into the driveway.

  • Mark G. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 80521


    Unit was always clean and stocked.


    Construction Standard Toilet 27278


    Jackie is a gem

  • Dale S. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 37354


    Timely delivery works for me

  • Bill D. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 44104


    I give you a 4.5 overall. I thought that the service and cleaning of the porta-potty would be lacking, but it was maintained and the log was updated regualarly over the 2 + year period that we had it on site.

  • Randy M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 30297


    Product never delivered

  • Warren E. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 02072


    We had the porta potty for 2.5 weeks and it was never cleaned. I feel that i should have been refunded for part of the cost since it should have been cleaned weekly

  • Rene W. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 45371


    All was fine

  • Dawn M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 23093


    The units were not removedas discussed. When i called late mondaythe day they were to meave around 4 pm the receptionist had difficulty finding my account since i apparently ordered through a different company. After a bit of attitude and rudeness, i was placed on hold. After the hold, the receptionist was very friendly and said that they were running behind and the units would be removed soon. The 2 units were still sitting as of tuesday night when we checked. Will you be reimbursing the charges for them not being picked up in a timely fashion?

  • Monica j. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 48336


    I don't know why you sent me the survey when i'm literally still waiting for someone to come and pick up the porta john!

  • Nick G. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 92025


    While making the appointment, elizabeth was very professional over the phone. I could tell she was experienced in the scheduling process, which gave me confidence in the company.

  • Christin O. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 23236


    The port a potty is still at our house. Would like to have it picked up asap. Thanks

  • Karren A. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 40330


    I still have the portable toliet and i have asked for it to be removed.


    Event Standard Toilet 85296


    Great! Thanks!

  • Leeland J. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 84532


    Supposed to be delivered yesterday and today is nearly over and i still haven't received it. My people are not happy.

  • Ashley S. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 32119


    Where is the delivery? We never got it!

  • Kimberly J. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 47713


    Good job all the way around.

  • Nicole R. VERIFIED

    Event Trailer 94085


    For $2200 i would have expected a very clean unit. It was mediocre as best with the countertop looking like it had not been cleaned and the toilet being stained in one of the units.

  • Sarah I. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 49203


    The delivery guy forgot his name was very informational and considerate of my needs!! He answered every question and concern. I was extremely happy with my service.

  • Ernest S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 08525


    1. Delivery driver's gps directed him to unusable old logging road to get to property. No problem with deliveries in past years. 2. No hand sanitizer. 3. Placed order for two 2 units based on reps comment that prices had gone up ""a little"" since last year; emailed invoice showed a 43% increase over last year. Called and changed to one 1 unit. No response to request for revised invoice and no credit has been posted to my credit card account as of today.

  • Anna S. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 23113


    My initial emails with fatima were frustrating. She responded that she would get back to me and then didn't. When i called to book, i received excellent customer service. I also received great customer service when i called to check on eta of portapotty and when the portapotty arrived.

  • James J. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 97202


    I don't think my neighbor thinks your service is any good. Your driver hit there tree and ripped off a 10ft. branch.

  • Paula N. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet w/Flush&Sink;Event Standard Toilet w/Sink;Event Trailer 03038


    My only complaint is that the flusher was not working well. Other than that, everything was very good.

  • Dinah P. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 33020


    I left specific instructions that i had to be called upon delivery as it was being delivered to a parking lot. I was not called. I had to call customer service to make sure they came back. When it arrived, it looks brand new! Thank you for that. I have already recommended your company to a friend that is having a similar event!

  • Scott P. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 53220


    Did not pick-up on time, but did not get changed. Toilet paper was so so thin!

  • Renita W. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 72206



  • James D. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 30656


    Driver dropped off toilet and left w/o talking to me or even attempting to. We had to move the port a potty to the right spot.

  • Katia K. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 97229


    The portable was delivered in the wrong intersection, even though i was called about placement and gave the exact intersection name besides mentioning it was a park, the portable was left in front of a neighbor's house, and since it was a friday afternoon nobody could move the unit in time for the event.

  • Chris B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 53570


    Very helpful and a fast response to get a unit to our job location. Thanks!!

  • Barbara H. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 81623


    My biggest issue was not being able to coordinate a delivery time as we had our event in a remote location. When i called zters the day of delivery, the individual i spoke with called the company that was providing the toilet and said our delivery would be at approximately 11:00. I communicated that to our pick-up person. Five minutes later, the delivery driver called and said he was at our meet-up location. It was 9:15.

  • Elliot B. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 29180


    Our event was a two night outdoor church revival with the headline guest preacher on friday. We spent the entire day waiting for a delivery that never arrived. The customer service representative we spoke to was kind and professional but we did not get delivery. The next morning a driver showed up and delivered the units with no notice and simply said he had truck issues friday. This was a huge issue for us and significantly impacted our event. We have requested an adjustment to our invoice, but have not received any response

  • Mary B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 01106


    Despite sending a picture of the exact location where the porta-potties were to be placed and a phone # for the driver to call with any questions, the units were placed in the wrong spot. A number of phone calls and re-sending the picture were required in order to get the potties in the right spot.

  • Tara C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 01453


    You need work on organizing. I have had zters come twice in one day one to deliver potty another to clean it in same day which is ridiculously waste of time. And then again when i made arrangements for pick up you say might be on tuesday. You came on monday then another truck came on tuesday to pick up nothing? Just waste of your employees times on all mistakes.

  • Cindy T. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 38401


    Was not delivered

  • Mary C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 46327


    The hand sanitizer dispenser is broken. I ordered it friday morning for delivery on tuesday afternoon. Didn't get the contract until monday night and then the it arrived on wednesday. However the gentleman who delivered it was very friendly and very nice

  • Lauren W. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 94533


    The porta potty arrived one day late. Our 1st sales rep forgot to place the order. Another sales rep had to correct the error and reschedule it.

  • Monique J. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 20613


    I will be using your services in the future.

  • Jeannine B. VERIFIED

    Construction ADA Toilet 93551


    The door broke the 1st day. We had to slide the lock and use a brick to keep it closed.. Someone came to pick it up 2 days, but was very understanding when we told him it was supposed to be the 22nd.

  • Heide Z. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 53511


    Thank you

  • Pete A. VERIFIED

    Construction ADA Toilet;Construction Standard Toilet 97367


    On my initial call to start service last week i spoke to rhonda who was very helpful, polite and professional. She even used a satellite aerial picture of the property to help pinpoint exactly where i wanted the porta-potty to be put as i was having a house and shed/garage demolished. She sent me a email with the spot x ed on the picture to make sure i had it correct. I had asked for a afternoon delivery so i could be there as i lived three hours away and couldn't be there before noon. The delivery person put the potty in the wrong spot and right up against the garage i am having torn down. He wasn't even close to putting the potty in the right spot. I tried calling rhoda on her extension two times and two days before and on the day of delivery and i still haven't received a call back from her. I had to call another customer service rep for help and to complain and today the delivery person was supposed to move it to the correct location. I even marked the spot with spray paint as it seems he didn't read the instructions or look at the aerial photo to confirm where to put it in the first place. I have not verified that it has been relocated as nobody from the company has called me back.

  • Rodney T. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 32448


    No one called when on the way, nor when he arrived. I was inside and did not know he came. It was placed very near where i wanted but not exactly. If i had been notified, i could have shown the exact spot i wanted.

  • Sandra M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 06416


    Communications for the delivery time could have been better. I had to call for the time on the day of delivery and it was only a minute away. So glad i lived nearby.


    Event Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet w/Sink;Event Trailer 52240


    Hello, i was told that the delivery would be in the afternoon. I received a call in the morning giving 20 minutes for arrival. I realize that it's hard to know exact times but things prior to your arrival needed to be done such as cutting the lawn so the lawn people were told that the morning would be fine because you would be delivering in the afternoon. All in all it worked out! Everyone that i had contact with your company were very nice people!

  • Kenneth C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 99205


    I had drawn a detailed map of where to place the unit. The driver did not have that with him. Fortunately when the primary number did not answer he called me and i was able to meet him for placement.

  • Dedric A. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 29745


    The porta john was very dirty on the outside and inside. I had to hand wash it!

  • Brent S. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 72745


    Drivers were both very professional and helpful.

  • Leslie R. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Construction Standard Toilet w/Flush&Sink 29654


    Besides the fact that ashley had extremely great customer service skills i am still completely unhappy with this service. the first delivery was a standard porta potty when in fact i ordered the flushable with the sink. it was also placed on the property at the road in front of a tree with no access to the door. I actually had requested it should be placed on the back of the property. I was then told that they were coming to replace it with the porta potty we ordered they were on their way i sat on a job tonight for 4 hours waiting for them just to find they did not show up at all that day. as a matter of fact they showed up the next morning and place took the new porta potty in the same place as your porta potty after said complaint


    Construction Standard Toilet 73072


    I asked to be called to i can show them where to place unit. Never called unit placed in wrong location.

  • Jerry D. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 85533


    This was a last minute problem that arose late in the day. Jakyra was great in helping me solve the problem. Looking forward to using you guys on future projects.

  • Steve M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 92629


    Great service. New and clean equipment

  • Dennis H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 94062


    Unit not delivered

  • LandCare . VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 33701


    The unit was delivered in filthy condition & that is saying a lot coming from a construction site. The inside was borderline unbearable.

  • Theresa S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet w/Sink 49064


    It arrived and i didn’t realize it til they were gone filthy! I had to scrub it down by hand in my birthday party clothes as guests were arriving.

  • Seth B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 29708


    The condition & color of the portable toilets. Additionally, when instruction is provided on where to drop off the toilet, don't place it in a completely different location.

  • Debra E. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet w/Flush&Sink 92377


    My only complaint is there was no key provided to lock the door when not in use. I expressed to the person that took my order as well as the person that delivered the unit that it's vidal that we are able to lock it due to the homeless situation in our area. We've had to call the police recently to have someone fiscally removed who refused to come out of the outhouse. The man that delivered it said he would been back a key the following day but that means that for 24 hours it's exposed to the use of the homeless coming on my property and using the restroom that my guest have to use. Not happy

  • Jerry F. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 86301


    Silvia did a great job! Very professional and friendly.

  • Cheryl V. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 85119


    The company you got charged way too much for the cleaning!

  • Elvis A. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 75751


    Toilet paper left on seat and none in the proper roller dispenser. Unit very nice and clean just inconvenient having to stack all the paper and work around it. Two rolls in the proper placement would have given you an excellent rating.

  • Kevin T. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 85303


    Good job,courteous and timely!!


    Event Standard Toilet 06830


    One minor issue was that the driver called me instead of my designated poc. I attempted to confirm my order with the acct rep alyssa, but i was unsuccessful. Bottom line - all good


    Construction Standard Toilet 98077


    We wanted a delivery on thursday 12/9 the first day of the project, but were told delivery could not be made on a thursday and had to be tuesday. So we settled for the following tuesday 12/14. Then out of no where with no notice, our client call on monday the 6th to ask how this sanican got here? This is the first impression on how well we can coordinate their remodel. This makes us look incompetent.

  • Kala B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 76060


    Delivery was to be on 11/19. Nothing was delivered. Out event was 11/20. Nothing was there. Very disappointed. I would like a full refund.

  • Taly S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet w/Flush&Sink 90272


    We ordered a portable bathroom that has a flush but the one that was delivered had no flush.

  • Liane E. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 85641


    The gentleman who delivered was very nice

  • Leah M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 77504


    Thank you so much for bringing it so quickly, however, they were supposed to call and tell me and i had a sign up that said “put potty here” but they didn’t put it there. They probably didn’t even see the sign because it was across the street by the storage units, which i mentioned on the phone that’s where i wanted it because i’m keeping it for the next 2 years and i didn’t want to have to move it but now i’m going to have to schedule a move. But still, great price, fast service, the person who took my order was delightful and really enjoyed working with her so thank you! And the guys on the construction site like not having to walk across the street. I will call to have it moved to a new location after this build. Again, thank you! It hasn’t been serviced yet so i can not comment on that yet.

  • Victor L. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 92376


    I ordered one with hand sanitizer included, but when it was delivered there wasn’t any inside. I had to supply my own.

  • Anthony G. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 04468


    Great service! Thank you!


    Event Standard Toilet 55702


    Dropped off on time. Hopefully it was picked up on october 25th as scheduled.

  • Jennifer K. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 02465


    The driver was very nice and accommodating and placed the porta potty's where i wanted them. I was glad i was there when he arrived. One guest later told me they were the best smelling porta potty's ever. Everything was clean and great. I was very pleased.

  • Peter K. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 25425


    I rented the porta potty untill monday. It's wednesday and nobody picked it up. Come and get it please. Thanks.

  • Eric T. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 34231


    People were nice on phone as were subs delivering to site. Toilet still has not been picked up as of today. It was called on to both zters and company

  • Matt B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 66209


    Zters said it would be delivered friday and picked up monday. Gerken brought it thursday and put it in the wrong spot and said it won’t be picked up until thursday. The lady said zters knows they only do my area on a thursday route.

  • Jennifer B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet w/Flush&Sink 07860


    The unit arrived a day early which would have been fine except i wasn't there and it has been set up in a very inconvenient spot, complicating both my parking situation and overall unit accessibility. I called to ask for help moving it. The customer service rep was very nice and said she would try to see if anyone was in the area, but that was the last i heard. Because it's a flushable unit with a sink and it's already full of water, it's not something i can move myself or i gladly would. For $150 delivery charge, i would have hoped for better communication and service. Now i get to spend my morning trying to find someone to help me relocate this thing before 12:00.


    Construction Standard Toilet 37865


    The hand sanitizer dispenser is either broken or empty. Please fill or repair.

  • Maria R. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 32808


    Customer service was just what i was hoping for. Megan on the phone and saulo who pumped my rv are remarkable workers.

  • Valerie L. VERIFIED

    Event Trailer 78664



  • Dave D. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 60181


    Great job!

  • David G. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 48207


    Thank you.

  • Paul M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 55436


    The only issue was that the unit wasn’t in the location where i specified. Otherwise everything was great! The port a potty was wonderful, it was immaculate as port a potties go. Thank you so very much !

  • Karen H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Construction Wastewater Holding Tank 66062


    One of the fresh water tanks was dropped and broken before it arrived. It was broken not cracked see photo, and the guy just left it there. I called my customer service gal and she was great, but then the guy showed up he was pretty rude when i told him i was the one who called, and we needed a new one. Very unprofessional.

  • Kristina S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 99114


    A bit of a challenge on delivery day due to fire risk in the area. More communication prior to delivery to confirm conditions would have prevented the delay in delivery. Otherwise, communication and response from the hyle owens was great and very appreciated!

  • Danette E. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 98620


    Porta potty was supposed to be delivered on wednesday. We arrived thursday and no porta potty. Got on the phone to find out what happened. Not notes of a delivery. Told we'd have a porta potty that day. Nobody showed up. Friday morning i call again asking what happened. We did finally get the porta potty friday. And i think i should get a partial refund.

  • Iletha H. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 60411


    My bill or confirmation wasn't immediately available to me. I needed it via email as i was at the headquarters of the forest preserve so that they could verify that i had a contract and apply a fee toward ""special use"" of the equipment. I think that my persistent calling about the issue may have irritated customer service because i felt scolded for doing so. The portable toilet was in good condition and clean which was good. The portable toilet was delivered and secured promptly and that was a plus! Overall, i would recommend zters with confidence.

  • Christina G. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet w/Sink 11743


    Sink is leaking into the head

  • Stephanie E. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 21227


    Everything went well thank u very much and we would use ur service again

  • Keith W. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 17013


    Michael dinnano did a terrific job coordinating our delivery. Thank you!

  • Melissa M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 90503


    The portable toilet was suppose to arrive on monday and never showed up. I called and they said they were on their way. I asked if they could come in the morning. They said yes and it would be there between 10 am - 12noon no later. 2 pm still was not there. Finally showed up at almost 3 pm. I had to call and hold several times to find out when it would arrive.

  • Eddy F. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 11776


    Nothing at this time


    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 01519


    The delivery was at 5:30 in the afternoon. The hand washing station came with a leak in the water holding tank. It had to be sent back. I need a $180 credit. Very bad quality control.

  • Patty L. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet w/Sink 32778


    Please send me an invoice for 33341 lakeshore dr - tavares please send me a paid invoice

  • Melvin W. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 45417


    Could have put it closer to the doll house

  • Deborah S. VERIFIED

    Construction ADA Toilet;Construction Standard Toilet 05873


    Veronica, our account manager has done an excellent job of helping to figure out cost vs availability. Thank you.


    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 01106


    Thanks !!

  • Dian F. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 01430


    The 2 men who delivered the porta potty were right on time and were polite and professional. Well done.

  • Diane C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 60010


    I was not called before they arrived. Luckily someone was on the property to show them where we needed the unit placed.

  • Bill D. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 80305


    You did qs i expected, which was great. i wouod have given all 5's but youir instructions sy 5 excedes expectations. one of the hand sanitizers did not work or was empty. thx. Bill

  • Hailey C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet w/Sink 95818


    We were a little confused about payment at first and didn’t have direct line to our sales rep but it was figured out no problem. Delivery was great and product was great!

  • Virginia F. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 80451


    Thank you for your prompt services and timely notifications.

  • Byron W. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 80929


    Should have staked them down against the wind. Several blew over.

  • Evelia A. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 91773


    I scheduled delivery date for a monday and did not receive it. When i called the representative said they forgot to put me on the schedule so i would be having delivery on tues. It was no big deal but i changed my plans to receive it monday.

  • Debbie R. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 16749


    Arrived in good shape and everything that i had asked for! Thanks for your hard work!


    Event Standard Toilet 45414


    After promising the portable toilet would be delivered on friday it was not.

  • Chris V. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 49667


    Ok i’m new but i thought that we was having the service once a week.

  • Lorie R. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 77356


    Crystal and stormi were great to work with! Very responsive and answered all of our questions being a first time renter of these types of items. Crystal also called us after seeing our photo of the driveway and sharing it with the driver as they recommended a smaller dumpster to lessen the probability of damage to the driveway. For her to share her concerns with us was above and beyond, so thank you!

  • Stanley J. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 03249


    Very good job using this toilet johnny , it was clean and well done. Thanks joe

  • Valencia M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 98284


    Porta potty has seen better days. When your outside the potty, the door doesn't stay closed. Nothing that a cinder block won't fix.

  • Gerald B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 87571


    There is no hand sanitizer with port a potty

  • Ursal M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 97538


    Service was great billing was a pain

  • Ryan F. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 45150


    It took two requests to get the toilet removed.

  • Dominique W. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 80228


    No complaints! Rapid response to request, professional staff, all good!

  • Dustin M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 80026


    Service was just as expected

  • Chuck H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 45851


    Would like better communications on porta-john status/billing. I just responded that we only need one unit for month of january, 2021 and 2nd unit can be returned no invoice.

  • Tommy H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 75975


    Nice job thanks!

  • Gary B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 01354


    Well done!

  • Kevin C. VERIFIED

    Construction ADA Toilet 95828


    I would have liked to continue using you guys but the ada units you have are not big enough.

  • Patty N. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet 97227


    Thank you.

  • Doris H. VERIFIED

    Construction ADA Toilet;Construction Standard Toilet 47424


    The guy but it right were we wanted with no problems. Was in and out very quick.

  • Felecia H. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 44406


    We ordered 4 porta potties with lock and key...no lock and key were left with the porta potties.

  • Maggie C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 98133


    `brandon made a special effort to get our toilet out to us. Its a porta potty so what can you say. Its clean . Thank you for coming to our rescue. Being without a toilet in the raining fall is not a fun thing. Maggie

  • John M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 34481


    The driver of delivery truck did not call 30 minutes ahead as requested. Fortunately, i was onsite when he showed up. Preparing for an event often requires some running around and the sponsor may not always be on site. It is better if the contact person is called in advance to be sure to meet the delivery driver to place the porta potty in the proper location.

  • Veronika C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 75754


    Did not get hand sanitizer.

  • Ruby E. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 33712


    Thank you for your speed and efficiency.

  • Trisha M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 92562


    Phone person was knowledgeable and nice.

  • Debra R. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 06524


    First, i was billed a week before the port a john was to be delivered. The invoice implied it was being delivered then on 10/16. That caused panic as it was after 5pm and i could not contact anyone until monday. Tabitha was on it right away monday am and assured me it would be delivered on friday 10/23. Well friday came and went and no port a john. I called the only number i could find that did not say they were closed and was on hold for 40 mins when the truck came at 9:30 saturday am. Our event was sunday but....

  • Brian K. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 64085


    Overall experience was good. Some return calls promised by the account manager team didn't occur which kept this from being excellent. When i'm told i will receive a call, i do expect it.

  • Jody A. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 19540


    Service overall was good but there could’ve been better communication to me as far as what time the toilet was getting dropped off and picked up. Someone should’ve called to give me some type off time frame.


    Event Standard Toilet 80135


    The toilet did not get removed on time, in fact it just got serviced today 10/16 when it was supposed to be gone by 10/12


    Construction Standard Toilet 60527


    Not too bad- but we did have issues. Talk w/ andrew

  • Elisa V. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 93536


    We always had to search for the service man to get it cleaned.

  • Bill M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 77713


    Driver ignored placement instructions

  • Rich W. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 37027


    Delivery of portable good, waited for washing station, delivery technician great to work with.

  • Jill L. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 55359


    It worked really well and was hassle free. Thanks!

  • John Y. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 49091


    The porta pot was delivered long after my guys left the job site at 3pm. I was told it would be there in the morning sometime


    Construction Standard Toilet 98087


    The portable restroom delivered to my job site was not clean. Some sort of paint or spray is splattered all over the inside. The exterior lock has been broken off making it unable to secure over night and on days not being used. The delivery person tried repeatedly to squeeze the unit between two portable storage containers, sloshing the liquid inside all over and left an extra role of paper on the wet floor. After suggesting that he should just use the hand truck to move it, i had to assist the delivery guy in placing the unit in its location


    Multi Project 44113


    Thank you!!

  • Brad P. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 61832


    So far...so good. Lets see how the cleanups go.

  • Dawn H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 97119


    I wasn't using the chemical toilet, but when i went out there it didn't look like it had been serviced weekly as contracted.

  • Meghan P. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 23454


    Order was misplaced and not processed when i initially called. Customer service was able to fix the issue and have a toilet delivered a few hours later.

  • Sarah C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 27893


    Requested pick up time was not met.

  • Danielle M. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Sanitizer Station 33444


    Your system is incorrect - units are still in storage here in delray. A photo of them in their current location was forwarded to your jaimie as confirmation they had not been picked up as reported. Please issue a full refund due to the numerous inconveniences incurred as a result of unacceptable delivery and pick up organization.

  • Melissa S. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Hand Wash Station 46310


    Lower score due to product still being on site and no communication as to when it will be removed. Received an email saying it was removed yesterday but i have pics showing it is still here. Otherwise it has been fine.

  • Thomas E. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 80133


    Put date, times and instructions on receipt, also contact phone for zters


    Construction Standard Toilet 06705


    The only issue i have, is that i was told that the driver would call me at least 45mins before delivery so i could get there in time to show him exactly where i wanted the unit placed. However, i never got that call, and it was placed too close to the dumpster.

  • Danielle M. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Sanitizer Station 33444


    Sanitizing station and handwashing station were to be picked up on friday. When i called to follow up, jaimie indicated pick could not be friday but a soecial teip was scheduled for saturday. Saturday by 10:30pm the units still had not been picked up! Today the entire event will be striked and since the units cannot remain outside in the middle.of the park, we have to move then into our parking garage until tuesday when pick can be completed. Inconvenient and worrisome that your crews would abandon your property so negligently! We will not in any way be responsible for the safety of these units neglected and left on premises by your organization. While jaimie remained completely professional and did her best, your delivery crews did not and are completely irresponsible. We are asking for a refund on rental fees due to the unprofessional delivery and pick ups on our order. Please contact me to make arrangement for a full refund. Marusca gatto 585-944-6107

  • Tana M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 98642


    Charge was fairly excessive for a very construction-busy area. Local delivery didn’t even check in with homeowner to make sure toilet wasn’t placed off her property, and places it on the neighbors grass. Once removed the grass was dying and has huge divots where it sat

  • Kevin D. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 44023


    I called to have the unit removed on 8/13 or 14. it was still on site as of 9/1. then i recvd a bill for the extra time

  • Virgina V. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 75706


    I was not called before the drivers arrive even though i had requested a call. When i arrived to the sight they were about to set up the portable restroom at the wrong location.

  • Deborah H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 60525


    Always very polite and helpful!

  • Janice H. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 67212


    I had to call back in and remind you of my delivery in the late afternoon before it was delivered.

  • George F. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 17055


    Very quick assisting with all requesrs

  • Terry K. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 37377


    Picked up on time. Thanks.

  • Elizabeth W. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 48234


    I placed an order for a portable toilet and didn’t receive it and was charged for it and was told that it was a mix up because my sister and i order for the same address and not at the same time and my money would not be returned for five to ten business days


    Construction Standard Toilet 01520


    Service and drop off we’re good however not pickup up on time leaving our customers angry

  • John Z. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 91773


    Sorry to replace you. I found another rental co. with the same great service., but almost half the cost.

  • Jaye C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 04105


    It's wednesday, august 5th, and the portable potty is still in my driveway. It was supposed to be removed on monday. This is unsatisfactory- i called yesterday, and had to leave a message, because i was not able to talk to a human.

  • Terry K. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 37377


    The toilet was delivered when promised and placed where i wanted it. No problems.

  • Michael F. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 03285


    The service was exactly what i was hoping for. It was short notice, but t.j. on the phone was more than happy to help and answered all my questions with confidence and respect. Thank you for your service.

  • Lisa T. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Construction Wastewater Holding Tank 74464


    To date, i have no complaints or issues. My experience has been smooth, easy and professional. Thank you

  • Stewart G. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 19035


    Delivery was late, but supervisor helped. When delivered, the toilet was filthy. It looked as if it was picked up from another site and just dropped off. It was unacceptable.

  • Priscilla K. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet w/Sink 93561


    Account manager associated with our account has been extremely helpful and responsive.

  • Christina D. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 11414


    The delivery man was extremely rude. He called when he arrived without notifying me at least 15 minutes earlier.

  • Jason W. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 95831


    Took more than 24 hours to deliver and then the delivery for first thing in the morning turned into 1 pm the afternoon.

  • Jeff T. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 76306


    The delivery was prompt and done in a professional manner, would use again, and recommend to others as well.

  • Wendy W. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 35621


    Excellent service, right on time for delivery, called regarding location, etc. I would definitely all you all again!

  • Susan L. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 04284


    Delivery person was courteous and capable. I was surprised the unit was delivered by aaa, when we were told the company would be ideal of wiscasset.

  • Susan E. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 34475


    Everything was maintained nicely and in a timely fashion, thank you1

  • Dwayne B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 84116


    I appreciated the customer service. Duane bourdeaux basketball coach west high

  • Sarah S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet w/Flush&Sink 48176


    Will use again

  • Kevin Y. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 47006


    The cleaning which was asked to be either late saturday night or before 7am sunday morning was not completed until 9am when we already had over 1000 people on site. The driver said he was told to have them done by 10am so thankfully he was early compared to what he was told.

  • Marthelia H. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 23224


    My potty was drop off at the wrong address,and the 2 rolls of toilet paper was dirty and wet. not a happy camper this time ,

  • Aaron R. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 38544


    The unit has smeared poop on it, very rough condition and not placed anywhere where i asked it to be placed.

  • Ashley O. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 02119


    I confirmed the total with the phone rep several times and she failed to include the taxes, so what i'd confirmed wasn't completely accurate. Overall i was very pleased as the porta potty was placed exactly where i wanted it and removed in a timely manner. This was the only company that could provide this service for me at a reasonable price and i'm very appreciative!


    Event Standard Toilet 53072


    Delivery was right on time and the driver did a good job. Very friendly, and we had a couple minutes to show him the airport before he had to get on his way. Thanks so much

  • Karen N. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 80403


    Received confirmation 2 days after ordered was hoping delivery would happen. It did just didn't like the wait & wonder.

  • Ginny K. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station 32605


    The sink was delivered early in the day which was great for us. It was dirty and needed a cleaning - but with prompting, the delivery person wiped it down to clean it up for us. We are interested to see if the water load inside is enough to get through a week's worth of hand-washing. It would be nice to know how many hand-washes the tank is measured to allow.

  • Anita B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 53066


    Just a little hang up with delivery of the john and delay of pick-up but really no problems. Would use/recommend your service.


    Construction Standard Toilet 14432


    As expected so far

  • Yvette R. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 98837


    I called and asked for the driver to: 1 call me and i will show him where i want the port-a-potty to go 2 i then explained to put it to the left side of the driveway the side the mailboxes are on! Because we are having our front lawn sodded and the dumpster has to be on the right side, in front of the house. No phone call, and the port-a-potty was delivered on the lawn, on the right side.

  • Patrick M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 19096


    Very easy to use. Was delivered and picked up timely. Placed on site where indicated. Clean facility. Good value. Thank you!

  • Erica A. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet w/Sink 95816


    Everyone i had spoken to was very friendly and knowledgeable. I was however disappointed that i has submitted a request to remove a unit from a job site on 5/14 and it was not completed until 6/5. I did not get a response nor a heads up that my credit card would be charged for an additional cycle that i did not need.

  • Samantha B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 34209


    The whole process was simple and affordable and most everything happened as stated.

  • Andrew F. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet w/Sink 23093


    Says product has been delivered, at job site this morning and it is not here.

  • Dennis H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 94062


    Delivery service is very good. Only problem was, the person i placed my order with did not pass on my instructions for placement location. I will use this service again, but will call just before delivery to make sure everything is clear


    Construction Standard Toilet w/Sink 92014


    The unit was delivered monday. I have three men at the job site, 7-8 hours a day. It is noon, wednesday, and the unit has no water in the sink, anymore. Also, my guys told me that the unit was already partially used.

  • Paulett A. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 32714


    On-site foreman was not contacted and the unit was not delivered to the desired area

  • Edith L. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet w/Sink 93923


    Jackie turner was pleasant, proficient and professional

  • Mickey H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 80603


    So expensive! We have opted to use another company that came in at a third of the cost

  • Doug H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 21502


    Driver was great, very friendly, placed portajohn exactly where we wanted it. Thanks

  • James F. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 22851


    My only complaint is that your 28 day charge of $180.00 is more than twice as much as another local company's monthly fee of just $80.00. The 28 day cycle over a 12 month period of time means 13 payments, which i feel is very unfair when compared to another company that charges by the month. Why is your price so much higher than others?

  • Susan W. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station 29607


    The hand sink leaked. Had to get some plumbers tape and fix it. Sinks were not in good condition and there was no soap in containers. We had to go out and buy soap.

  • Tamas K. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 65803


    Took 3 days for pickup

  • Nicki S. VERIFIED

    Construction ADA Toilet;Event ADA Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 85355


    I understand that routes can't be set to far in advance but to not know when a time window of when your delivery will arrive until the day of delivery is very frustrating, especially when your trying to arrange for volunteers to be on the site to receive the delivery. I would think you could plan at least a day ahead. Thank you

  • Jake J. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 95722


    Service on the toilet was great. I missed calling for the pickup by one day and was charged for an entire month that i did not use the toilet. I understand that you don’t pro rate and was clear about this when i signed up but i don’t understand why. If you must stick to these draconian terms of service then maybe it would be a good idea to give a courtesy call before the month rolls over. There is a lot to keep track of as a contractor, worrying about due dates on a toilet rental is just one more thing. Other than that everything was great

  • Jessica B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 23336


    Thank you for your assistance in this matter-- i know it was short notice and your company was great fulfilling our needs, but the porta potty is still in our parking lot.

  • Andrea E. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 33810


    I asked for a event porta potty and i was clearly delivered a construction porta potty. The condition of the unit was awful, it was clean but that’s the only positive i can say. I had several negative comments from people at the dog show, and i had to apologize for the condition of the unit. I will need a potty in april and i plan to order from a different company.

  • Mark D. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 03755


    Get these porta potties on a regular cleaning schedule, and get some hand sanitizer in these units

  • Vickie W. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 50562


    I wasn't told zter is a broker which explains the high pricing. I commented on the high pricing. I probably would have done more looking around if i had known this was a broker. Zter was referred to me so i didn't look online as i should have.

  • Jerry P. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 75063


    You would have gotten 5 for everything if the driver had called an hour and a half ahead of time as we discussed when it was ordered. He did do a great job of placing the unit as directed. Thanks

  • Rachel C. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 34986


    Angela is fantastic! Always available to help and answer all our questions and concerns.

  • Sirrena S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 95673


    The portable toilet was not picked up on day stated. No phone call was given when product was dropped. Had to call company multiple times to follow up.

  • Anil L. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 33414


    Portable toilet was in poor condition.

  • Jack P. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 33326


    On timem and as ordered, for initial delivery.


    Construction Standard Toilet 36545


    Overall service was good although pricey. Had a hiccup with invoicing, but worked through that. Thank you.

  • Jeff A. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 29671


    Each time we order, i have to request the invoice more than once, because it continues to go to the wrong email

  • Hank H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 65712


    I was suppose to be notified so i could be there when delivered. I was not notified.

  • Joanne W. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 28557


    The only reason i can't give a 5 is because when our products were delivered i called to let you know that the door/lock was broken and we couldn't lock one of the port-a-johns. It would have been nice if we didn't receive damaged product or if it could have been swapped out. Or at least compensation offered because the port-a-john did not operate properly but customer service did not help to work any of that out.

  • Mike O. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 80863


    Did a great job setting where we had asked for it to be set. We will now look how well it is kept on your weekly cleaning.

  • Tina W. VERIFIED

    Construction ADA Toilet;Construction Hand Wash Station 24283


    Weekly cleaning service has not been prompt

  • Rodney K. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 19154


    Difficult to call in as i only could leave messages and then i was not able to catch the return calls.

  • Mark S. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 06716


    It was dropped off completely leaning backwards not on level ground and behind obstacles stinking out of the ground. There is/was so much flat and clean ground in the area it could have been left in a better spot. I had to move it about 6-8 to a spot that made sense.

  • Cheryl J. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 94550


    Still waiting for pick up. Took off work on mon. when i was told it would be picked up. Have delayed trip out of state. Still waiting for pick up not happy that a phone call was not made to tell me of any difficulties.


    Construction Standard Toilet 90012


    It seems to have been delivered dry.

  • Mike P. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 63801


    Price was a bit higher than others, but overall a great job !!

  • Debra R. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 06524


    Delivery was made late on friday when staff had gone home. In the future if friday is a heavy day we can take delivery earlier to help as long as we are not charged...The event is always on the weekend but the port a john can come wed or thur if that helps! Debra

  • Nancy I. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 14837


    We used your porta potty while we stayed in our trailer. It was acceptable however it was not cleaned and after 10 days of use it was becoming very smelly and not a pleasant experience when had to use it!!

  • Mike A. VERIFIED

    Event Trailer 90248


    Thanks for your help.

  • Barbara Z. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 21702


    We had requested a call to a specific number one hour before delivery so that someone could be at the new site when it arrived. That call was never received and no one was at the new site when it was delivered.

  • Matt B. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 48653


    Great service that was easy and clean and hassle free! Some headache getting the location dialed in as i didnt have an address that works via gps.

  • Stephanie S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 45133


    The driver never called the site contact to inquire about placement!


    Event Standard Toilet 30102


    All and all, service was good, wish the price was a bit cheaper

  • Tony N. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 53129


    The arrival of the toilets was about six hours beyond originally discussed and two hours past when the festival opened. Linda was good to work with in rectifying the situation. We also received a credit. However, much to my dismay, i learned that the toilets were never picked up. They were supposed to he picked up on august 12th, but our department of public works workers brought it to my attention on august 20th that they were still at the festival site. I had to call again to rectify the situation and they will he picked up on 8/21.

  • Stephen M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 05085


    Extremely clean lavatory for a private party. Delivery was on time as promised with absolutely no headaches. Then ordering process was quick & easy and everyone was friendly and helpful!

  • Blanca B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 33027


    Good services compared with your competitors

  • Karen B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet w/Sink 48386


    The unit was nice but we ordered two as a donation to a charity event and only one unit was delivered. I am waiting to see if i receive credit, homeowner called and inquired and was told a credit would be issued.

  • Gina R. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 55344


    We received the email that the porta potty was delivered on 8/3/2019 on 8/5/2019 i received a call from my job sup that it was not there i called and was told that it will be delivered today

  • Karen C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 48135


    Delivered originally to the wrong address on the delivery date of 8.2.19, called at 9pm on 8.2.19 looking for potty and you were closed. Received a call from the vendor, scottys pottys at 9:10pm and was told potty was delivered to my neighbors house and then picked back up. Potty delivered on saturday at 9:30am. My event started at 12pm so all is good.

  • Clay C. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 34613


    Takes to long to get something delivered.

  • Mark T. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 56534


    Ordered two but delivered one. came tuesday and cleaned and brought the second

  • Warren C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 27947


    The goggles fit great. I am an adult male although i have a smaller head size. I bought the youth goggles on a chance and i was very pleased. You should update your youth goggles to just goggles small/ medium. Great job i will be using your site in future. One suggestion is a phone app for pd distance.

  • Sara J. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 91744


    Our toilet is still on site. No show up, and no communication as to why it was not removed as scheduled.

  • Micheal C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 10470


    Toilet still here

  • Julian O. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 49307


    These guys accommodated my changing needs at no added cost! I’m very grateful to have gone with zters.

  • Sandra I. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 44030


    Delivery went great, but it would have been nice to have a phone call the day before the delivery to verify details. Instead, i had to call zters. And pick up could have been quicker. Our event was one night and it is now 3 days afterwards and it has not been picked up.

  • Melaine K. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 03820


    I don't remember the delivery person's name, but he was absolutely excelent!!!! Very nice with great customer service!! What a great guy! However, never did actually get to speak with our account mgr. Branden h. But, thank you very much for helping us out with our special event!! :

  • Bonnie J. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet 54020


    I was told i would be called about the delivery so i walked around all day with the phone in my hand.

  • Pati T. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 97138


    It took me a few call backs to reach a representative. The toilets were scheduled to arrive before 10:00am but arrived at 2:33pm.

  • Bree S. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet w/Sink 31005


    Spoke with the actual company that advised zters is a 3rd party company. We were expecting and looking for something totally different than what was received!

  • Kathryn C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 30033


    Toilet doesn't close.

  • Lashunn Q. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet w/Sink 53218


    I had took off on 5/8 fr my birthday and waited all day for someone to come remove the portal potty and no showed up unti 6:21 pm,so my entire day was ruined.

  • Edward L. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 90292


    I was awaiting a return call with status of delivery. The contracted provider called me saying he was onsite and needed to know where to drop the unit.

  • Alli V. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 01748


    There were many times that i was given incorrect information. Also, they were not forthcoming with information. We were charged for a whole second dumpster without ever being informed that this would happen. The whole process seemed sneaky. I work for a large co. and the cost wouldnt have been an issue but the fact that the information wasnt relayed to me is the issue. We just got a second charge with no idea why. Also, when i emailed the acct manager about it she stopped replying and still has not replied to any emails since.

  • Steve P. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 33710


    Your driver was very pleasant. The delivery was a day late. I had to contact two different people to get the delivery done. The removal still has not occurred.

  • Aliese E. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 34773


    Unit was not clean and in overall old and poor condition. Hand sanitizer dispenser was destroyed and contained a bag of used sanitizer, none left.

  • Rodney T. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 98672


    The information i gave to the agent via email regarding the specific location for the portable toilet to be delivered was not relayed to the driver. He said he got a short text that said lock needed and that was it. I don't like wasting my time sending images with icons that are never passed on to the person on the ground doing the work.

  • Mark P. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 80741


    I need an invoice for my charges

  • Cathryn F. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 92660


    I was told that my porta potty was going to be delivered on a certain day and it came on another day. The young man who delivered it was very nice and followed my instructions on where to put the porta potty.


    Construction Standard Toilet 91750


    I had to call several times to ask to have the unit serviced. I was told the unit would be serviced on a certain day of the week and then the day kept changing.

  • Estan F. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 22901


    The portables still have not been removed from the site. The company servicing them did not provide service for two weeks. Reached out to customer service rep multiple times but the issue was never resolved.

  • Mark C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 33708


    Wasn't able to get anyone to come clean it for weeks and became unusable. Couldn't get it picked up on scheduled date and remained on jobsite for a week beyond that date.

  • Marie L. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 19087


    The portable toilet is still here and did not get removed as scheduled. I got charged for a whole month after asking whether i would be charged.

  • Josh B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 27302


    Only one of two toilets were delivered.

  • Mallory C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 55612


    Portable toilets were not picked up on day and time specified and agreed upon. I am still waiting to be contacted regarding a refund as the rental property we stayed at, where the portable toilets were used, may be charging us a fee as the toilets were picked up a day late.


    Multi Project 80118


    To this point the deliveries have been a day late. I am still waiting on the information as to when the porta potty requested will be delivered. I have not been able to get in touch with my representative.

  • Jackie L. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 95658


    No delivery was ever made, no contact was made to let me know anything and there was no number to call being it was outside business hours to see what was happening...I could only leave a message that would be listened to 2 days later. It left me in a terrible bind and i will never use this company again. I still don't know why it was never delivered. I called the day before to confirm the drop off, someone was home the entire time and i even had a very clear sign of where to place the porta potty. The manager i talked with yesterday was empathetic and kind so i was grateful for that but overall, terrible experience.

  • Vicky S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 61241


    Everything was exactly as we expected, except they left no toilet paper when they delivered. I made a phone call to the driver, and he could not help me. I finally called michaela that i ordered from, and she was very kind and helpful in getting toilet paper delivered to us right away. She also was very easy to work with when i called to get information and place the order. Thank you


    Event Standard Toilet 55331


    The product arrive and was placed in the right spot but was not picked up for a week in a resadental neighborhood after confirmation at booking that it would be picked up on monday. Having port-a -potties left for a week was unaccaptable.

  • Steven S. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 95060


    Days late on delivery. No contact or follow up. Had to chase you down for it.

  • Jarett D. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 53719


    I still have not received my portable potty

  • Ross L. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 45856


    Porta johns delivered 24 hrs late.

  • Dean P. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 08533


    The only issue was finalizing getting the portable toilet. It took two weeks to finally get a confirmation.


    Construction Standard Toilet 91750


    When setting up the contract, i was not told about the delivery charge.

  • Clarence W. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 23231


    Have not received delivery as of this moment, been waiting two 2 days. Delivery was scheduled for yesterday and that never happened. Was promised delivery between 9 and 11 today and as of 2:40 no delivery. Contacted customer service again and was promised delivery within the hour. No such luck. Will never do business with zters again.

  • Helen B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 53012


    I had ordered hand sanitizer for the portapotty, and there was none. So i was disappointed with that, and had to provide my own last minute. Also, i do not want to pay for this if there is a charge. Thank you. Also, no the deliverer did not talk with me about just where i wanted it placed, so it was in not quite the best spot.

  • Mike B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 32926


    Not serviced week of june 27th -july 01

  • Beverly W. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 49331


    Thought the unit was very medicinal. Could have been a little nicer, also they never came to pick it back up on time. It was there for 3 days longer than it needed to be.

  • Lisa B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 48164


    Payment was processed , but order was not? Confounding. Would have appreciated honesty on the first of several phone calls i had to make - that nothing was going to be delivered. Per usual, my refund will take weeks i'm guessing... So frustrating. Your customer service people are great - too bad they were put in that awkward position.

  • Jenny C. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 45242


    The delivery was very late and pick up was even worse. Stormi is who i worked with initially and was great, but was hard to get a hold of afterwards - non responsive. Communication was not great. Port o potty was to be picked up monday and i am still not sure if it is picked up and today is thursday! No communication or explanation why. I am disappointed in this service and overall experience.

  • Mike S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 60477


    Delivery occurred outside the delivery window which was fine, but a heads up call would have been beneficial and prevented me from calling asking where the delivery was.

  • Nathan B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 48105


    Unit was delivered without hand sanitizer. :

  • Dianne K. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet 97124


    1. Did not deliver extra toilet paper, hand wash. Two rolls for 3 day event is not sufficient. 2. Delivery. Called 3rd person on contacts list to unlock the gates. First 2 contacts are on-premise, 3rd contact is not

  • Logan B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 80221


    There was no delivery made. I was told that i received a call saying the delivery truck had a flat tire and the delivery was not going to happen. I never did receive a call! My coworker called checking on delivery status near closing time and canceled since the delivery would not be made on time.

  • Jenesa F. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 18330


    The company did not call me before they were delivering the porta potty. My yard was not ready for the porta potty to be delivered on and the lady i dealt with and i forgot her name she was extremely rude on the phone because i missed the drivers call. If i knew the driver was coming that day i would have my phone near me so i could pick up his car

  • Burt T. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 93561


    Well this is a lie, we didn’t get the toilet delivered until 4/7/22 at 1600hrs ca time. My order was not delivered when it was supposed to and then i was lied to by being told it would be the first delivery. Then it was delayed the entire day and after ten, yes ten phone calls, i spoke with several people and no one was able to give me a precise answer if i was going to get my delivery. I’m very disappointed with your service and your prices. A local company offered the same service for $110 and i paid $225 for your service. Will not do business with your company for any of our future projects.

  • Sonia M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 75496


    Isaac was great in in communicating from the very beginning until the very end, but when i called to look for him a female will always answer and she would have a snappy attitude, her customer service wasn't too great. What was discussed, what was scheduled, what was promised was not completed the way it was done originally. When scheduling the delivery i was told i was not going to get charged until the product was delivered and that was incorrect they charged me the day off scheduling i was not informed that it was going to be a monthly auto withdraw i have to find that out of my own, we scheduled for the item to be delivered on april the 4th that wasn't done they had to find someone else and it was scheduled to deliver the next day april the 2nd. Isaac gave me a price as to how much it was going to be and that is what i was charged then a few days later i get an email from isaac inform me that they are going to charge me more due to gas prices, i was charged what i was offered and i think that should be honored all the way.

  • Howard G. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 76234


    Very clear instructions was given to dispatch -- put the porta potty on the west side of the drive where the red flag was. They placed it on the east side of the drive in the guys yard. The wind blew it over and got blue fluid all over the yard.

  • Stephanie F. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 30241


    The porty potty needed to be on site friday am and wasn't there until 3:00. for a weekend job.

  • David E. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 97760


    Product not delivered. Dispatch unavailable. Cancelled contract for non-performance.

  • Amanda M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 70427


    Potties have not been delivered to our site!!!

  • Richard G. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 84124


    The product was to be delivered monday and here it is friday and it still is not delivered, even though i received this survey saying it was delivered.

  • Dionna G. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet w/Sink 78211


    I was not only brought the wrong product the first time but i had to wait for the new one and when we went inside it was filthy. I am so disappointed in the services. I spoke with someone who said they couldn’t do anything and would have the manager call me and i never received a call. I do not appreciate h being given yet another thing to worry about during any already difficult time with trying to lay my brother to rest.

  • Hayes B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 38127


    I don't know why it took a week to get the refund invoice emailed to me. I had paperwork to complete on this service but could not until the day before the event.

  • Kristin M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet w/Sink 19148


    When the order was placed, i provided a delivery time request of 7am. The until did not show up until after 2:30pm.

  • Brian R. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 73095


    I had to call several times to confirm delivery. They had the wrong delivery date.

  • Brent F. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 38963


    They didn't service it until we called them.

  • Charlotte T. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet;Event Trailer 21758


    My porta-potty was not delivered. It was supposed to come yesterday. I waited all day and i spoke to customer service. They were very nice, but they said they could not get ahold of the driver. It still has not shown up.

  • Catherine B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 56273


    My first order was accidentally deleted -- good thing that i called to check. I asked to be called when they were on their way, but did not get a call. The satellite was placed on the property, but not where i wanted it to be. The door was facing onto the street, so that everyone including little children had to go into the street to access the door.

  • Mark P. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 43812


    Delivery was actually in mid afternoon vs prior to noon as was previously discussed.

  • Tina B. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 91750


    Delivery came 6 hours late.

  • Vicki W. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 54893


    Satellite was late and may not have been delivered if i hadn’t called. The vent cover wasn’t on the unit and resulted in hundreds of flies. Not satisfied even though my local guys were kind and courteous.

  • Venessa T. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 47043


    The unit was supposed to be delivered yesterday and it was not delivered.

  • Tammie H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 31321


    Called for pricing, it was $50 more than original quoted plus a processing fee, gave 48 hour notice per original phone call, then was told after signing up a few hours later it couldn't be delivered until after i needed so i moved date to 2 weeks later, it should have arrived march 31st and it hasn't. Will be calling to request refund and cancel order.

  • Abigail A. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet w/Sink 39854


    I ordered a flushing toilet with a sink. They dropped off one that didn't flush and no sink. Still trying to get this resolved. Also there is a damage hole in the door.

  • Cheryl S. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 20007


    Waited on hold for 5 minutes , multiple phone calls needed, just to set up. Gave phone number for contact person day of delivery to meet on site for placement. Never called contact person! Unit was left in the street.


    Construction Standard Toilet 85331


    Sapphire and crystal were both friendly. I provided a tax exemption form, as requested. Credit has not been received.


    Multi Project 80124


    Delivery was made. Delivery person was very friendly and happy to locate the unit where we requested. Probably not his fault but the delivery was a day late and we never received a call that it was going to be delayed by one day.

  • Desiree L. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 14206


    I got what i needed urgently. But to be told that i would be charged more after the quote and after giving my credit card, was not great. This was for returning the toilets. It was due to having the driver reroute to pick up the items. And there was miscommunication about the quantity which caused the driver to drop off 1 and then come back 5hours later to drop off the other. I paid extra to have it in the am but only got the other at 1230pm. So that needs to be worked on. Driver was real nice. Sales rep was not bad.

  • Aaron C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 80002


    Email said my toilet was delivered, i am on the job site and there is no toilet. Where is my toilet?!?!?!

  • Xitlaly I. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet w/Flush&Sink 92316


    The product was filthy and had prior damages. Considering your policy and how customers are liable for anything that happens once it is delivered, your item should be in better condition. The least you could do is provide a clean product without any peepholes.

  • Greg M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 19055


    Disappointed about placement was told that if we had an eight foot clearance the porta john would fit it did not the unit itself was in really poor condition

  • Phillip C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 04103


    The portable toilet never showed up.

  • Robert B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 83854


    Didn't receive 30 minutes confirmation call. Delivered wrong day. Dropped unit along street. Were supposed to ask homeowner about placement.

  • Vivian B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 29743


    We appreciate getting a porta john with a last minute call. The unit was disinfected but the floor was covered in mud, we have used manyporta johns for our construction sites and this was the lowest quality we have had.

  • Kayllis F. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 30741


    The cleanings are way to random when they are set for a certain day and let the drivers tell it a certain time. My toilet is to be cleaned every tuesday an i can say that in the two months or so they have been coming to clean they have missed at least 4 cleanings. Two times they came out an didn't clean like they should have just sloshed the stuff around poured a little good smelling stuff in an left! Took him 20 secs to make the toilet even more unsanitary.

  • Nate R. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 91307


    I got overbilled for my service by $150 or so, and i’m still trying to get that money back.

  • Terry B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 38125


    In spite of rain, gentleman was timely and was very courteous. I wasn’t able to sit it where i wanted it due to no 2-wheeler. Came to pickup 9/28/20 rainy day, but still no 2-wheeler. Advise they will return for pickup with a 2-wheeler. Meantime, we made it work and everything turned out find on the day of event 9/25/20. Thanks!

  • Leann B. VERIFIED

    Construction ADA Toilet;Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 79252


    Port o potties were supposed to be there first thing in the morning and the last ones didn't arrive until after 3:00. The driver had no idea where he was supposed to put them and had brought ones that needed to be staked down in the grass and we had planned on putting them in a parking lot. We adjusted but the communication was horrible. We also assumed that the quote was for daily servicing because of what we were using them for but it turns out it was not. When the final price came in it was 3x the original quote. Again, a communication problem in that zters just never asked us the question.

  • Tawana E. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet w/Sink 11520


    Sent the wrong item. Customer service was helpful to solve the problem. Received the right items with no issues.

  • Roxanne B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 48202


    The communication was not up to par.

  • Nikki H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 97089


    Overall, service was good. However, our porta potty did not arrive when we scheduled it to.

  • Nick T. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet w/Flush&Sink 03103


    Driver was supposed to call before arriving. He/she never did. Didn’t even try to ring the door bell to let my father know he/she was on site and about to deliver the porta-potty. Inevitably left it in the wrong place. Spent about an hour trying to get it resolved.

  • Terry S. VERIFIED

    Event Trailer 52722


    The portable bathrooms is still in my driveway

  • Diane S. VERIFIED

    Construction ADA Toilet 68114


    The hand sanitizer is empty. The toilet seat does not lower. The unit is filthy.

  • Helen L. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 85607


    Tami was my orig. sales person and didn't get return calls or any service questions. Then got in contact with ronnie and he got things taken care of and all went well.

  • Sebastian U. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 06855


    Everything good, unfortunatly i didnt use the portable at all,it was for a party and the party was cancelled because the rain. I would like to had received a call from an asociatred asking why the portable wasnt used or anything,, but that never hapened. Not expecting money return, but at least one call to ask the reason,, so maybe i can have a deal for next rental...

  • Kathlyn L. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 19901


    While staff on phone were great, we never gained access to the equipment


    Event Standard Toilet w/Sink 34996


    The date of delivery was postponed, but the toilet was still delivered on the original date. I had to phone to confirm that the new booking was in the system, which is wasn't. Delivery on new date was efficient, but i ordered and paid for a toilet with hand basin and a basic toilet with no hand basin was delivered. Pick up i assume was fine, as i was not there.

  • Kyaia C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 06511


    The porta potty arrived smelling great to my surprise. The delivery men called when ha ing an issue to try and resolve matters.

  • Carrie G. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 23005


    Had to have another customer services rep help correct problem yesterday because my account rep didn't follow up with me. His manager for very helpful and nice when she called this morning to make sure that the situation had been taken care of.

  • Priscilla K. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet w/Sink 93561


    Lately we have received little to no attention to our five units.

  • Roberta W. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 23005


    The portable potty has not been delivered on the day promised

  • Tamara E. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 30016


    Arrival and drop off ruined the mulch next to the grass and did not fix it. Upon pick up i requested 4 times to be called to direct driver which way to drive on grass to avoid septic tank, i did not get the call and of course the driver drove across the grass over the septic tank. I now have to pay to have septic tank inspected and would appreciate compensation.

  • Joseph L. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 44041


    There was nothing wrong with your product other than the delivery was 8 hrs. later than you told me and your driver didn't call my cell phone. I made a special effort to be there in the morning because that's when you said it would be delivered. It didn't show up until after 4 pm.

  • Maria H. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 95317


    They delivered port-a-potties, wash stations without water and possibly soap as well on a friday. We did receive a phone call on monday morning and delivered water the same day.

  • David W. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 33455


    Put toilet on wrong job site and didnt move it to proper job site for over 4 days and still charged me, wont be using you guys again

  • Sandra G. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 76036


    We were happy until they stopped cleaning it. Now the area around where port a potty was located has left a very very bad oder. Neighbors complaining.


    Construction Standard Toilet 30813


    I kinda sorta use to the speed and the time lines for this type mission. I felt it was expected due to getting back to work gull blown. Especially when you also had to manage the number of request after things began to open. Thank you so much for your professionalism and your integrity keeping me up to date with a statues...

  • Crystal T. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 65202


    The month before i did not have any problems but they didn't want to put toilet paper in my top portable potty they didn't even he didn't even look i had to buy my own and that was last week

  • Chris K. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 83814


    Ordering and delivery were very good. They called just before they delivered the units as requested. Pick up of the units happened two days ofter the event.

  • Cliff G. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 34997


    I was supposed to get a call before the delivery happened. I did not. Now we may have to move the product to a different location in the community. I was going to have the delivery crew put it there when i spoke to them.

  • Mickey H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 80603


    Service was fine, price was nearly 4 times what our current/new provider is

  • Karen C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 32776


    You billed the wrong credit card for this service not too happy

  • Donella M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 37681


    Your records say that removal was complete on 4/29. It is 5/1 and the portapotty is still here!

  • Raymond H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 68106


    No product with the toilet

  • Janice B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 47462


    The port a pot was put in the wrong location. I was told that they called several times but there was no missed calls recorded. The toilet had been used and feces was still in it. The vents at the top of the toilet were some loose and almost off. There was graffiti on the back wall of the unit and it looked like it had come off of a forgotten back lot somewhere. I called as soon as i got home on friday about it being in the wrong place and was told it would be monday before it would be moved. It is now noon on monday and it is still sitting in the wrong location. I was told i would get a ""plain jane"" unit but not that it would be a truly badly used unit.

  • Melanie P. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 47025


    You were supposed to call before delivery, there need to come back out and move it to a different spot.

  • Elizabeth B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 72732


    The staff was friendly, the service was nonexistent. The unit was never cleaned and was dirty at drop off. I would call for service... to no avail. Constant apologies were made with promises to comply right away. The only time the service was good was when i asked for the unit to be taken off the site as it had become a health hazard! The unit had become useless as it was never cleaned.

  • Matt W. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 78942


    The unit was in good shape and cleaned regularly. Price was good considering the distance.

  • Jodi G. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 92203


    Units were delivered before specified time and then placed in the wrong location since no one was yet on site when i called to ask that it be corrected, i never received a response so 2 of 3 units were never used as no one knew they existed

  • Michael P. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 33614


    Unit was delivered in filthy conditions, seemed like it came direct from another site.

  • Judy W. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 77905


    If the restrooms were delivered, they were delivered to the wrong place.

  • Steve E. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 33708


    I got a notice the porta potty got delivered on saturday, billing started on friday and the toilet is still not there at 4:30 on 1/6/2020

  • Dena F. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 37405


    You charged us a ridiculous amount for 1 day!!!! We are paying a service right now that is $80 a month with weekly clean out service. Our service was completed on 09-17-19 and you send a survey 3 months later. We will be reporting your company for price gouging! We called to ask for a refund and you said no.

  • Kris G. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 78542


    Dumpster services have been delayed - up to 48-72 hours after a request for service has been made. Unacceptable.

  • Michelle . VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 85332


    When i called and found that you service the congress area, i was thrilled. Andrew said that our rep would be in touch with us to quote and schedule. I believe in owning the call. Andrew could have started the ball rolling instead of waiting 2 days for a response and application. When we had a response from the rep, we could not open an account with our ""one"" order. I was hoping this would be my one stop solution for other jobs in the city and surrounding areas. We are not huge but we order 5-10 of these services monthly. Lastly, a map was provided with the order. It was not used for placement and is currently being used as a public facility.

  • Arthur C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 20141


    Dispite numerous phone conversations, the two porta-johns never showed up on the agreed to day. This leaving many campers 200 plus without use of a local bathroom. If it hadn't been for a semi-local establishment to make available the use of their inside facilities, our festival would have been a disaster. Completely unacceptable! Poor customer service at best.

  • Doug J. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 79739


    You may want to check your auto survey emails. They are sent before delivery of the product, saying they have been delivered and before pickup, saying they have been picked up. I received two emails regarding delivery before they were delivered. Received a pickup email saying they were picked up. They are still here. Units showed up 10 minutes before event was supposed to start. Many customers standing around watching porta potties and wash stations being unloaded. Looked very unprofessional on my end. Delivery driver indicated that he was told they did not need to be delivered until 4:00 pm on tuesday. Contract stated they would be delivered the previous day. Disappointed in overall process. Have used your service for many years. First time this has happened.

  • Katelyn W. VERIFIED

    Event Sanitizer Station;Event Standard Toilet 37066


    I ordered a handwashing station expecting to receive soap and water. We received just hand sanitizer on a stand. This is not worth $165!

  • Lisa T. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 98021


    No one told me exactly when the product was removed.

  • Clay C. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 34613


    Order the unit on monday, did not deliver till thursday.

  • Sheila H. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 38701


    The project quote was not followed as requested. We requested a fence for 6 months, but the contract was for 12. We are trying to negotiate the original amount of time we will need to fence, which is 6 months.

  • Lillian A. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 98023


    I was supposed to get a text from the driver the day before telling me what time delivery is to be made expected. never got the call. Called x162 to get more information. never got a return call. After waiting 7 hrs, delivery was final made.

  • Kurtis P. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 47024


    Didn’t deliver on the day scheduled. Then we rescheduled the next day and still didn’t deliver. Which led to having to find a new provider and without facilities the first day of our event

  • Will P. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 75069


    Asked for a portable toilet that could be locked when not in use, over night. Didn’t receive one that could be locked

  • Debbie K. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 44077


    Bad experience bad communication put it smack dab in the center of my front yard who does this when it was to be on the side of house and if they couldn't place there they should have called me but they did not! I think i should be compensated for the inconvenience of us having to move it and then move it back.

  • Richard B. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 49504


    Portajohns not placed where we wanted them for no particular reason. talked to customer service on thursday morning i was told delivery was scheduled for friday so i went to work in another town. less than hour later i get call from adriver for acompany i dont know saying they are to deliver. would have been nice to know what was going on.

  • Leslie S. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet w/Sink 97203


    My portable bathroom was delivered a day late and when it arrived it did not have a sink. I ordered one with a sink which was on my invoice when i booked 6 weeks ago. This is for my wedding! Not ok. I have been promised a full refund from rhonda.

  • Doug K. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 91024


    The driver called me at 6:15 saying he was 20 min out. Deliveries should never be made to residential locations before 7 am at the earliest. I told him not to deliver before 7 but i think that the delivery was made too early anyway.


    Construction Standard Toilet 75752


    We did not receive the weekly cleaning service that we were contractually promised. The lack of cleanliness was so apparent we even had our construction workers say the toilet was â“unusableâ” at times.


    Multi Project 45502


    Delivery was a day late

  • Cheryl O. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 68629


    Delivery was late due to accident. Never received phone call or revised bill to reflect correct delivery date.

  • Elton H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 29449


    Unit was picked up 2 days early!!! Why??? My sub has 2 more days of work to be performed!!! Driver could not work a simple combination lock??? I had to talk him through opening the lock over the phone yesterday. When the driver left the job site, he did not close the gates and left the property unsecured??? Owner called me late yesterday upset about his property not being secured!!!

  • Lucas B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 80212


    I scheduled pick up for 12/23/22 and the construction toilet is still on site a month and a half later. I have called several times and the unit still has not been picked up.

  • Darren W. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 38654


    Porta potty is still sitting at job sight and had it set up to be removed on jan 2

  • Steve M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 20854


    Cleaned 1 every three weeks on average. Gated house that i asked to be given a call 30 minutes before cleaning happened to i could arrange the gate to be open where as not to bother the homeowner. This happened maybe 4 times in 8 months. never refilled the hand sanitizer.

  • David W. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 29732


    The toilet was to be delivered on friday 12-2 and did not show up and we never got a call from anyone. This was for a large volunteer event and we were stressed enough over the weather and other things and did not need to be worrying about a toilet that we had paid for and could not get in touch with you. Also you paid no attention to my placement request. We had to move it ourselves. It was delivered on saturday and did work out, but had our event been for friday evening we would have been out of luck.

  • Patti H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 86315


    We have had issues with getting service. Twice, we have gone 3-4 without service. I've had to call, and thus last time, it took over a week since my first call to get service.

  • Kyle R. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 68801


    This product should not have been on my account. I have steven bean looking into this to remove it from the system. I often did not get my invoices for each charge to my card, or i would have been able to catch this even earlier.

  • Dave G. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 38060


    The delivery was 4 1/2 hours late causing issues, i requested a one day refund but have not heard back from anyone yet.

  • Melissa C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet w/Sink 95603


    Was supposed to arrive at 8:30am. Didn't show up until 4:00pm. Driver said it wasn't his problem, he is a third party driver.

  • John B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 46205


    Driver was not very personable.

  • Steve T. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 37013


    I asked to be called before delivery so i could show where the unit went, never received the call and had to move the unit myself

  • Chris B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 62025


    I ordered the unit for sep 19 and it didn't arrive until late afternoon on sep 22.

  • Bernie R. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 80452


    You haven't delivered the toilet yet!

  • Donald L. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 01001


    Porta potty was ordered for a graduation party but never arrived. Made multiple calls and no one could tell me the status

  • John M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 75068


    Portajohn was taken to the billing address for delivery, and then the truck came to pickup again on monday from the billing address again.


    Event Standard Toilet 11798


    I paid for 2 portable toilets and only one was delivered i had a large event at my home and couldn't accommodate everyone that attended.. My event was scheduled for july 2 and the one portable toilet was delivered on july 1 leaving me no time to order from another company i even called a few days earlier to confirm my delivery and was told that everything was on schedule.. I'm extremely angry and disappointed..

  • Cathy S. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 59808


    Neither the two porta potties nor the hand wash sink were delivered on the day they're supposed to be yesterday. I called yesterday afternoon to follow up no one had, and was given no answers why and told they could maybe figure it out today the day of our event, but no guarantees.

  • Lori R. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 80223


    Never got my port- o - potty as promised i was told i get it on friday here i am saturday morning without any at all !!!

  • Erin G. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 34241


    We didn't receive the delivery. Requested a call prior to delivery so we could direct placement no call. Arrived this morning and nothing was delivered at the event site or the address provided for mapping purposes.

  • Diane G. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet w/Flush&Sink 11743


    The company that delivered out potty was nasty and uncooperative. We were told a friday delivery was when it was coming and they called and told us it would be delivered on thursday. We were not ready for it to be delivered on thursday and that is not what we agreed to. She was very nasty and said that they would just not deliver it then. I had to hire someone last minute to get the spot ready since my husband was at work all day. Very unhappy.

  • Melissa W. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 95758


    Other than the toilets & wash station not being delivered on the day requested/agreed upon, i have heard no complaints from the field. This is a big issue, though.

  • Sherry I. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 66044


    Was told delivery would be made to job site in the morning. It arrived after 5pm.

  • Aaron R. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Construction Trailer 58801


    Product was delivered to the wrong address. I was told i would be contacted to ensure this wouldn’t happen. No contact was made. I called and was told that i was wrong and product was not delivered, got disconnected. Called back 15 minutes later and turns out i was correct.

  • Morti V. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 33319


    Driver call for drop off but after 40min cancel delivery because he had another call. Toilet delivered next day and no notification was made to received and when arrived to inspect was completely discasing

  • Sarosh A. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 22401


    Delivery driver did not call before delivery as requested. Placed the toilet in the wrong location and didn’t even bother to ring the bell when they were there. When i called to ask them to move it they said they were too far and if i could get someone to help me. Toilet was subpar at best. Dirt residue on the floor. Dried/cakes shit stain near the seat. When i asked the delivery guy about it he said he knew what i was talking about and said he tried to get it off. I just went there with a paper towel and was able to wipe it off with my hand and a little firmness.

  • Sonjia M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 93536


    Port o potty has not been serviced. Not once!! It is now stinky!! I called tuesday and was told someone would call me back... no info. I called again on wednesday. They attached false notes to the account saying the gate was locked. I've been home on vacation for the past 2 weeks. No one even came to the door. And still no information on when it would be serviced. Each time i call i just get someone will call me back. It's now thursday... no info and still not serviced. I want this account to be refunded or at least prorated for services not rendered!!

  • Katherine C. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 95304


    You had me so worried i didn’t get much sleep the night before because i was expecting the delivery on friday. Had to be call in the morning again to make sure the delivery would get here before my event started. I was disappointed. I won’t get your services again.but thank you anyways!!

  • Gabe M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 85381


    $ 200.for one day for a porta potty please make it more affordable

  • Claude C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 75407


    Promised delivery on friday, 10-8-2021. Didn’t happen. Called, then was told sat, 10-9-2021. That didn’t happen. Called again on monday morning about 9:30 am and told them if i didn’t have it before 2 pm, just forget it and you would go elsewhere. It was delivered at 11:30am. No one has called to apologize or explain the delay

  • Gary G. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 93560


    Was supposed to be delivered yesterday, but never arrived, call they put me on hold, while on hold a call from texas came through i live in california, i did not answer, after being on hold for 20 minutes i hung up, on voice-mail was message from texas saying she was representative from company and my port a potty should be delivered soon not to worry it was 12noon, after 6 pm still no show. I'll have to play the game today to find out what happen. Always something!

  • Sarah J. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 11234


    I never got the product within anything close to the time frame & was offered $75 out of $240 + tax to “make it right” - that much to make a problem that wasn’t my fault right. I was even still interested in receiving the product, but after the 3rd missed delivery time there was no point since everything was already over. Shea was nice & friendly to speak to, though.

  • Tony N. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 53129


    1 the toilets were late, about 14 hours late in arrival. When they arrived, the trucker had to literally drive through our festival crowd as the festival had been open for 3 hours before he got there. 2 all the while, the only response from zters was, ""gee, we're sorry."" 3 linda did her best to smooth things over, but just when i thought we were calming down, it was a full 12 days beyond the contracted pick up date that the toilets sat in our municipal parking lot, waiting to be picked up. I literally had the police department threatening to arrest me for zters lack of follow-through.


    Event Standard Toilet 28210


    No call was received prior the toilet being dropped off. It was placed in the wrong place. I gave details on the order but only part of that got to the driver. Despite 2 calls to crystal our customer rep, they could not reach the drivers, then could not have the issue corrected due to their schedule. We agreed to delivered a day early

  • Alex U. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 04568


    No port o potty has arrived still. I booked this 4 months ago and was promised it would arrive by 5 pm on june 23. I had a family member out at the property from 7-5 and no one ever showed and no phone call. When i called, it first took over an hour for my rep to even reach dispatch and then was told they couldn't come until the next day because they had gotten busy. I am hosting 30 people for my wedding in cabins with no bathroom right now because of this. I cannot believe that the driver didn't even have the courtesy to call me. And now i get an email saying it has been delivered and to review the service?? I will never be using zters again and will be letting the property manager and our planners know never to use this service.

  • Anderson M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 01983


    Address was wrong on the invoice, and i need to scramble to resolve that issue. Then on the day of delivery i needed an eta for the port-o-potties, and called several times during the day to be then be told at 4:30, that it would be at the end of the day. Finally at 5:30 the port-o-potties arrived. We needed them to able to lock, and one of the stalls, was missing one of the brackets to be able to lock it.

  • Ricardo M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 23322


    The item was 50 feet from where i wanted it. Meaning i had to move it. No contact with me during delivery. Which could’ve led to it to the right place. The item is somewhat damaged. Well 2 walls seem to be somewhat collapsed. Not to the point of replacement though. Tying it down could’ve dented the walls.

  • Christine M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 63131


    Still waiting for refund that was promised , for all the problems we have had , if you look at customer history it is all there .

  • Amanda T. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 32233


    Only one of the two units was delivered. This is after i was told the wrong amount and had to correct the sales rep to increase the price. And the last time we used zters the units were put in the wrong place after receiving a highlighted map.


    Construction Standard Toilet 50447


    Still havent heard if we got a credit for this months service

  • Lisa M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 80108


    I spoke with tami on wed on 12/9 about getting a porta potty delivered to an address. She was wonderful to work with, however, the porta potty is still not on the job site & we have already paid for delivery & 1 month of service.


    Event Standard Toilet 48842


    My event began at 12pm on a friday and the portable restroom still had not arrived as of 8am the following morning even though i received an email saying it was delivered. I called zters to see where the restroom had been delivered and they said that it was actually going to be another several hours before it would be delivered.

  • Mary S. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 03222


    Delivery was several days late.

  • Katie M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 01930


    Difficulty securing delivery timeframes. My company works with clients who are often requesting service at sensitive locations. We have attempted to coordinate a delivery with a specified timeframe in order to appease our client, but have been unsuccessful many times. We understand that delivery times are not guaranteed, but it's very difficult to continue to place orders with zters knowing that at the very least a timeframe does not exist.

  • Mark N. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 14224


    After 7 days the toilet is still here...ive called every day and have be3n told that it would be picked up. It's been awhile...

  • Marsha S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 16022


    When i ordered my port-a-potty i was to get a phone call with the price and i never got one but in turn my account was charged over $376. 00 then i was charged another $212.00 . I was told the $376.00 would be back in my account in a few hours mind you i called with in 1 hour of the charge and i am still waiting on my money to go back in my account this has been since thursday oct 1st where is my refund??????

  • Kerri M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 45133


    The driver never calls for placement like asked to. He put the porta-potty in the worse place for us. Then we asked for them to come back and move it but nobody returned my call. He was supposed to originally pick it up monday but as of 6 pm yesterdaymonday it was still there. I called and nobody could help me. I've lost my $300 deposit because of this toilet. I'm very upset.

  • Rich W. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 37027


    Took two days to get the order but delivery man great and did what e could to make the order work.

  • Carly W. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 59102


    The original account manager i spoke with was amazing- but the experience after that was absolutely terrible. The portable toilet was wretched- reeked of urine and i could barely use it due to the foul odors. Then when i tried to return it they did not come pick it up. When i asked again they let me know around 12:00 pm they would be coming that same day- without notice. This was a problem because our driveway was blocked. It was really a lot to deal with so i’d go with a different company.


    Construction Standard Toilet 50201


    Piggybacking off of another company, and charging almost double really sucks. Lesson learned.

  • Fernando T. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 75078


    Did not clean the porta potty in a timely manner would take over 10 days to service unit

  • Julia B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 35022


    We received a portapotty last monday 8.3.2020 and it showed up with a broken lock hole. We have been trying to get it exchanged for a week now. Someone did come by and clean it on 8.6.2020 thursday but, never exchanged. Now we are having problems getting someone to come and repair it or exchange it.we did not expect this much problem out of a portapotty.

  • Carolyn M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 80106


    Called many many times at different hours of the day. I could never speak with a person. The telephone system always had me on hold for in excess of 10 minutes. I finally had to email !

  • Dominick M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 11743


    Delivery was very late & the porto potti looks very old & beat up!!!


    Multi Project 67460


    You did not pick up on schedule time i got a phone call from customer wanting container picked up


    Construction Standard Toilet 97005


    I ask for two units to be delivered with a 30-minute heads up. I got zero notification until the delivery person was on site. The delivery person only delivered one unit. I ask for two. Giving you a two overall is being very generous. I need to talk to somebody monday morning. I am very unhappy with your service.

  • Stephen M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 04107


    Delivery was to be 6/2 in the afternoon. The truck was here at 8 am. Pickup was to be 6/3 in the afternoon. The unit is still in the driveway.

  • Mike M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 97537


    Just want to say they i paid for a monday morning delivery but didn’t receive it until after lunch. Was disappointed with that. And there is no sanitizer in it as requested and told there was. Otherwise the guy was nice and amanda who set it up was nice.

  • Todd A. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 55437


    I simply asked to be contacted by those delivering the unit so i could meet them there for proper placement. The workers said they called me, but my phone showed no attempt of a phone call. We can make the spot it was delivered to work, but it’s certainly not where we would have liked it.

  • Allen R. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 64030


    Arrived 2 1/2 days late

  • Christine C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 57301


    The porta potty was to be delivered yesterday was not delivered to our site. Not sure where it went. After a phone call early this morning and an email with a map of the exact location the driver with the porta potty was on his way at 12:30.

  • Laura W. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 30566


    You were twice as much as everyone else and i was not informed the company is a broker.

  • Larry S. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 32920


    Wash station will not hold water, tolies is nasty, stinks, my employees will not use it, no sanitizer at all, toliet paper was not installed, it was also a day late getting here. Very displeased

  • Patricia Z. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 78027


    My porta was never emptied weekly. I had to call at least 2 or 3 times a month to make sure the would come. It was a stinkyproblem in warm weather especially.

  • Martha K. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 33701


    No one marked that they had serviced the potty. Ever. When i asked for a return call about it, i was told someone in the office would call me back but they never did.

  • Jeri G. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 31905


    Given the 28 days billing cycle vs a normal 30 days has left us with the decision to remove this company from our preferred vendor list for any and all future jobs.

  • Larry B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 80016


    I had asked for a phone call with pending delivery time and never got one. As a result the unit was dropped at the wrong location and had to be moved to the proper spot by hand. I'm 72 years old and it was not fun to move. If i had gotten the requested call i would have meet the driver and put it in the correct location to begin with. And as of today it has not been picked up. Will have a hard time renting from you again for my next function.

  • Frank M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 21713


    Overall i haven’t been too happy with this company. I’ve never had so many issues with renting portable toilets as i have with this place. If i need a specific type of unit on a specific day, and i give a weeks warning or more, i shouldn’t have to guess what i’m getting and when. I have more important things to worry about on projects than this.

  • Jason S. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 24060


    We order 2 dumpsters and only received on and then i called and was told it would be onsite tomorrow10/25/19 and as of today 10/28/19 we have not got our dumpster.

  • Bruce M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 80435


    The delivery of the toilet was a day and half late. The first one was frozen, the second one was dirty. I have used you for the last several years with excellent service. This year was way below expectations. I believe this to be a hic-cup in your service. I look forward to using your service in the future.

  • Alan L. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 78577


    I received a notice via email that the porta poti was delivered yesterday to txdot pharr. So i asked the guys onsite if the received it. The guys onsite were not notified that it was going to be dropped off. The guys cannot confirm the location that it was dropped and were not informed where it was dropped onsite.

  • Alan L. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 78577


    Never received porta poti, beyond poor communication skills with the driver.


    Construction Standard Toilet 30290


    Toilet still smelled after it was cleaned. not sur what you use but it always smelled like ammonia

  • Matthew R. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 55317


    Call was inefficiently handled. Routed through multiple places before 'finding' a vendor that could deliver in the only 36 hour window during a 7-day week that absolutely didn't work for our operation. Then i took time out of my only day off to plan on being here. Only to get a phone call 1 hour before delivery to learn the driver didn't make it and they would reschedule for monday. I called back to no answer. Come in monday to find 2 porta-potties delivered to our neighbor instead of our address. I called a different number who seemed confused by all of it, and wanted the company to know we moved them where they were supposed to go ourselves. 1-weekly clean-outs won't be enough, but we'll have to make do.

  • Dusty K. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 95722


    Will never use again and will tell others the same.

  • Larry S. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 80216


    I ordered the toilet the previous day. I left at 2:30 pm and no toilet yet delivered. Your cost is higher than your competitors for the same service. I doubt i'll use you again.

  • John H. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet w/Flush&Sink 21048


    The toilets arrived a day late. As a result, guests at our first event had no toilet service. Secondly the promised flushing/cleaning scheduled for the second day never happened. We were seriously disappointed and expect a sizable reduction in charges to reflect the lost service and the embarrasing inconvenience to our guests

  • Suzanne R. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 99181


    Brandi needs to email me. This thing is a nightmare. It’s not been serviced properly nor delivered on time. We’ve resolved the delivery issue. The service issue cost me an entire day yesterday for nothing! No one showed up! I get horrible phone service out her and spent a good 15 minutes on the phone with zach this morning. Explaining all the history and the poor phone service and asked brandi to follow up via email. I just noticed i missed a call from her. I’d like an email today at [email protected]

  • Nancy A. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 53184


    The unit was delivered on thursday instead of friday. Almost ruined 4 months worth of planning for a 60th surprise party. Did not call contact person.


    Event Standard Toilet 34986


    My toilets weren’t delivered when they were supposed to be delivered. The operator told your staff that they were dropped off but they didn’t. After an entire evening and morning of phone calls they were finally delivered but after the event began. 100% completely unsatisfied.

  • Linda A. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 85541


    This company is a scam and i will never work with you again!

  • Rachel S. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet 60623


    We followed up multiple times about the address on the invoice being incorrect, and that communication kept being sent to the wrong person, yet it was never changed. The result of this oversite is that the driver was unable to pick up the toilet on the scheduled day because they had the wrong address. In calling the number on the side of the unit, we discovered that we were charged $100 more for the toilet than that company charges. Inaccurate customer service combined with higher prices means we will most likely use other services in the future.

  • Mary C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 29571


    You charged 158. for service that the new company was willing to do it for $65 a month

  • John M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 37854


    The toilet was clean and kept clean but when we canceled service that we paid for up until yesterday, they came and removed the toilet on april 18, or 19. After repeated calls and emails, it was returned on april 28. We asked for a week more because you cheated us. We were told the removal date would be moved up but do not prorate rental charges for early removal. If the toilet has been removed, then you cheated us.


    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 28478


    The individual that delivered the portable toilet was very unpleasant to deal with.

  • Kelly B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 21207


    Rep never responds to my emails even when i request a response. I receive an email unit was picked up on 3/13, it has not been picked up.


    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 52632


    I used it one day and couldn't even get a partial refund.


    Construction Standard Toilet 33956


    I requested a toilet last week and was given a jan 19th delivery date.the unit did not show up, i called and spoke with shelly, who went above and beyond to get the original order placed. I was sent an email and my credit card was charged, but no toilet, i called my original contact and advised the unit has not been delivered, she had to call dispatch, the unit finally arrived yesterday at 6:30 pm, the site contact nor the crew were notified zters was there.

  • Mike M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 21703


    I left a message on dec 19 to remove the equipment from 6402 jefferson pike. Then i found out that you billed me for jan. I spoke to a man last week who was too chicken to look into it still nobody called. Back in november you decided without calling me to add $5 to my bill. If you want to be sneaky and no check, your messages first energy at my sites will not be calling you. Mike 216 926 7123

  • Melissa W. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 95758


    I have been asked not to use zters again.

  • Dylan S. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 36507


    Portojohns were not serviced as scheduled according to the timeline i was told they would be. We had to call and have them serviced. Delivery was late.

  • Jeremy P. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 66061


    Product was late. Delivered 2 portable toilets and only ordered 1. Very hard to reach someone for help or assistance.


    Event Standard Toilet 33435


    Product needed to be removed 1st business day which was monday and it's still in my driveway. I'm now being fined by my community. Please remove this thing asap.

  • Kimmi F. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 43512


    1. Did not know this was a company survive outside of the actual business very mid leading plus you charge extra 80. For this service


    Construction Standard Toilet 80439


    The delivery of toilet was delayed. The service on the first week was delayed for one day, the second week - nobody came to provide the cleaning service at all.


    Event Standard Toilet 47203


    Very clean port a pot.

  • Peter F. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet w/Sink 97049


    Wrong product. had to send ruck away without delivery and call for correction

  • Delayna H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 75103


    Worker came to site for cleaning however can was not cleaned . It was reported and company sent a second worker to clean can.

  • Brandi M. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet;Construction Standard Toilet w/Sink;Event Standard Toilet 19142


    I had to call and speak to 4/5 different people to be properly helped and still my order was wrong. I was sent the wrong porter potty!

  • Will R. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 01760


    It has been over 2 weeks since the porta potty was supposed to be picked up and it has not been removed

  • Kahlayah R. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 74745


    I was emailed a conformation of delivery and the unit was not delivered.

  • Aaron M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 81212


    I will never order anything through zters again

  • Michelle H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 48073


    The representative i dealt with was rude, impatient, was not listening at all when i explained our needs. As this job is utility repair, for the city, we move from the unit with us, from city street to city street. I gave specific instructions, including contact info, to reach out to the foreman on the day of the cleaning so he could let you know where it was. I spent hours on the phone with your field rep, the customer service rep, and my foreman trying to coordinate the clean. I do not have that kind of time- it should have been very simple. I will be removing your unit from our site at the end of my one month contract, and will not be using your company again.

  • Peggy R. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 95637


    I was notified this morning from the project superintendent that the delivery was never made.

  • Richard M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 66062


    The deli man wasn’t very friendly and made sure that i knew the service would be cheaper if i hired his company directly.

  • Philipe O. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 95817


    The driver he never said hi or anything he yes drop the toilet on front of the house i tough it was for me.

  • Joe l. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 22551


    Requested delivery on feb. 8 and not delivered until feb. 9. Driver was going to leave it in home driveway instead of the construction site until advised by homeowner. Delivery was requested for morning not mid afternoon.


    Construction Standard Toilet 28626


    You delivered when i told you to wait and put it in the wrong location.

  • Jeff M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 81089


    We went to the property today expecting to see a porta potty there and ready for our needs but there is nothing there the money has been paid but we do not have a porta potty on site if somebody could give me a call maybe we could solve this problem my number is 720-333-0800 my name is jeff mueller thank you

  • Britney B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 33315


    Customer service reps were not available and/or very responsive during business hours. Apparently people were out of office and/or in meetings with no out of office email message set up etc. Due to lack of response i missed out on a unit that was preferred. Also, specific delivery instructions were given and the information was not relayed to the delivery company. Over all a poor third party communication issue stemming from zters.

  • Mell B. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Hand Wash Station 89129


    Items never arrived

  • Jennifer G. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 85355


    Customer service was terrible. The toilet was delivered then i received several calls saying your company never delivered the toilet and that i must have booked with another vendor. After one of your employees straightened out the issue, i never even received a call back saying everything was fine, and that i did in fact not double book with another company. I had to call back several times to get the information. In addition, the toilet was supposed t be picked up yesterday, 10/18, and it has not been picked up. I called for an update and was told i would receive a call back. I'm still waiting for the call back.

  • Jose L. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 97210


    I didn’t get a delivery when you guys say it will and when i contact jessica about it she only say i thought this was already delivered, i ask her please to let me know when it was going to be delivery because i all ready one full day waiting for it and she never call me or email me back about it. Two days later someone drop it off without a proper notice, this becomes very stressful for me and the homeowner who was moving their cars in order to create space for the portable toilet this was not definite but the way i thought you was going to and you were going to handle this since i have use you in the past


    Construction Standard Toilet 80221


    Its saturday july 24th 10:20am and still haven't received any units!!

  • Tiffany H. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 36047


    I had to call 3 times to find out where my delivery was. I waited all day didn’t deliver till after 7 p.m.

  • Laurie J. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 12768


    The porta potty came 3 days late and was dropped in a very inconvenient space—not where we had asked for it to be delivered. It might as well be in the middle of the street.

  • Emily M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet w/Sink 14223


    Was not satisfied and will literally never think to rent from this company again. So disappointed in all aspects.

  • Karen R. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 26705


    You had 5 days notice and the waste container was delivered a day late. The woman told me the potty was delivered, when in fact it was not. She thought i was in maryland, not at the job site. I don't appreciate someone telling me wrong information because she thought i wasn't on site. Very poor customer service. I will not be using your company again unless i get compensation for my inconvenience.

  • Bobbie J. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 20165


    I was told that i would be called to be notified when the porta potty was going to be delivered. I was never notified and the porta potty was left right in my driveway. I had to call the company back who’s number is located on the porta potty and ask them to move the porta potty to my backyard, where i want it. The customer service lady, i believe her name was vicky, acted as if she didn’t want me to have the porta potty. It seemed like i was inconveniencing her to have the porta potty moved to a location where it would be used. She did not offer any solutions for me rather, suggested that this porta potty might not work out for me. I would not do business with that particular company if it were my choice. Additionally, i have asked to be notified before the people come to clean and sanitize the porta potty the first time, so that i can be home. I want to ensure but they have access to the porta potty and everything goes smoothly.

  • Brad Q. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 80501


    You were not able to keep schedule for either drop off or pick up. There was miscommunication on charges and timelines which you were not willing to work with us on. The overall customer service experience as a general contractor was sub standard.

  • Gwenn S. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 85040


    Delivery was not made as promised, when i called to ask no one returned my call, i had to call 3 times with no update. Once i had someone else call and complain the product showed up halfway through my event.

  • Dianna M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 33556


    Order was placed on a thursday. Not delivered till the next wednesday your excuse for a tuesday non delivery was that it was not delivered since you said the gate code was not valid. when in fact it was and you got access with that same gate code the next day.

  • Howrah A. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 48180


    The product is as it should be but the driver drove on to the property and did not ask the contact person where to drop the portable toilet, he dropped it in a location where we can access it but had to reschedule 15 people for drug screening because the placement was to far to monitor during the testing. Fyi...I called back to let someone know but the driver couldn't make it back. can it be moved when it is serviced.

  • Luis T. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 33143


    Servicing the portable was unreliable. Never kept the scheduling the las 6 services were not done

  • Jack E. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 33716


    The facilities were delivered to the wrong address. I called to ask where they were, and was told they would get a driver to get them to the correct address. They are stull not here. Were supposed to be selivered yesterday.

  • Mack P. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 16509


    When i called i mentioned that i needed the porta potties delivered by 2pm, and the woman i spoke with said it would not be a problem. They showed up at 5:45 after my event was over.

  • Shawnee J. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 10452


    Was not please

  • Kelly W. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 48202


    The fact that i left clear instructions on where the potty was supposed to go and it was put in a terrible spot and it was leaning was terrible! I was offered a $20 refund but i had to pay someone $50 to put it where it was supposed to be! I will not be using your service again nor will i be doing any referring!

  • Nathan C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 33549


    Unit was not delivered yesterday as promised.


    Construction Standard Toilet 54733


    Ordered the portable toilet the week before to be delivered to the work site on monday when my crew started. The toilet didn't show up but i was sent an email stating it was and asked me to fill out this survey. I called on tuesday to see where the toilet was and they told me it should be there in an hour . This is a day late. My crew had to leave the job site to drive to a bathroom at a gas station so we lost production.

  • Sarah S. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 49617


    We have been charged twice, and still haven’t received our porta pottie!! Also awaiting a phone call back from someone trying to figure out how this happened.

  • Cindy B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 25962


    We requested from carli to have this removed in april. You kept charging my card, and i've tried to follow up with this twice now and nobody is returning my emails now.

  • Andrew M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 01605


    Toilet still has not shown up to my job site i called to follow up and was assured i would get the toilet or get a call back neither happened someone better reach out to me 774-249-0221

  • Matt B. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 23461


    Not impressed

  • Sean C. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 18707


    Very displeased that both units were not delivered earlier in the day or before 4pm. These cannot be delivered when no one is onsite. Need confirmation these units were pushed to wednesday and not delivered.

  • Patrick O. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 96003


    Was supposed to be informed 1.5 hrs before delivery got an onsite notice of arrival from the container got a 15 min heads upfrom the dumpster and still have not received the toilet and hand washing station

  • Marchellas M. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 37218


    Casey, the representatives is doing everything in her control to manage the process but it continues to spiral out of control. It has been mistake after mistake. I am a custom home builder and was thinking of changing vendors and wanted to work with casey. My experience has been very unfortunate. After this project is complete it will be a major relief.


    Construction Standard Toilet w/Sink 92014


    The only reason for a 2 is that the unit was clean and functional. Otherwise, it had very little water for the sink, and i formally requested it be picked up tuesday, may 19. I sent an email with this request, and vikki stated it would be picked up this week. However, i was just contacted by my client who stated it was still there, today. Today is sunday, may 24.

  • Jerry B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 40503


    I was asked if i’d like a call before delivery by the driver- i said yes there was no call, no voicemail now i’m wondering how the pick up will go since it’s scheduled for the 1st, is like a call the day before you are picking up since you scheduled for pickup when i ordered.

  • David L. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 48083


    Poor communication. Was done with services 1 week into 1 month charge. Brandi rudely said ""it was in the contract that if you go into billing month there is no refund"". This would be something i would personally let customers know and emphasize. Still waiting for a call back from manager justin. For a month now. Card was illegally charged for an additional month. Pickup was not completed when it was supposed to be. I had to call back. Still waiting on refund.

  • Courtney B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 27525


    Yall are a middle man company jacking up the cost of a service for nothing except pure greed you provide no service i called the portable toilet service directly and my bill was cut in half

  • Port T. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 95618


    Sales staff tried to charge double my prior rate two toilets were delivered to site when i ordered 1. the whole process took up too much of my time.

  • Jeniva C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 76689


    I have recieved a email stating portable toilet was removed on 3/27/2020 as of last night it was still there, account manager never responded to my emails. Never received a new invoice for the new billing cycle like they told they were going to send. I had to call 3 days in a row last week to have someone clean the toilet

  • Marcy B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 60010


    Arrived a day before the requested delivery date.


    Event Standard Toilet 32789


    Delivery was not made to mead garden, winter park, fl. Delivery was scheduled for yesterday and pick up on monday. I expect a full refund for no delivery. Our race is now over without your product or service.

  • Maranda R. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 78669


    The chemical toilet was delivered over 26 hours late to the site causing damage to our property and delaying our project. Once delivered it did not have enough chemicals to properly cover waste materials after even on use. The structure of the toilet was dangerous as there were multiple screws not properly drilled into the floor of the structure causing a potential trip hazard to homeowners and work crew.

  • Jeff M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 27306


    Delivery and pick-up were fine but no one ever came out to clean or extract until i called and requested it. I think that the unit should be cleaned at least once a month or more depending on the size of the job site and number of workers on site. That information could be gathered at the beginning of the rental process.

  • David H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 85933


    I was not happy with the service provided. The unit was not delivered on the date promised and was two days late. The request to have it serviced weekly was ignored. It went two weeks without a cleaning leaving me and my crew to deal with it. This happened twice. I in turn emailed my concerns to andrew where the unit was then cleaned. After a few phone calls. My issue is that your billing department has zero issues in billing me exactly on time, which wasn’t cheap. But, the delivery was late, the service to the unit was not handled properly costing me more out of pocket in chemicals and toilet paper. I brought these issues to andrew’s attention, with zero response. I feel someone should have reached out regarding these issues and/or the bill reflect some compensation but, no completely ignored and billed perfectly on time.

  • Hector M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 92124


    Your delivery time is horrible and when i try to call and get a answer no one can tell me what's going on this is not the first time that happened the same thing happened on my last project . Not happy with your service i'll probably won't do baseness with this company again


    Event Standard Toilet 44451


    Unit was damaged, dirty, and placed in the wrong spot. We had to call another company to bring a decent unit. Your company was expensive compared to the second company we called.

  • Traquann B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 23224


    I am writing this review after a highly disappointing experience with zters. I hired them to provide a portable potty for my father's day event and paid upfront for their service. I worked closely with a woman named kira to set up the arrangement. She was highly communicative initially, emailing me three times a day until i made the upfront payment. Unfortunately, after the payment was made, the level of communication and service dropped precipitously. The portable potty was never delivered for the event. When i reached out to their customer service for help, they initially told me there was nothing they could do. Undeterred, i called a second time, increasingly worried about my event potentially failing due to their negligence. This time, they put me on hold for an excessive 20 minutes, only to be told that a supervisor was 'working on it' with a dispatcher and would call me back. This gave me a glimmer of hope, but in retrospect, i feel like i was merely being pacified to get me off the phone. No follow-up communication was made and my event had to proceed without their promised service. Now, i'm left waiting for days to receive a refund. The lack of follow-through, particularly after the initial flurry of communication, seems highly unreasonable and unprofessional. This has been a stressful and disappointing experience. I expected much more from zters and am deeply unsatisfied with how they handled this situation.


    Construction Standard Toilet 38666


    I do not have them and have been promised two days in a row they would be delivered.

  • Stephanie F. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 48636


    Horrible customer service. I was never able to reach my account manager, not by phone or email. Only time i would get a call back was if i was making a whole new order. Horrible service overall. Porta johns were never serviced unless i called multiple times. Will no longer recommend zters.

  • James B. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 21758


    Porta-potty not delivered on time to location specified

  • Lorraine M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 75166


    Tore up our driveway. Did not put the porta potty where i told them to put it. I spoke to them twice giving instructions check your recording and listen to what i said. 10 ft. back from end of driveway set on right side of driveway.. They put it on a slant and right next to our power pole.

  • Anai P. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 85378


    Didn't get it delivered


    Construction Standard Toilet 78537


    Had to call every week to get the unit cleaned. Had to call numerous times to get the unit with the broken door swapped out.

  • Terrance I. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 35215


    I have gotten no help from customer service regarding a partial refund. I was told there would be one, then i was told there would not be one because a delivery fee was not charged when it really was. Anytime someone says they will call back, they don't, and i end up having to call back and listen all over again to agents try to figure out the backstory. It's a mess.

  • Carl O. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 78666


    Your email states the porta potty has been delivered which is incorrect. The unit did not arrive tuesday, 4/4/2023 as promised. So, i called customer service. They said someone had called in sick at the local office and a truck would not start but promised it will be delivered today. The customer service rep said the local site only delivers on tuesday and fridays, but she would do her best to have it here this morning. Where the heck is it because it is not here yet...


    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 85326


    Nothing was delivered to our site...

  • George H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 23236


    There was no delivery

  • Jeremy H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 22973


    You are not a real company. This is not actually a service just someone charging twice for other peoples efforts. Your company and others like it are the reason why this country will fail. With any luck everybody who works at the company will get a horrible disease and die. I would rather be beat up in the street and have my wallet taken. At least there would be some opportunity to defend oneself.

  • Charles N. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 80124


    No portable toilet yet

  • Misty F. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 45504


    The customer service person stated that they would get ahold of me once they figured out pricing. I didnt get a call back within a few hours so i had to call back. She knew we needed it that day or the following. I called in again and pricing was still higher than what was expected and she said before they charge my card they would call me. No call and my card was charged anyways.

  • Leonardo M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 93901


    Supposed to be delivered i still waiting on unit.

  • Brian M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 33444


    Representative was absolutely miserable and incompetent. I highly recommend reviewing our email exchanges for a solid laugh/ example of how to not treat a customer.

  • Delores M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 88052


    Container was not delivered on time called office they said they did not know what happened that they would look into it and call me .. Still no call .

  • Jason R. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 27253


    I called for a unit monday 1/9 the unit couldn't be here on sight until wednesday 1/11 i said that would work as long as it was in the morning the unit had not arrived by 3:00 so i called, the dispatcher said he would be here in an hour. At 4:50 !!! The driver called me and said he was on the way!!!!! Delivery after 5:00 pm is not acceptable when it was supposed to be here that morning!! I told him to turn around and bring it in the morning. Coming up on 8:00 am not a word from driver yet

  • Gabriel R. VERIFIED

    Event Wastewater Holding Tank 92408


    Never got the service. The driver never called or contacted me in any way. Waited all day and service was never done.

  • Zach P. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 49048


    I stated i only needed them 4 weeks from the start, yet you guys billed me a second cycle, and no one was willing to work with me. Terrible service and i will not use again.

  • Bill K. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 22853


    I have not received it at this time

  • Melissa B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 34211


    Item was not delivered. was supposed to be delivered on wednesday. received email that it was delivered. may be in someone else's yard. pls call. me 941-504-9412

  • Kevin L. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 34241


    Unit was ordered, confirmed, paid for, but never delivered. Later the broker cancelled and refunded us, but i had to jump through hoops to find a rental company that could actually follow through.

  • Cindy M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 61865


    Product did not show up, problems with canceling my order, problems getting credited for my canceled order. spoke with 5 people who did not follow thru with request of copies of paperwork i had asked for, i am still waiting for a refund of money that i paid for my order. I am very dissatisfied with this company, i will never, never use your services or anything your associated with.

  • Carl W. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 29403


    Equipment has not been delivered as scheduled. Where is it and when will we get it?

  • Tammy B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 28129


    Wouldn't. Clean regular

  • Paul V. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 92683


    You are terrible. I rented the mobile toilet through your company as a middle man. The toilet did not get service weekly for three weeks despite my numerous call to your representatives and stephanie. I am a contractor and i will tell my fellow contractors to avoid working with your company. I ask to talk to a supervisor and the representative informed me that he/she was on vacation. He said that he would call me back to address my concerns and never did.

  • Robin D. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 33020


    Delivery has not arrived and there is no way to tell you

  • Sonny W. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 47714


    Didn't arrive when promised multiple calls went unreturned never sent receipt actual product is fine

  • Diane H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 34293


    We ordered potty and delivery was set for the 17th. I was called and informed that it couldn't be delivered until the 18th. It didn't come and on the 19th, they said it can't be delivered until the 20th. I came from michigan to florida with the intent i would have a restroom to use.

  • John W. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 43064


    Paid for 2 to be delivered-only 1 was delivered. When placing the order no less than 3 times did the order taker repeat the order. I was shown the work order by andre the delivery driver from ""miller of holmes county"" there was only 1 on the order. Andre went above and beyond and returned several hours later with the 2nd unit-thanks andre!!!!!

  • Danielle G. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 32726


    I sent in a map of where the units needed to be placed. They were placed incorrectly, in the middle of our event! I asked prior to delivery what time they would be out at our event and was told they couldn't give a time. When i arrived at the event space to see that the toilets were in the middle of our event space, i was told everyone had left for the day and no one could come back. I had vendors for our event that were booked months in advance with a layout for the event. All of that had to change the day of the event because of zters failure to read a map. No one called me.

  • Jimmy A. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 90222


    No communication between staff/delivery driver. No planning on eta. Third party ordering system does not work. I am in california calling about info on when my unit will arrive yet im on the phone with someone from texas who cant get ahold of staff/warehouse or driver.

  • Jeff B. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 33905


    If i can put an attachment with this there will be a picture with a date and time stamp on it.

  • Kamikka T. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 80124


    Terrible service! Restroom never arrived. After arranging this rental with jasmine account representative i was assured that the unit would be placed no later than 10/07/22. I received an email on 10/09/22 confirming the unit had been delivered. When my crew arrived on 10/10/22 there was no unit. I called and was told there was a delivery delay, although this was never communicated to me, and a unit would be delivered that day. As of 10/11/22 there was no unit. I called again and, again, was told something would be delivered by end of day. As of today 10/12/22 there is still no unit on site. I have requested to cancel services and asked for a full refund.

  • Eric J. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 80219


    I paid $413.27 invoice number 21322691 and the product was never delivered. I will be call today to receive a refund.

  • Andy V. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet w/Flush&Sink 33060


    I rented from zters on september 23rd. For some inexplicable reason it was just picked up today. This is by far the worst customer experience i've ever had and i will never work with this company again.

  • Norman S. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 19114


    I gave specifics from the start, and there was no adherence to not only the care and location given, but as to even putting me as the correct contact and phone number - which would have alleviated all issues. When we needed to change the date due to weather, a truck still came out on the original day! And they called the wrong person to speak about the location which was given in the original call. When i received the invoice for the new date, it listed as drop off 10/7 and pick up 10/7. Really? Where was the care for even to get our dates correct on our event? Upon notice that they were dropped off at the wrong location, there was no immediate emergency response and attention given to that mistake and to correct it - which should have been a priority! Instead i was treated with no response although promised from 2 of your staff on separate calls. Then told on the 3rd call that it was after hours and they couldn't fix it. After being told zte's was working a saturday staff, i clearly stated that if they could not be moved by 9am, there would be no reason to make the effort to pick them up and move them - my event would have started. I received a call on the 10/8, the day of the event, at 10:06 for an apology, and then at 11:11 am from your 3rd party contractor - who was at location - in order to move them. My questions to you as a business that relies on service and customer relations is that by not reacting to an emergency that you would deem as a financial expense to fix an error, did you gain? You pissed me off and gave me next to zero satisfaction in your care for my event, you aggravated at least 2 contractors in sending their people out and effecting their schedules and hurting your business relationship with them, continued to aggravate the situation by then trying to communicate with me during the event - well after start time - and left me to ""deal with"" the mistake in my own way. So in total, the communication in all areas were mistakenly handled, ignored, and then continually botched through the whole process of choosing zter's. Yes, the units were there, they were clean, and they were used. But it added an exceptional amount of stress and aggravation to our planning, was not convenient for my attendees, and i did not receive the attention it deserved, nor the proper treatment a client should experience with zter's. Unless you are going to provide some sort of monetary adjustment to our invoice, i see no other reason to correspond with you or your company. I hear nothing but apologies, but no true effort of recognition of the errors or a willingness to satisfy or compensate for those errors. This is not good business on your end. I can only hope that you correct the omissions and errors committed to my event that others don't have to go through the same when they need services.

  • Carey M. VERIFIED

    Event Sanitizer Station;Event Standard Toilet 28129


    Didnt deliver. Didnt call or email cancelation. Nothing. Refused too refund money for me too get another delivery. Ruined my wedding day.

  • John H. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 80510


    You totally failed me. Gave me incorrect information and false promises. the owner of the firm that delivered the product contacted me at the last minute to accomplish deliver, zeters failed me

  • Greg B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 44095


    As a third party vendor, your reps were dishonest. We were told the day of delivery the equipment would arrive between 2-3 pm after the rep â“called the dispatcher'. The actual vendor showed up at noon and had never been contacted and made no such commitment. We were told the equipment would be placed behind our garage. The actual vendor was never told this and, would not do it. The equipment was left at the end of our driveway for us to move. And we have to move it back for pick up. Unfortunately, we will never use this company again

  • Barbara G. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 43210


    The unit was delivered to the wrong location and we could not use it. I want a full credit issued

  • Josh F. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 43210


    I order and paid for a potable toliet and it wasn't delivered.

  • Lupe U. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 95691


    I have been telling you for 3 years i am no longer at the woodland project. I dont want your emails. I dont want your calls every time you need to pump out the toilers stop just stop.

  • Tamara C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 06118


    My portable toilet didn't come at all and no one called me to tell me it wasn't going to come after they took my payment of 250 and all they could tell me was sorry we can refund you . No supervisors in the weekend so they can't help you with anything until monday . The worse customer service o ever received ! I will never rent from you again

  • Aaron O. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 80239


    There was never a delivery of services and until i called at 6:15 am on the day of our event i would have never been notified that you could not complete the service. I will never use your company again and really frustrated at the whole ideal.

  • Emily G. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 80218


    I scheduled a bathroom and hand wash station to be delivered for a company event last friday, august 19th. I scheduled this with jakyra in early june for an event in august. Come the day of the event - there's no bathroom getting delivered and they tell me ""sorry we missed your delivery"". I don't understand how that was an option or answer. My worst fear came to life - people left the party early because there was no bathroom facilities... this is why i planned! Terrible and stressful experience.

  • Daniel R. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 46368


    Portable toilets were not delivered to the location confirmed with operator - imagination glen corner of parking lot across from baseball fields in portage, in. There are no portable toilets in either of the parking lots. Please issue a full refund as zters did not fulfill the agreement.

  • Demetria S. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 30620


    Where is the john for my event?

  • Sandra R. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 55044


    Our portable toilet never arrived. It was supposed to be here yesterday, and my party is in 6 hours.

  • Todd S. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 97019


    Damage to my property

  • Micheal M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet w/Flush&Sink;Event Standard Toilet w/Sink 14514


    My delivery was not made. I was lied to multiple times by customer service. In spite of being charged up front in full for the service i am being told it will take up to 10 days for my refund. I had an event that went without bathroom services due to the incompetence of this company.

  • Diego S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 95678


    My porta potty unit never showed up. Delivery was scheduled for 6/24 and i was on site the entire day, nobody showed up. I would like a refund immediately.

  • Kris A. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 86046


    We have not received a delivery in several weeks.

  • Daniel G. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 60115


    My portable john has not been delivered


    Construction Standard Toilet 80302


    You delivered the portable toilet a day early when i wasn't home. You left it at the end of my driveway right by the road. It needs to be moved 100 yards onto my property. I called first thing the next am but no one answered in residential. So i called commercial job sites and rhonda told me my account representative, matt, was off for the day. She tried to get someone to come back out but no one did. I cannot use the toilet where it is. You have completely breached our contract. It appears i will have to move the toilet by myself if i am going to be able to use it. I want my money back, or at least half my money back. This is a big disappointment and inconvenience. See attached photo of the useless location to which you delivered it.

  • Kerry H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 53546


    Port-o-potty never showed up. Called for same day or next day delivery. After 2 days i was told it wouldn't be until the next week. 5 more days. I canceled the order and will look somewhere else for future rentals.

  • Bear S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 80007


    Nobody could ever find the unit. We had nothing available for our event. The address we requested was 15150 colorado highway 72 arvada, co 80007......this didn't go over well and now people have a bad review of brave young hearts events. We paid for this, and no one could find it to use it. What a waste of a charity's event and money! We would like a complete refund and to find out exactly where this was delivered!

  • Joanne R. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 80022


    I made it very clear i needed a hand washing station when i placed my order, i had to call multiple times because i never received a email confirmation or receipt but my credit card was charged the day after my order was placed. Long story short after 4 phone calls i never got my hand washing station, of course the toilet was delivered on friday & because people couldn't wash their hands the toilet wasn't used every one used the restroom in my house so they could wash their hands. When i called the company after my delivery @ 2:30 in the afternoon i was told they would do everything possible to find me one. I knew i was being told what i wanted to hear, the gal trying to help me out called to let me know she was going home & someone would call me on saturday, of course i never received a phone call. So disappointed in your customer service but it's the new way of the world no one cares about customer service anymore. What gets me is i placed my order on may 31st for a toilet & hand washing station for june 11th & had to follow up on june 7th for a confirmation & i will admit i received a email while i was on the phone with dylan & didn't read my email correctly but he verbally assured me of a complete delivery! So disappointed in your customer service!!!

  • Laura J. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 97136


    A portable toilet was supposed to arrive at my construction site last friday. I wasn't notified that it would be late. My general contractor arrived on tuesday and told me it wasn't there. I called twice. Both time was told they would contact dispatch and get back to me. They never called back. I called again today wednesday as was told it would be there this afternoon. I have a crew starting today with no toilet facilities. I have been charged for the service and still don't know if i'll have a toilet on site today.

  • Trey C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 39520


    I wasn't contacted when the portapoty was dropped off and i tried calling customer service all day and couldn't get through to anyone to ask them where it was. Now i got an email saying it's been delivered but it wasn't delivered to me. I explained the situation on the phone when it was ordered as to needing a phone call when they got there to deliver. We're on a port and there's no real address to exactly where we are working.

  • Lenny P. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 34209


    Product was not supposed to arrive until sunday. Someone was supposed to call first to let us know it was coming so we could meet the driver and open the gate and show them where it needed to be placed. No one called. The product was left outside of our gates near the front of our school and not near the athletic facility where it was supposed to go. Now when everyone arrives for the event the first thing they will see is a portable toilet. This is not the look we were going for. A simple phone call would have prevented all of this.

  • Lizbeth G. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 75068


    We never received the toilet rental, it was for our outdoor wedding and they were supposed to delivered since friday and never arrived or i was ever called for anything. When i called friday they were already closed, since i waited all day. I left a voicemail. Saturday morning i called again but it was closed, operator said business hours where 10am-2pm so i waited till 10 to call and confirm delivery. Unfortunately waited 2hrs in line with no response. I felt so disappointed since the money was charged on day 1. I trusted this company and they fail on my event. So disappointed.

  • Monisha L. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet w/Flush&Sink;Event Standard Toilet w/Sink 19151


    Our money was taken and we did not recieve our porto pottie. Noone was available to get in touch with and i will want the money taken back added to my card asap. I had to find someone else and pay more to bring a pottiw to my event.

  • Malaysone P. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 37050


    Did not receive delivery

  • Angie G. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 80123


    No one returned our emails or call to set up a portable toilet.

  • David O. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 98620


    You did not call before delivery. It's not even on my property.

  • Ingrid L. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 31401


    Received an email statement that the portable potty was here and it is not.

  • William "". VERIFIED

    Multi Project 81615


    I did not receive my dumpster at all

  • Mashall J. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 80027


    Did not deliver the porto potty on friday.


    Construction Standard Toilet 30126


    Missed a delivery twice, and then delivered it to the wrong location. They delivered it to a location with hoa fines, which i warned them about. What a nightmare these idiots caused me.

  • Brandy D. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 65201


    It still has yet to be delivered??

  • Anna M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 65616


    Toilet was to be delivered monday 4-25, did not get delivered. Very bad service

  • Chelsea B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 80517


    I originally booked a port-a-potty for delivery monday of this week. Two weeks prior to the delivery date. On friday last week, late in the day i was informed it wouldn't arrive till wednesday. Yesterday wednesday the port-a-potty never arrived. I had to call and find out why our delivery never came and was informed one could be delivered thursday instead. We are in the middle of a home remodel and i now have an angry homeowner on my hands because of your lack of follow through. I expect a full refund and have asked your team not to bother with delivery. I will not be using your service again.

  • John M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 37055


    We have not yet received our porta john.

  • Cyndi . VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 34482


    Port a pots not placed where they were told.

  • Nicole W. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 35072


    Items never received!

  • Lisa L. VERIFIED

    Construction ADA Toilet;Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 80123


    Very disappointed. I ordered a portable ada toilet and wash station for tuesday moring as water to our store was being turned off in the morning. They said we would have it tuesday morning. We paid for it, and by 2 pm it was still not delivered. Never received a follow up call or anything. I called to cancel and request a refund as by this point work was done and no longer needed. The representative said they would look into this and call me back. Never happened. Next day i called and rep did not answer. I got ahold of another associate who was able to credit back a full refund. I understand you are busy, but this was poor service and i will hesitate to use your company in the future, this is an important service for our customers and associates if we have an emergency situation. Thank you for the refund and listening.

  • Wade N. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 84121


    The delivery was not made on time and rescheduled several times prior to delivery. Our credit card has been billed twice for delivery and billed twice for sevices within two weeks. We have tried to contact them to correct the problem and they promise to call us back but with no response!!!! This company is very difficult to work with.

  • Wade N. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 84121


    You were to come to service the porta potty weekly and you have not shown up. Nothing is what you contracted with us. Your company stinks .

  • Cason W. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 36106


    I arranged for 3 toilets to be delivered to the site of a yearly community event with the intention of having them in place for 8 weeks. On the day of the scheduled delivery i went to check the placement of the toilets, but they weren't there. Later that day, i was told by customer service that they couldn't reach any dispatch sites and that i would not be getting any toilets. I was left scrambling on a saturday to try and get some service from a local vendor and, luckily, i was able to avoid looking like a complete idiot in front of my entire neighborhood. 0 feels insufficient. I can't rate zters low enough.

  • Joyce C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 77642


    We cannot locate the portajohn.

  • Mark E. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 98294


    I have not received anything from you but yet you have taken money and delivered nothing. You suck and a thief i will be opening a bbb investigation in to your defrauding consumers.


    Construction Standard Toilet 55960


    I sill have not seen my porta pot. I have been trying for 5 days to get this here. I have called walter a number of times with no response back. I have customers yelling at me because i do not have it here. Everyone else there is helpful but they keep trying to send me back to this walter that started the prosses with me and he is not helping me at all. Why can't whoever i am talking to just finish my order.


    Construction Standard Toilet 52747


    You delivered the restroom i ordered to the wrong town.


    Event Standard Toilet 76665


    Poor coordination between your houston office nd waco vendor. Houston apparently overlooked our order and at the last minute called waco to deliver which arrived at 4:55pm. As late as 3:00pm houston could not tell us when the product would be delivered. We were never notified of the delivery time.

  • Chris R. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 33036


    You delivered on the wrong day despite the driver being told this prior to drop off.. but he dropped it anyway.

  • Will W. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 93536


    Horrible experience. Ordered event portopotties and they never arrived. The attendees at my event were left without toilets for 2 days straight.

  • Shannette K. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 83252


    I cannot rate the first three categories, as it has not been delivered. I hope it went to the right place.

  • John V. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 80108


    The delivery was not delivered yesterday before five so i canceled your service. You didn’t listen to my directions i told you to text me when you were delivering the unit you did no therefore i cancel the whole entire order if you drop that off please go pick it up as we do not need your services anymore

  • Demetria B. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 83805


    We canceled our order, we want our full refund

  • Teresa H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 28504


    Not even shown up yet!!


    Construction Standard Toilet 44103


    After the return of our last orders, we will never use again,i was lied to by 2 of your personal on the phone,

  • Dave R. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 94551


    What a shit show. I don’t have service yet. It delivers on friday .I guess. I

  • Nick B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 99205


    Item was rescheduled to be late, and then never arrived on the already delayed date! At the time of this review, it still has not arrived.

  • Nyrva P. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 33161


    I was informed that the delivery was going to be on friday as my event was on saturday . I spent the whole morning and part of the afternoon tying to get an update on when my delivery was going to be . I was told i’ll call you back in 15 to 30 mins . That was a lie , i had to contact them for them to keep putting me on hold with no idea as to when my shipment would arrive . One lady even told me that my toilet has already been makes delivered since 9am, where ??? Not to my address . When i had contact a rep earlier they had no idea and told me that they will get an eta in another 15 to 30 mins . This was my first time renting with your company and by far the worst experience and anxiety i have experienced in a long time . I would like a partial refund as my toilet arrived saturday at 3:16. I was charged the full weekend . I want the fee refunded for friday . The only good side is the driver was really nice .


    Multi Project 36116


    Called to have 2 portable toilets removed asap, still waiting to get credit for servicing of toilets not being done 2 times a week.

  • Becky L. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 75143


    Product has not been delivered as indicated.

  • James S. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 33478


    Never recived toilet as promised

  • Michael G. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 90732


    Worst customer service, did not deliver when promised, and did nothing to correct their mistake.

  • Colleen V. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 91761


    Our scheduled delivery for the portable toiled was not met and we still have not had any proactive response as to when we will receive the unit.

  • Claudia R. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 92653


    Delivery wasn’t made, i want my money back.

  • Ever C. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet 93550


    Never got my delivery and i was call several times they always tell me they don’t find drivers and after all i still change by this company really bad service

  • Norma H. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 27295


    They never showed up, we called and called and emailed. No show


    Multi Project 86301


    Even though i have emails saying everything was delivered, there is nothing on site. When i just called i was told the hauler says they will not have a roll-off available until 10/27/21. This was supposed to be delivered and set-up on 10/22/21. I have a crew on site and now unable to work. And i'm paying hotel & per diem.

  • Anna C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 32583


    I am appalled. The portable toilet they delivered was un-usable!! Dirty and old even though i told the rep it will be for personal use. There are bits of toilet paper stuck to the seat and it clearly hasn’t been cleaned!! I’m fixing to call back and just have them come pick it back up and give me a refund!!

  • Ricky J. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 29649


    Porta potty has not been delivered to site. Supposed to have been there yesterday

  • Melanie G. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 92394


    You all took my 419$ and never showed up for my event on 9/18/2021 i was so embarrassed you all have not called me to apologize i think this is a scam and now you ask how was the service for something i never received please return my funds and call me thanks

  • Edwin B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 23836


    The portable toliet that i ordered for saturday the 28 did not arrive and they charged me for the toliet and i don’t even have it !

  • Bernice V. VERIFIED

    Construction ADA Toilet;Construction Standard Toilet 03263


    Toilets haven’t been serviced since july 28, we need urgent service

  • Kevin B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 80135


    Called a week ahead just to make sure everything would work out. Once the money was paid i got nothing but crickets. Had to raise a big stink just to delivery barely an hour before the event. Still waiting to talk to someone about bad performance and a huge discount!!

  • Nicholas C. VERIFIED

    Construction ADA Toilet;Construction Standard Toilet;Event Standard Toilet 49835


    Never once was the service acceptable. not once were the toilets cleaned on schedule. The agreement was to be cleaned every week. and for 2 months that was never done. I even called to work something out, but everyone acted like it was all ok and did not help to fix the problem. I still need service at my location and i will have to call another company to finish my needs. From the drop off when i was overcharged $150, to the longest time of july 6- 25 it was not serviced once. What exactly did i pay for then? What service was provided? I feel robbed and cheated. This was my wedding!!!

  • Lashaun M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 68134


    The porta potty container looked like something that belonged on a construction site, not at a birthday party with family and friends.

  • Clifton P. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 71254


    I still haven’t received the toilet but y’all have my money

  • Jill F. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 80504


    It never came

  • Anna M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 72758


    Not servicing the toilets weekly. I am so tired of calling regarding these 7 toilets not being emptied. Now they are full of bugs! Newer using your company again!

  • Tony N. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet;Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 53129


    I have already answered all that i will answer until the person that is assicged to our account calls me back about this year's festival!!!! The clock is ticking!

  • Scott F. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 92363


    Restrooms were delivered without containments, conatinments took 3 days to arrive after delivery. Hand wash station was delivered 3 days later. Restrooms have been on site and have not been serviced. We were supposed to receive service weekly.

  • Sandy M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 45152


    Never got delivered

  • Amanda B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 06117


    I hated the experience, from the delivery that was made on the wrong day, to the delivery guy lying about delivering to a person who lived in the house, when there was no one at home and now i got a call from the pickup guy being rude about it. If there’s any extra charges to my credit card i’ll definitely filling a claim.

  • Ashley P. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 07503


    It was delivered dirty i had to clean it. I had to make my way out to but products to clean that porta potty. I called and i was given a bull shit email that does not exist.

  • Tina D. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 39203


    Never was delivered i no longer need it i was working at the job site and wanted my own toilet to use while on the job

  • Colottra M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 48124


    I previously spoke with jessica for portable potty rental for july4th only 2find out on day of delivery my order had been cancelled. No ""one"" called 2inform me. I made several calls trying 2get issue resolved. Finally spoke with mika who truly went the extra mile to get issue resolved as this was holiday weekend&all other places were sold out. Thanks to mika i would definitely use zters again...

  • Kaara L. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet w/Flush&Sink 07003


    I didn't receive my delivery

  • Anna M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 72758


    Bad cleaning service

  • Lindsay T. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 18360


    Delivery was delayed by 3 days -- no communication to us indicating that delivery would be late, until we reached out. Poor customer service including demanding that my onsite contact keep his phone on him and ready to take their call at any time.

  • Sandra M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 78653


    Very disappointed. Communications was poor. First you didn't deliver to right unit. I told you we said unit c and you needed proof. You call to apology after you heard your recording but prematurely said we didn't say unit c and said we would need to pay an additional amount of money to get it moved.

  • Timothy B. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 11801


    We never received the toilet rental and had a car show at our location with 250+ people with no restroom for them to use!!!! Absolutely awful!!!

  • Angelia B. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 63033


    The toilet unit was delivered, but the hand washing station was not -so the toilet was not used. I was told the hand washing station would be be delivered on friday, it never came.

  • Ashley W. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 77351


    Over charge like a mofo

  • Tina C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 48021


    Your business is horrible and racist you took money from me and never showed up when i called to ask why i got the absolute run around and was told that no one was coming to deliver a porto john for my event. I was further told that the dispatch manager wasn't gonna go out of his way to help bc his son just died and he has that to deal with. I explained to her that our mom passed away from covid however, we have to still go to work and service bout customers especially big they have already paid for our services it's still business as usual even though we're in great emotional pain. I am terribly disappointed in how we were handled by your company and for you to send me a survey saying you delivered the purchased product portal toilet is beyond understanding.

  • Stephen W. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 08722


    Porta potty was never delivered so why did i get this? I’ve left two voicemails and sent an email. Customer service needs to call me asap! Attached picture is where the toilet was supposed to be delivered.

  • Sara M. VERIFIED

    Event Trailer 95409


    You delivered the wrong restroom for our wedding! We are so disappointed! And the sink was clogged to top it off!


    Construction ADA Toilet;Construction Standard Toilet 19047


    There was no delivery

  • Felicia S. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 71261


    No delivery was made

  • Jonathan B. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet;Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 24441


    It was not delivered at 5am and still not delivered. They were aupposes to be delivered yesterday but tammy never returned any of my phone calls. I kept having to call back and painfully deal with other people. 6 phone calls to get it sorted, well i thought cause its still not on site. I host family get togethers all the time, this being the first time dealing with zeter's and will most certainly be the last.

  • Olivia D. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet w/Flush&Sink 08755


    I requested that the portable restroom be placed facing the fence to give my guest sense of privacy when using the toilet, but the delivery guys refused. I called customer service and i was promised that they would send the delivery guys back to deliver, but no one showed up or called to inform me that no one will be coming. Some of my guest were uncomfortable with the way the toilets were positioned and they ended up using my bathroom in the house which was what i was trying to avoid in the first place.


    Construction Standard Toilet 28277


    Worst portable toilet experience out company has ever had

  • Mike C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 80135


    Do you know what it’s like to need to use the bathroom and not have one? Better yet your 73 year old mother need to use the bathroom? The portable toilet showed up a day late. When i called the day before, extension 157 is the customer service person, no call back.

  • Anita K. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 98593


    First of all, i ordered 2 porta potties and we did not receive any at the location. The following is a letter i have sent to shelley williams requesting a refund. If you would like any other information about this matter you may contact me by phone or email, 360-441-7598 [email protected]. Shelley williams, after meeting with my committee members, we feel that we should get a refund since the porta potty was not placed in the right area. I had given you my cell phone number and i did not receive a call from your office or the driver. I had requested that the driver call me when he got into town so i could tell him where i wanted it, and i was at the site when he came into town, because we saw him drive by. I drove over to talk to him when someone told me that he had delivered a porta potty to city hall. I asked him if he knew who ordered the porta potty and why was it put at city hall? He said that shelly williams had ordered it. I did not know that was your name until saturday morning, when talking to one of the girls in your office and your name came up. I called your office at least 6 times and even made them stay on the line with me as i drove around town looking for it. Finally, they gave me the correct address of where it was placed and then your name came up and i put 2 and 2 together. Our event was happening, and we did not have the restroom facilities that we had promised. Your office said that if i could get some men to lift it and put it on a truck, we could move it ourselves, because they could not promise to have a driver come move it. We did not pay for that, plus i had spent over 2 hours trying to find it, which took me away from other duties i had to get done for the day, this made it very stressful day. One of our towns people contacted his friend and he came down with his tractor and moved it. I was not even aware that he had contacted him. We should not have had to go through all of this! If you would have given the driver the correct information this all could have been avoided. Anita keeney vader may day committee

  • Glenny D. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 07885


    Horrible. Units actually never arrived yesterday and i've called 3 times to see where the units are. First 2 people told me they would call back in 10-15 and i never heard back. The 3rd person just told me they were never able to secure a vendor to deliver to our location. A vendor should be secured before giving me an arrival date. Furthermore, i should have been notified to let me know a vendor was never secured. I also received 2 automated emails saying that my units were delivered, but they never were.

  • Blanca G. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 64157


    Won't recommend or use your company again. Quit sending me emails!


    Construction Standard Toilet 80202


    The driver refused to drop the container where it was needed, therefore the delivery was refused.


    Construction Wastewater Holding Tank;Event Wastewater Holding Tank 22968


    I still have not been contacted by a single driver to get this porta john serviced and i have been charged $100 for it. I am not satisfied at all. It isn't that hard to find and my number is easy to call. I've spoken to denise several times about this and still have not been serviced. I simply asked to be notified 30 minutes prior to arrival so i can be on sight or meet the driver...but this seems too hard for zters service and delivery.

  • Jeanne R. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 71901


    As of 6:12 pm on friday, april 30th, you still haven’t pumped outthe porta potty at 419 joyce st., hot springs, ar 71901

  • Ronald F. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 44108


    You guys put it in the wrong play for the weekend locked behind a gate on the wrong property.

  • Carlos V. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 76903


    Horrible service, most unprofessional service ever in my last 10 years in business

  • Ryan H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 37074


    Porta potty never showed, got email saying that did.

  • Andrew M. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 93250


    You are complete flakes and crooks. You charged my credit card and did not deliver anything. You never called the site contact. You are literally criminals that should be thrown i jail.

  • Kevin G. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 14225


    I asked you to call prior to pick up. It was a simple request which you feel you didn’t need to follow. Zters will be my last choice moving forward due to your in ability to follow on site safety protocol.

  • Michelle D. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet 33809


    Deanna was very personable and very helpful. The toilet was not placed where it was supposed to be put and was useless to us. We feel we should be reimbursed. Our handicap people could not even get to it, it was so far away. We paid for a handicap toilet because we are an assisted living community.

  • Carter W. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 75569


    Great job selling the product and service...absolutely awful follow through!!! One of the worst customer service experiences i’ve ever had. Lack of communication with me on your part and inability to communicate with your distributor is unprofessional and caused unnecessary stress for my event. The cherry on top was your hesitation to give me the name of your distributor on the day of my event because you didn’t want to lose your cut of the profit from the sale. Once i went through my own personal resources and found the distributor i completed in 30 minutes what you couldn’t complete in 2 days for half the price. You guys did nothing but cause me increased stress and anxiety over the 48 hours leading up to my event. Completely worthless company...you will never be used again or recommended to anyone.

  • Bill S. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 97229


    Delivery scheduled for monday. Finally arrived at noon on wednesday after job was complete. Refused delivery

  • Anna M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 72758


    Would not recommend your company!

  • Leticia M. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 91710


    Never was it cleaned good only water down and abit of paper towels to wash hands. Never will i use your services again

  • Christine M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 63131


    This the worst portable toilet service i have ever used. I had to call every time i needed it clean.

  • Michael J. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 33619


    I have yet to receive the equipment ordered! This is terrible as we manned the job yesterday and still we have no port-o-let’s. Get on on the ball, please

  • Bobby J. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 78660


    There was no service


    Construction Standard Toilet 85302


    You kept charging my card for 2 additional months after i had the porta john picked up. Called left messages and emailed several times and still couldn't you to stop charging me.


    Construction Standard Toilet 03811


    I've dealt with triangle as my service provider in the past. The delivery was on time. First month went fine. After l was billed for the second month i called to have service discontinued at the end of the term which would have been january 17. It was picked up before christmas. When i called to try to resolve the representative was crass and totally unprofessional. She told me that she was told to remove the portable toilet so that's what she did. After trying to help her understand that we had been paid up til january 17 she started to tell me that they weren't affiliated with zters and l could call them. This is the first chance i've had to contact zters as i only had the number for triangle. I have a charge dispute with my credit card company now regarding this matter. I would have preferred dealing directly with you but the person at triangle in derry,nh was totally uncooperative. Ken gelinas 6037701495

  • Zachary P. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 71110


    We never received the delivery of our port-o-pot

  • Brent F. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 38963


    Did not show

  • Rick B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet w/Sink 77365


    We have been calling every week for service the port can has not been service we like them to remove from our site very bad set

  • Rose S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 85353


    Bathroom never came i was the one calling for updates scheduled drop off was at 3pm at 6:30 i still had no clear answers to weather it would come or not.

  • Brent F. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 38963


    Not delived

  • Kristy M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Construction Trailer 97080


    I haven't received any services this week. Apparently my service has been moved from mondays to fridays.

  • Kristy M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet;Construction Trailer 97080


    There has been no delivery made. Service has not been completed this week.

  • Mark M. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 95050


    Missed service on one of the two portablets; called dispatch and waiting for a solution. usually very great service and we'll continue using. just a stumble today

  • Cindy A. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 80524


    Apparently the units were delivered to the wrong address because they're not on cited hour event. There is no emergency phone number when something like this happens on the weekends.

  • Blanca C. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 95304


    Never received my toilet

  • Erwin J. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 85032


    There was no delivery i cancelled my order. No delivery made

  • Alfio S. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 18426


    I’ll never use you again want my refund


    Construction Standard Toilet 80302


    The porta potty is not on site. Where was it delivered to??

  • Jose F. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 95832


    The guys who did the delivery didn’t even talk to us to see where we wanted it dropped off. We walked outside and it was sitting in the driveway. Terrible customer service. My parents are elderly and can’t move the device around on there own so it’s pretty disrespectful for them to not have put it where they wanted it. Or even have asked. The porta potty was clean so that’s the only good thing.

  • Eran K. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 12304


    When reserving a porta potty i was thrilled as i was told it was going to be $180 with no delivery fee. Then i got a phone call saying no one was available and that there was no promises about getting one. I made other arrangements and found another company who charged me $135. As the event started a potty arrived unexpectedly. Then when i got the bill i was charged $210. I called and asked about the bill and was told it was a $15 up charge. For one i never agreed to the delivery nor the emergency delivery which cost even more. Nothing was resolved when i questioned the bill.

  • Brandie P. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 32221


    Tech never showed, never communicated, i called repeatedly and was advised of multiple excuses as to why i was receiving such poor service. Very bad experience. I will not do business with this company again, nor will i recommend your services!

  • Tony K. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 80304


    You suck, my toilet has only been cleaned after i call once every three weeks and i am paying for weekly service.

  • Jack E. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 33716


    I cannot express how utterly dissatisfied i am with your company. I've, repeatedly, filled out this survey, but have yet to get a call from a supervisor to try to correct the numerous errors and omissions.

  • Jack E. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 33716


    The only good thing about your company is jaimie, my account manager.

  • Rachal P. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 33511


    Really weird i received this when you did not deliver per the time given to me on 10/21/2020, we still do not have the product onsite, but had no problem charging my card

  • Greg B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 34205


    Never got it

  • Ryan D. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 84341


    My dumpster was never delivered and no one contacted our onsite contact. Your company cost me thousands of dollars in delays because my full crew did not work and i still had to pay wages and could possibly cost more getting a dumpster from another company because i've already paid your company.

  • Sharon S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 97222


    Delivered to the incorrect state and i canceled the order.

  • James O. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 33498


    I waited all day for a toilet to be delivered to my job site. Theye will not give you a time frame. so like most companies i expected them to show up sometime during late morning earl afternoon. But not this company they show up at 6pm in the evening, i was also promised a phone call from the driver one hour before the showed up. the driver never called, good luck with this company last time i use them,

  • Jack W. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 44203


    Spoke to alyssa wilson to get invoices for credit card charges. She would not or could not provide invoices and just insisted there was something wrong with my compute. She was very rude and unhelpful on the phone.

  • John A. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet 19801


    We want a refund because we were told the porter potty would have the capability to lock when left over night. It was delivered without that capability and the city informed us that it had to be removed immediately. Therefore, we do not have the porter potty as scheduled and paid for.

  • Shelly C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 11550


    Can someone please reach out to me asap. Preferably someone in management.

  • Mike H. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 18504


    We waited for hours for the delivery.. they didn't put toilet paper ,soap..or paper towel. It was delivered on the back of pick up truck.

  • Keith M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 23917


    Was very disappointed to not get my refund for last month rental fee cancelled before the date that the bill was to come out of my card. but they picked it up quickly and only was in service for 4 days and i was billed for the entire month .


    Construction Standard Toilet 80118


    The delivery was not made to the address ordered

  • Carolyn A. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet w/Sink 95070


    Very upset please contact mollie at 530-899-1104

  • Lucielle J. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 63775


    We were told it would be delivered on wednesday, but we did not get it till friday. We also never received a call saying they are about to deliver the toilet. The toilet was leaking the entire time we had it. Every time someone went to the bathroom, it would leak out the bottom.

  • Aaron K. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 93501


    Our porta johns and wash stations were not serviced again after numerous calls.

  • Aaron K. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 93501


    I will be cancelling services today

  • Rickey F. VERIFIED

    Construction ADA Toilet 46218


    Since i ordered it it never got dumped very dissatisfied

  • Judy W. VERIFIED

    Construction Hand Wash Station;Construction Standard Toilet 77905


    They didn't come.

  • Andy H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 80504


    By far the worst on site service i have ever received in 35 years of construction. Including work in africa. Unit was not serviced at all. Additional month charged to me despite calling for removal that was only done several days later.

  • Hailey R. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 65616


    Nothing ever arrived and you are not able to contact your vendors

  • Bert G. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 80919


    No delivery. It's supposed to been here yesterday

  • Timothy C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 90220


    I only asked for the portable for 1 month on a location we were doing a project on. 2 months later i got message saying i owe 2 months and that the unit was still there. I didn’t want to argue and paid the bill but felt it was very unfair and not my oversight but yours since i was clear i only wanted it for a month.

  • Joshua R. VERIFIED

    Event Wastewater Holding Tank 95672


    I have video of your driver pulling into my property. Making no calls providing no service not knocking on my door and driving away. My family was needing a sewage sump pumped so that i could get a pump service. Allowing my family to use water again.

  • Kaela H. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 11413


    Did not receive

  • Drew B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 33477


    Terrible, i asked at the request of the property owners association that the porti-let be removed due to a impending hurricane that was expected that was over the weekend your service came on monday after it had passed. Won’t use you again.

  • Carrie G. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 23005


    Our port-a-potties at a job site haven't been services in over 2 weeks and when i called and spoke w/ acct rep. he told me he would call me back in 15 minutes and it has been over 1 hour and i am calling him back now with no response. They couldn't tell me when i could expect the port-a-potties to be cleaned because the local truck was down. No one even called to let us know there was a problem and that they wouldn't be coming out.

  • Tracy W. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 76657


    I will never use this company or recomend them again. First our port o potty was delivered to the wrong address, and it took two days to get it redelivered. The dispatcher had the nerve to ask if we were sure it was not on site. I would not have called if it were not on site. We had the port o potty three weeks, but yet we got billed for a second month. Trying to get a refund for the second month is like trying to pull teeth. I have to wait for the pick up date to be verified by another company? If your contractors can not do better, and communicate with you - find better contractors. Lesson learned, next time i will just call the local port o john people and not use a third party billing service, because thats all this place is - billing mill ripping people off because you can claim that a contractor did not let you know it was picked up. And if we are not suppoosed to call the number on the side of the port o potty have your contractors put your number on there - not theirs.it leads to confussion and people getting ripped off. I guess maybe that is your ploy so that you can charge for an extra month and say ""oh well, sorry you did not call the right number.


    Construction Standard Toilet 37072


    I’ve already spent a half hour filling this out and just before i pushed save it all erased, maybe it was by design, but i’m back. We rented a toilet from you to set at our fireworks tent. We stayed in our rv next to the tent and ran security cameras from the rv into the tent. When your driver came to empty the toilet, instead of going on opposite side of the rv where it was wide open, he chose to squeeze between the tent and the rv and took out our security cameras and broke our rv antenna the cables were wrapped around. We had even put a streamer across the middle of the camera cables so anyone could see not to drive through there. I immediately went out to confront him about it and he started “barking back” as he called it. I called in the office to explain what happened and the lady seemed genuinely concerned and said she’d have to talk to someone else and see what they could do, and would call me back shortly. She never called back and it’s been over a week, only adding to our frustration. So i guess he plan is ignore them and maybe they’ll go away. Well i’m not going away. Fortunately for us, there was a third camera on top of the rv sitting on the antenna. When he hit the cables it actually twist the antenna and turns the camera toward him so the whole thing is caught on tape. So i was hoping the company would make this right with us but it if we have to i guess we can settle it in court.


    Construction Standard Toilet 13691


    Nothing was delivered.

  • Kimberly R. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 48203


    They never showed up even after i contacted jason thursday july 2 to confirm my order no call no text no email no way to contact anyone extremely unprofessional

  • Tricia E. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 83611


    Never received my porta potty after receiving email that it was delivered. They must of delivered to the wrong lot and there is no emergency or after hour number to call. Needed it for the 4th of july weekend

  • Nikki N. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 33467


    Product not removed.

  • Anthony V. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet 48377


    This thing showed up an hour late and smashed on each side

  • Catherine A. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 83824


    I never got a delivery. Where is it? It wasn't supposed to be taken away last friday in the first place.

  • Mike M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 19605


    It wasn't delivered!

  • Jose A. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 94002


    Didn't get anything. where my package, was i robbed. it might be a little to late because i must have forgotten it, but i should have remembered about it when in received it...

  • Tracy M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 48205


    Very unprofessional called three times no one could find my order.

  • Shawnee J. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 10452


    Very unprofessional

  • Robert B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 30313


    Never delivered the portable toilet but billed me for it. Really???

  • Kelli H. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 95832


    I am still waiting from yesterday to get an answer as to why i did not receive the porta potty tami and i discussed and what i paid for. I have an event today with the incorrect porta potty! Also the potty is placed on an uneven hill without a platform for stability.

  • Lisa S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 29054


    Well i never received my item

  • Kerry H. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 48209


    Driver never contacted me to get delivery placement. Porta potty was then dropped in an are not accessible to us, even after contacting you it has still not been moved. 7 guys on jobsite having to leave job to find bathroom which is costing me time and money. We'll see if anything changes today, if not i will be calling another service.

  • Lucy L. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 76135


    Please contact me @817-625-5001 ext 110

  • Lucy L. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 76135


    I need to know who place the order

  • Dione F. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 23803


    I spoke with tami to order a porta-toilet for a construction project due to start 4/13/2020. I was quoted the wrong price. I was told $150, then later told it would be $220. I was told the porta-toilet would be delivered friday 4/10/2020 and i would be given a courtesy call 30 min before delivery. It never happened. I called the office twice morning and afternoon on friday to check on delivery. I was told that the toilet was out for deliver that morning. That afternoon i was told by my contractor it had not been delivered. I spoke with tami again and was promised that the toilet would be delivered that afternoon. I provided instructions where the toilet was supposed to go along with a marker red cone. Saturday morning i received an email that the toilet was delivered. I went by the property 3 pm saturday 4/11/2020 it had not been delivered. Payment was given and processed, yet i do not have a toilet.

  • Zach C. VERIFIED

    Construction Wastewater Holding Tank 35244


    No one showed up. No phone calls. No emails. No text messages. No contact of any kind. I want my tanks cleaned out and this is now day 3.

  • Holly S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet w/Flush&Sink 75773


    You delivered the wrong toilet the first time and then never brought the correct one , can’t get much worse than that

  • Holly S. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet w/Flush&Sink 75773


    We did not get the unit we had ordered and paid for in full for a wedding. The unit we ordered was never delivered and we requested a full refund. We will not be doing business with zters again.

  • Steve C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 77465


    Nothing was delivered

  • Susan W. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 65613


    I replaced you with a real service. I can assure you that i will spread my review of your company to every outlet i can find!

  • Gosha R. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 33056


    No service for more than 2 weeks, a lot of complains for bad smell

  • Alexis O. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 39046


    We were supposed to have received the single portable toilet on thursday 3/12. I received an email friday 3/13 with this survey attached. I was out of office on friday so i actually just received the email this morning. I have talked to the company on the phone at least 3 times due to numerous issues along the way. All i needed was one unit!!! This morning, 3/16, i was advised by my crew that the portable toilet unit was finally delivered. This is absurd.

  • Jesse R. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 80923


    You were told our office is open monday to friday 8-5. We understand you could not deliver friday due to the weather. I come to the office today and the potty is right out front of our office. It was supposed to be delivered during our business hours to put in our shop. I was told this was possible because the shop door is big enough to fit a box truck in. The potty needs to be moved asap!

  • Mindy B. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 18840


    Absolutely horrible experience will not use you again

  • Alan R. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 85387


    The unit is not here.

  • Ramiro G. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 92119


    Not good service l do not recommend / zters services in california they not owen any equipment they using local companies to provide service when u r already using this local company for less money


    Event Standard Toilet 95949


    No call no show. We have 65 people and no porta potty. We tried to call friday evening and office was already closed. No one emailed or called!

  • Jarrett D. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 63901


    Delver and clean unit on time


    Construction Standard Toilet 83611


    Unit arrived with roof blown off. Person delivering said a replacement unit would be there in a day or so. Replacement unit did not arrive until this week. Unit was only cleaned once.

  • Dianna A. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 75453


    We were charged for damages on the toilet and the toilet was damaged from the beginning. The door wouldn’t close. And the charges were made 12 days after pick up. Which is ridiculous, how are you going to charge someone for damages 12 days after picking it up. We will no longer be using your services.

  • Lawrence W. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 22811


    My order was never delivered, nor was i called. I call and was told the did not know what happened to initial delivery date. Possibly could not get it until friday. I cancelled it. I would not recommend zters .

  • Matt C. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 33707


    I got an email asking how you did.. Well you never delivered the porta potty to the site at 5108 27th in gulfport, fl.

  • Donna K. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 95051


    It hasn’t been delivered it’s past 10:20 now. It was order for yesterday. Then i was promised it was going be here by 10:00 or before. Not happy at all with service.

  • Omar B. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 78336


    Items were not delivered as promised.

  • Omar B. VERIFIED

    Multi Project 78336


    We are still waiting on delivery

  • Steve M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 13041


    Never delivered product waiting on a full refund to be issued

  • Danny H. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 91733


    Email was sent to confirm delivery . We have not received the items ordered. Communicating with customer service now to resolve order.

  • Dennis C. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 87114


    I'm not giving you any credit .Aaa pumping did an amazing job. I will go directly through them next time.

  • John D. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 23139


    I don't know where it was delivered to but it wasn't at my site.

  • Diane S. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet 48131


    Unit was supposed to be picked up on monday or tuesday. It’s wednesday night and still not removed.


    Construction Standard Toilet 19064


    Not delivered yet

  • Daron H. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet w/Sink 95630


    Before i leave you a very unfavorable review i will give you a chance to fix things. You may call me monday between 10am and 4pm. Daron hairabedian snowline hospice director of thrift 916580-9593

  • Chris S. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 03223


    You never delivered the porta pottyâ‘s to the site that you say you delivered them to 3 tower rd. Campton new hampshire my name is chris swanson

  • Eldson M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 30311


    Great job

  • Pamela D. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 22181


    Delivery was never made on friday, 06/25/21, as promised. From friday afternoon to saturday afternoon, talked to 3-4 different representatives of your company! No one was able to tell us where the products2 portable potties were and why they didn’t get delivered; even up to near the time of our scheduled event, 2:00 p.m., saturday, 06/26. We received an apology and were told we’d receive a full refund, asap!

  • Susan A. VERIFIED

    Event ADA Toilet 48342


    I haven't received the toilet yet

  • Edward M. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 78616


    Waiting for a refund - order was cancelled thank you edward munoz

  • Elias M. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 01930


    The toilet is not here.

  • Nicole S. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 32428


    They have not delivered it yet .


    Construction Standard Toilet 85233


    Delivery was not made

  • Dorian W. VERIFIED

    Event Hand Wash Station;Event Standard Toilet 27028


    I haven't received the porta potties yet.they never came

  • Faith H. VERIFIED

    Event Standard Toilet 25427


    The port o pof was never picked up as promised. Still sitting on the property

  • David R. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 14623


    So far so good. Thank you

  • Jack W. VERIFIED

    Construction Standard Toilet 33755


    Everything turned out good. Delivery was on time and unit was in very good condition thanks


    Construction Standard Toilet 06897


    You are way way too expensive. The amount of money you charged me borders on theft.

  • Quint F. VERIFIED

    Multi Project


    Not very good a job mississippi was billed to one of our jobs in florida.


    Event Standard Toilet 14006


    The porta potty wasn’t delivered to the correct address. We don’t know where it is. Please contact us our party is today



Alquiler de Baños Portátiles

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Running a porta potty rental business can be lucrative but competition can be tough In fact from to the US porta potty market revenue increased by to reach a staggering billion It s not surprising then that the number of portable toilet businesses also increased by nearly To stand out you need an effective marketing strategy We ve been in [...]
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No Portable Toilet Rentals? Here are Alternatives
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5 Reasons You Need an Event Portable Toilet
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